This C++ Program demonstrates the implementation of Skip List.
Here is source code of the C++ Program to demonstrate skip list. The C++ program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
* C++ Program to Implement Skip List
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#define MAX_LEVEL 6
const float P = 0.5;
using namespace std;
* Skip Node Declaration
struct snode
int value;
snode **forw;
snode(int level, int &value)
forw = new snode * [level + 1];
memset(forw, 0, sizeof(snode*) * (level + 1));
this->value = value;
delete [] forw;
* Skip List Declaration
struct skiplist
snode *header;
int value;
int level;
header = new snode(MAX_LEVEL, value);
level = 0;
delete header;
void display();
bool contains(int &);
void insert_element(int &);
void delete_element(int &);
* Main: Contains Menu
int main()
skiplist ss;
int choice, n;
while (1)
cout<<endl<<"Operations on Skip list"<<endl;
cout<<"1.Insert Element"<<endl;
cout<<"2.Delete Element"<<endl;
cout<<"3.Search Element"<<endl;
cout<<"4.Display List "<<endl;
cout<<"5.Exit "<<endl;
cout<<"Enter your choice : ";
case 1:
cout<<"Enter the element to be inserted: ";
cout<<"Element Inserted"<<endl;
case 2:
cout<<"Enter the element to be deleted: ";
cout<<"Element not found"<<endl;
cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;
case 3:
cout<<"Enter the element to be searched: ";
cout<<"Element "<<n<<" is in the list"<<endl;
cout<<"Element not found"<<endl;
case 4:
cout<<"The List is: ";
case 5:
cout<<"Wrong Choice"<<endl;
return 0;
* Random Value Generator
float frand()
return (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
* Random Level Generator
int random_level()
static bool first = true;
if (first)
first = false;
int lvl = (int)(log(frand()) / log(1.-P));
return lvl < MAX_LEVEL ? lvl : MAX_LEVEL;
* Insert Element in Skip List
void skiplist::insert_element(int &value)
snode *x = header;
snode *update[MAX_LEVEL + 1];
memset(update, 0, sizeof(snode*) * (MAX_LEVEL + 1));
for (int i = level;i >= 0;i--)
while (x->forw[i] != NULL && x->forw[i]->value < value)
x = x->forw[i];
update[i] = x;
x = x->forw[0];
if (x == NULL || x->value != value)
int lvl = random_level();
if (lvl > level)
for (int i = level + 1;i <= lvl;i++)
update[i] = header;
level = lvl;
x = new snode(lvl, value);
for (int i = 0;i <= lvl;i++)
x->forw[i] = update[i]->forw[i];
update[i]->forw[i] = x;
* Delete Element from Skip List
void skiplist::delete_element(int &value)
snode *x = header;
snode *update[MAX_LEVEL + 1];
memset (update, 0, sizeof(snode*) * (MAX_LEVEL + 1));
for (int i = level;i >= 0;i--)
while (x->forw[i] != NULL && x->forw[i]->value < value)
x = x->forw[i];
update[i] = x;
x = x->forw[0];
if (x->value == value)
for (int i = 0;i <= level;i++)
if (update[i]->forw[i] != x)
update[i]->forw[i] = x->forw[i];
delete x;
while (level > 0 && header->forw[level] == NULL)
* Display Elements of Skip List
void skiplist::display()
const snode *x = header->forw[0];
while (x != NULL)
cout << x->value;
x = x->forw[0];
if (x != NULL)
cout << " - ";
cout <<endl;
* Search Elemets in Skip List
bool skiplist::contains(int &s_value)
snode *x = header;
for (int i = level;i >= 0;i--)
while (x->forw[i] != NULL && x->forw[i]->value < s_value)
x = x->forw[i];
x = x->forw[0];
return x != NULL && x->value == s_value;
$ g++ skip_list.cpp $ a.out --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 7 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 9 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 4 The List is: 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 3 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 4 The List is: 3 - 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 5 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 4 The List is: 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 6 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 4 The List is: 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 2 Enter the element to be deleted: 20 Element not found --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 2 Enter the element to be deleted: 6 Element Deleted --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 4 The List is: 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 3 Enter the element to be searched: 20 Element not found The List is: 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 3 Enter the element to be searched: 7 Element 7 is in the list The List is: 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 4 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 4 The List is: 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 9 --------------------------------- Operations on Skip list --------------------------------- 1.Insert Element 2.Delete Element 3.Search Element 4.Display List 5.Exit Enter your choice : 5 ------------------ (program exited with code: 1) Press return to continue
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