This C++ Program demonstrates the implementation of D-ary Heap.
Here is source code of the C++ Program to demonstrate the implementation of D-ary Heap. The C++ program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
* C++ Program to Implement D-ary-Heap
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
* D-ary Heap Class
class DaryHeap
int d;
int currentSize;
int size;
int *array;
* Constructor
DaryHeap(int capacity, int numKids)
currentSize = 0;
d = numKids;
size = capacity + 1;
array = new int[capacity + 1];
for (int i = 0 ; i < capacity + 1; i++)
array[i] = -1;
* Constructor , filling up heap with a given array
DaryHeap(int* array, int numKids)
int i = 0;
while (array[i] != -1)
currentSize = i;
this->array = array;
this->d = numKids;
* Function to check if heap is empty
bool isEmpty()
return currentSize == 0;
* Check if heap is full
bool isFull()
return currentSize == size;
* Clear heap
void makeEmpty( )
currentSize = 0;
* Function to get index parent of i
int parent(int i)
return (i - 1) / d;
* Function to get index of k th child of i
int kthChild(int i, int k)
return d * i + k;
* Function to inset element
void insert(int x)
if (isFull())
cout<<"Array Out of Bounds"<<endl;
int hole = currentSize;
array[hole] = x;
* Function to find least element
int findMin()
if (isEmpty())
cout<<"Array Underflow"<<endl;
return 0;
return array[0];
* Function to delete element at an index
int Delete(int hole)
if (isEmpty())
cout<<"Array Underflow"<<endl;
return 0;
int keyItem = array[hole];
array[hole] = array[currentSize - 1];
percolateDown( hole );
return keyItem;
* Function to build heap
void buildHeap()
for (int i = currentSize - 1 ; i >= 0; i--)
* Function percolateDown
void percolateDown(int hole)
int child;
int tmp = array[hole];
for ( ; kthChild(hole, 1) < currentSize; hole = child)
child = smallestChild( hole );
if (array[child] < tmp)
array[hole] = array[child];
array[hole] = tmp;
* Function to get smallest child from all valid indices
int smallestChild(int hole)
int bestChildYet = kthChild(hole, 1);
int k = 2;
int candidateChild = kthChild(hole, k);
while ((k <= d) && (candidateChild < currentSize))
if (array[candidateChild] < array[bestChildYet])
bestChildYet = candidateChild;
candidateChild = kthChild(hole, k);
return bestChildYet;
* Function percolateUp
void percolateUp(int hole)
int tmp = array[hole];
for (; hole > 0 && tmp < array[parent(hole)]; hole = parent(hole))
array[hole] = array[ parent(hole) ];
array[hole] = tmp;
* Function to print heap
void printHeap()
cout<<"\nHeap = ";
for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)
cout<<array[i]<<" ";
* Main
int main()
cout<<"Dary Heap Test\n\n";
cout<<"Enter size and D of Dary Heap: ";
int size, num, choice, val;
DaryHeap th(size, num);
char ch;
cout<<"\nDary Heap Operations\n";
cout<<"1. Insert "<<endl;
cout<<"2. Delete"<<endl;
cout<<"3. Check full"<<endl;
cout<<"4. Check empty"<<endl;
cout<<"5. Clear"<<endl;
bool chk;
cout<<"Enter your Choice: ";
switch (choice)
case 1:
cout<<"Enter integer element to insert: ";
case 2:
cout<<"Enter delete position: ";
th.Delete(val - 1);
case 3:
if (th.isFull())
cout<<"The Heap is Full"<<endl;
cout<<"The Heap is not Full"<<endl;
case 4 :
if (th.isEmpty())
cout<<"The Heap is Empty"<<endl;
cout<<"The Heap is not Empty"<<endl;
case 5 :
cout<<"Heap Cleared\n";
default :
cout<<"Wrong Entry \n ";
cout<<"\nDo you want to continue (Type y or n) \n";
while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y');
return 0;
$ g++ dary_heap.cpp $ a.out Dary Heap Test Enter size and D of Dary Heap: 6 3 Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 1 Enter integer element to insert: 24 Heap = 24 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 1 Enter integer element to insert: 6 Heap = 6 24 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 1 Enter integer element to insert: 23 Heap = 6 24 23 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 1 Enter integer element to insert: 12 Heap = 6 24 23 12 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 1 Enter integer element to insert: 75 Heap = 6 24 23 12 75 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 1 Enter integer element to insert: 78 Heap = 6 24 23 12 75 78 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 1 Enter integer element to insert: 29 Heap = 6 24 23 12 75 78 29 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 2 Enter delete position: 5 Heap = 6 24 23 12 29 78 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 2 Enter delete position: 6 Heap = 6 24 23 12 29 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 2 Enter delete position: 3 Heap = 6 24 29 12 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Dary Heap Operations 1. Insert 2. Delete 3. Check full 4. Check empty 5. Clear Enter your Choice: 5 Heap Cleared Heap = Do you want to continue (Type y or n) n ------------------ (program exited with code: 1) Press return to continue
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