Food Engineering Questions and Answers – Unit Operations – Fluid Mechanics-2

This set of Food Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fluid Mechanics-2”.

1. Statement 1: For rough control of flow _____ are used.
Statement 2: For fine control of flow _____ are used.
a) Needle valves, Globe valves
b) Needle valves, Gate valves
c) Globe valves, Needle valves
d) Gate valves, Globe valves
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both gate and globe valves are used for rough flow. For fine control of flow, needle valves are used.

2. Which of the following is untrue about non-return valves?
a) They’re also called foot valves as they’re present at the foot of centrifugal pumps to prevent priming
b) They prevent flow in the opposite direction even if the pressure increases in the opposite direction
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Both the statements are true.

3. Statement 1: Generally needle valves are not used for liquids.
Statement 2: For a unidirectional flow, non return valves are used.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, False
d) False, True
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Answer: b
Explanation: Both the statements are true.

4. Which of the following is true about Centrifugal pumps?
a) It’s suitable for corrosive and toxic fluids
b) It has a high pressure head
c) Priming is not needed
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Centrifugal pumps are not suitable for corrosive and toxic fluids. It does not have a high pressure head. Priming is needed.

5. Which of the following is true about Rotary pumps?
a) These consist of gear pumps which create high pressures
b) In internal gear pumps, a pinion gear is driven by a motor which is eccentric and the ring gear is co-axial and is driven by the pinion gear
c) In Spur gears, vacuum created allows liquid to flow from suction to delivery line
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the given statements are true.
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6. Statement 1: Diaphragm pumps can handle corrosive material and do not have leakage problems, but, they only vibrate hence the output is low.
Statement 2: Diaphragm pump is an example of _____
a) True, negative displacement pump
b) True, positive displacement pump
c) False, negative displacement pump
d) False, positive displacement pump
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Answer: b
Explanation: Statement 1 is true. Diaphragm pump is an example of a positive displacement pump.

7. Statement 1: Fans and blowers create pressure energy whereas compressors don’t.
Statement 2: In food processing various liquids like milk and juices are transported by pumps
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, False
d) False, True
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Answer: d
Explanation: Compressors create pressure energy whereas Fans and blowers don’t.

8. Drain pipes are present to remove _____
a) Waste
b) Urea
c) Condensate
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Drain pipes are present to remove Condensate.

9. In food industry, chlorine line is painted _____ and hydrogen line is painted _____
a) Yellow, black
b) Green, blue
c) Orange, red
d) Yellow, red
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Answer: d
Explanation: In food industry, chlorine line is painted Yellow and hydrogen line is painted Red.

10. _____ is a mechanical gadget used to prevent leaks.
a) Hydrogen fitting
b) Stuffing Box
c) Mechanical Box
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Stuffing Box is a mechanical gadget used to prevent leaks.

11. In a rota meter _________ force is directly proportional to _____ of the fluid.
a) Buoyancy, Linear Velocity
b) Gravitational, Volumetric flow rate
c) Gravitational, Linear Velocity
d) Buoyancy, Volumetric flow rate
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a rota meter, Buoyancy force is directly proportional to Linear Velocity of the fluid.

12. Which correction of the orifice meter is corrected in the venturimeter?
a) The eddies are not formed as the entrance to the downstream is not very big as compared to the vena contracta
b) The throat diameter can be changed
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In venturimeter, the eddies are not formed at the entrance to the downstream is not very big as compared to the vena contracta. The throat diameter cannot be changed.

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