Compilers Questions and Answers – Non-Deterministic Finite Automata – 1

This set of Compilers Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Non-deterministic Finite Automata – 1”.

1. Which NDFA correctly represents the following RE?


a) Find the NDFA from the given diagram
b) Find the string ababa from the given diagram
c) Find the tate path q0, q2 from the given diagram
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: We can verify that the string ababa is accepted by this NFA once we “guess” the state path q0, q2, q5, q2, q5, q2 ∈ F. Of course the only choice is the first one. If we made the wrong start q0, q1, q3, q4, q1 we reach a point where we have a remaining a to process with no place to go. This is a failure.

2. Which is the correct NDFA for the following mentioned expression?


a) Find the transition from the given diagram
b) Find the pure nondeterministic from the given diagram
c) Find the target state from the given diagram
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A ε transition takes no input and represents a pure nondeterministic choice of being in the state or the target state without having done any processing.

3. NDFAs where introduced by ____________
a) Michael O Rabin & Dana Scott
b) Dan Brown
c) Sun micro system Labs
d) SAP Labs
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Answer: a
Explanation: NFAs were introduced Dana Scott and Michael O. Rabin who also showed their equivalence to DFAs.
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4. The regular languages are not closed under ___________
a) Concatenation
b) Union
c) Kleene star
d) Complement
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Answer: d
Explanation: RE are closed under

  • Union (cf. picture)
  • Intersection
  • Concatenation
  • Negation
  • Kleene closure.
  • 5. The Tuples for NDFA is ___________
    a) ∑, Q, q0, F, δ
    b) Q, q0, F, δ
    c) Θ, Q, q0, F,δ
    d) F, Q, Δ, q0, δ
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    Answer: a
    Explanation: An NFA is represented formally by a 5-tuple, (Q, Σ, Δ, q0, F), of

  • a set of states Q
  • a set of input symbols Σ
  • a transition function Δ : Q × Σ → P(Q).
  • an initial state q0 ∈ Q
  • a final state F ⊆ Q.
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    6. NFAs are ________ DFAs.
    a) Larger than
    b) More expressive than
    c) Less expressive than
    d) Equally expressive as
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    Answer: a
    Explanation: Because there is more number of states for an NDFA than for a DFA for a given expression.

    7. An NFA’s transition function returns ________
    a) A Boolean value
    b) A state
    c) A set of states
    d) An edge
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    Answer: c
    Explanation: A transition function Δ: Q × Σ → P (Q).Where P (Q) denotes the power set of Q.

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