Farm Tractor Questions and Answers – Governing Systems and Governors

This set of Farm Tractor Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Governing Systems and Governors”.

1. What is the purpose of a governor in an engine?
a) To regulate the engine speed
b) To control the fluctuation in speed
c) To control steering
d) To control braking
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Answer: a
Explanation: A governor is used to regulate the engine speed according to the engine load. There are mainly two types of governor viz inertia governor and centrifugal governor. It controls the fuel flow into the engine for maintaining the speed range.

2. The engine speed increases when the load increases.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The engine speed decreases when the engine load increases. In order to maintain the uniform speed, the governor is used. It is connected to a throttle valve and in this case, it is opened which increases the fuel flow.

3. What happens to the engine speed when the load decreases?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Doubles
d) Quadruples
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the engine load decrease the speed of the engine will increase. So, in this case, the governor decreases the flow of the fuel and the engine’s uniform speed is maintained.

4. What is the controlling force in the centrifugal governor?
a) Centrifugal force
b) Centripetal force
c) Acceleration
d) Torque
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Answer: a
Explanation: The centrifugal force is the controlling force of the centrifugal governors. There are metal balls (governor balls) which rotate according to the engine speed and they have a certain centrifugal force.

5. How does the centrifugal governor work?
a) Based on governor balls rotation
b) Based on engine torque
c) Based on the flywheel
d) Based on the throttle valve operation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The centrifugal governor has metallic balls rotating with equal force. If the engine speed decreases due to heavy load which makes the balls to rotate at lower speed and vice-versa. The balls rotation reciprocates the sleeve which is connected to throttle valve through a lever.

6. There will be many equilibrium speeds between the maximum equilibrium speed and the mean equilibrium speed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum equilibrium speed is the speed measured at the maximum radius of rotation of balls and the minimum equilibrium speed is the speed measured at the minimum radius of rotation of balls. The equilibrium speeds occur between both of the extent.

7. What is the equilibrium speed of a governor?
a) Speed at equilibrium of components
b) Speed at minimum speed of governor
c) Speed at mean equilibrium speed
d) Speed at maximum speed of governor
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Answer: a
Explanation: The equilibrium speed of the governor is the speed of the balls and other components of the governor are in equilibrium condition. The sleeve does not tend to reciprocate and the radius of rotation does not change.

8. Which type of governor is mostly used in tractors?
a) Variable speed governor
b) Constant speed governor
c) Pneumatic governor
d) Watt governor
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Answer: a
Explanation: A variable speed governor is used in the tractors for keeping the uniform engine speed in varying loads. The tractor engine speed varies suddenly as it is used in fields and farming operations.

9. What is the sensitiveness of governor?
a) N2 – N1 / N
b) N / N2 – N1
c) N2 + N1 / N
d) N2 – N1
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sensitiveness of a governor is defined as the ratio of the difference between maximum equilibrium and minimum equilibrium speeds to the mean equilibrium speed. A governor with a rapid movement of the sleeve for even a small change in engine speed has more sensitiveness relatively to the normal governor.

10. Find the sensitiveness of the governor having maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds 300 rpm and 260 rpm respectively.
a) 14.2 %
b) 15.3 %
c) 13.4 %
d) 15.0 %
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sensitiveness = N2 – N1 / N
N = N1 + N2 / 2
Sensitiveness = 2(N2 – N1) / N1 + N2
= 2(300 – 260) / (300+260)
= 2(40) / 560
= 0.142 = 14.2%
Where N2 – maximum equilibrium speed and N1 – minimum equilibrium speed.

11. Which kind of governor is more prone to hunting?
a) Higher sensitiveness
b) Lower sensitiveness
c) Higher controlling force
d) Lower controlling force
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hunting occurs in an over sensitive governor which can admit a maximum or minimum fuel for even a small change in engine speed due to high or low load. So in the case of hunting the engine speed fluctuates more.

12. What is an isochronous governor?
a) Constant equilibrium speed
b) Constant mean equilibrium speed
c) Constant maximum equilibrium speed
d) Varying equilibrium speed
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Answer: a
Explanation: An isochronous governor is not a practical usage of the governor. It has a constant equilibrium speed at all radii of rotations of governor balls and it has an infinite sensitivity.

13. How to calculate the power of a governor?
a) Power = Mean effort * sleeve lift
b) Power = Mean effort / sleeve lift
c) Power = sleeve lift / Mean effort
d) Power = Mean effort * radius of rotation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power of a governor is the product of mean effort and the distance the sleeve is lifted. The mean effort is the mean force exerted on the sleeve for a given percentage of change of speed.

14. Find the power of the governor with mean effort is 40 N and the sleeve lift is 100 cm.
a) 4 N-m
b) 5N-m
c) 6 N-m
d) 7 N-m
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Answer: a
Explanation: Power = Mean effort * sleeve lift
= 40 * 0.1
= 4 N-m

15. What is the stability of the governor?
a) Only one radius of rotation for every speed
b) Varying radius of rotation for every speed
c) Only two radii of rotation
d) Only three radii of rotation
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Answer: a
Explanation: Stability of a governor is defined as when it has only one radius of rotation while it is in equilibrium. It means the radius of rotation increases when the equilibrium speed increases and vice-versa for an unstable governor.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Farm Tractor.

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