Food Engineering Questions and Answers – Principles of Fresh Food Storage-2

This set of Food Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Principles of Fresh Food Storage-2”.

1. Which of the following is a method to delay the onset of spoilage on storage?
a) Spray/dip in water/ wax formulations
b) Fumigation
c) Spray/dip in water/wax formulations/Fumigation
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both of the mentioned are methods to delay the onset of spoilage on storage.

2. The reason why vegetables like green peas and beans are stored in the deep fridge (approximately 0 degC) and not ordinary refrigeration is because freshly harvested vegetables themselves release a lot of heat and peas and beans evolve a lot of heat at low temperatures also.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The reason why vegetables like green peas and beans are stored in the deep fridge (approximately 0 degC) and not ordinary refrigeration is because freshly harvested vegetables themselves release a lot of heat and peas and beans evolve a lot of heat at low temperatures also. Heat spoils vegetables.

3. Statement 1: At low temperatures, near the freezing point of water, the respiration rate decreases.
Statement 2: Lemons last longer than bananas at the same relative humidity.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, False
d) False, True
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Answer: b
Explanation: At low temperatures, near the freezing point of water, the respiration rate decreases. Lemons last longer than bananas at the same relative humidity.

4. Which of the following holds well as a reason for the storage of food at low temperatures?
a) Respiration rate decreases
b) Growth of microbes decreases
c) Humidity is less
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: At lower temperatures, the humidity is less and hence the amount of dissolved oxygen in the air is lesser. Hence, the respiration rate decreases. All metabolic activities at low temperatures are also retarded. Hence, growth of microbes decreases.

5. Which of the following microorganism is popular for spoilage in fruits and vegetables?
a) Mesophile
b) Thermophile
c) Psychrophile
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: All of the mentioned microorganisms spoil fruits and vegetables.
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6. Statement 1: Microorganism responsible for most organism pathogen in humans is thermophile.
Statement 2: Mesophiles have an optimum temperature growth below 10 deg C and psychrophiles have an optimum temperature growth at around 55 deg C.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, False
d) False, True
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Answer: b
Explanation: Microorganism responsible for most organism pathogen in humans is Mesophile. Its optimum temperature growth is at around 37 deg C. Psychrophiles have an optimum temperature growth below 10 deg C and thermophiles have an optimum temperature growth at around 55 deg C.

7. Which of the following is needed in order to establish a refrigeration requirement?
a) Initial temperature of food
b) Specific heat of food
c) Amount of food to be placed in a room
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The entire mentioned are needed in order to establish a refrigeration requirement.

8. The heat load for the storage of fruits and vegetables is calculated by multiplying the specific heat of the food by the number of degrees of the temperature that needs to be lowered divided by the weight of the food.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The heat load for the storage of fruits and vegetables is calculated by multiplying the specific heat of the food by the number of degrees of the temperature that needs to be lowered divided by the weight of the food.

9. Specific heat of food is calculated by the formula Specific heat = 0.008 (percentage water in food) + 0.2.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Specific heat of food is calculated by the formula Specific heat = 0.008 (percentage water in food) + 0.2.

10. Microorganisms causing spoilage of fresh meat, poultry, dairy products and eggs are mostly at 20 deg C.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Microorganisms causing spoilage of fresh meat, poultry, dairy products and eggs are mostly at 20 deg C.

11. Statement 1: Bacteria at a count of a few low millions in milk are psychrotrophic.
Statement 2: Psychrotrophic bacteria can re contaminate milk after pasteurization.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, False
d) False, True
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bacteria at a count of few low millions in milk are psychrotrophic. Psychrotrophic bacteria can re contaminate milk after pasteurization.

12. Statement 1: _____ packaging helps increase shelf-life of milk.
Statement 2: Spoilage patterns for milk, eggs and meat is the same.
a) Septic, False
b) Aseptic, True
c) Aseptic, False
d) Septic, True
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Answer: b
Explanation: Aseptic packaging helps increase shelf-life of milk. Spoilage patterns for milk, eggs and meat is the same.

13. Beef carcasses need to be made devoid of their body heat before they’re sent for retail.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beef carcasses need to be made devoid of their body heat before they’re sent for retail.

14. Which of the following is true when it comes to meat carcass?
a) It is kept under ultraviolet rays such that mold formation takes place
b) It is kept at a relative humidity such that excessive weight loss doesn’t take place
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Meat carcass is kept at a relative humidity such that excessive weight loss doesn’t take place and under ultraviolet rays such that mold formation doesn’t take place.

15. Albumen thickness is directly proportional to the temperature at which egg solidifies.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thick albumen egg solidifies at a higher temperature than a thin albumen egg.

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