Farm Machinery Questions and Answers – Tractor Testing

This set of Farm Machinery Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Tractor Testing”.

1. How What is the principal aim of tractor testing?
a) To make available the data on power output and performance of the tractor
b) To sell the tractor
c) To move the tractor
d) To open the tractor
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Answer: a
Explanation: The principal aim of tractor is to make available to buyers the data on power output and performance of the tractor. The test would provide a general identification and description of the tractor and its usual accessories.

2. At which variation percent from average value, should the test be repeated?
a) 4%
b) 3%
c) 2%
d) 8%
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Answer: c
Explanation: Test at maximum power test is done with the help of a suitable dynamometer. The maximum power quoted in the report should be the average of the readings taken during the two hours test. If the power variation exceeds 2% from average value, the test should be repeated. If the same condition persists in further tests, it should be recorded in the report.

3. How much power is considered of the torque during the tests at varying load?
a) 69%
b) 96%
c) 23%
d) 85%
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the governor controlled zone, the torque, speed and hourly fuel consumption should be noted, corresponding to the power of the engine. The readings are taken at no load, one quarter load, half load, three quarter load and full load, corresponding to maximum power and at 85% of the torque.

4. Where is the dynamometer inserted?
a) Hitch between tractor and the pulling load
b) Hitch between wheel and steering
c) Hitch between tractor and steering
d) Hitch between pulling load and wheel
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Answer: a
Explanation: Drawbar pull is determined by means of suitable dynamometer, inserted at the hitch between the tractor and the pulling load. For drawbar testing, the load on the back of the tractor has to be varied and hence a loading car is used.

5. How much weight is put on the seat of the driver to replace the driver to determine centre of gravity?
a) 100 kg
b) 75 kg
c) 25 kg
d) 55 kg
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Answer: b
Explanation: The slope of the land has got effects on tractive effort and stability of the tractor. To evaluate this effect, the centre of gravity of the tractor should be determined with and without ballast with fuel tank full, and lubricating oil up to desired mark. A weight of 75 kg is put on the seat of the driver to replace the driver.

6. The diameter of the circle described by the median plane of the outermost steered wheel with steering wheel in full locks is known as _______
a) Hydraulic power lift
b) Brake test
c) Turning circle
d) Noise measurement
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Answer: c
Explanation: The diameter of the circle described by the median plane of the outermost steered wheel while moving at speed not exceeding 2 km/hr, with the steering wheel in full locks, is called turning circle.

7. At what temperature below the brake is considered cold?
a) 90°C
b) 80°C
c) 100°C
d) 120°C
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Answer: b
Explanation: Brake test is done in cold condition as well as in hot condition. A brake is considered cold when its temperature is below 80°C. An artificial horizontal track is prepared, which gives good grip for tyres.

8. At what speed is the brake test carried out?
a) 25 kmph
b) 45 kmph
c) 19 kmph
d) 50 kmph
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Answer: a
Explanation: Brake test is done in cold condition as well as in hot condition. A brake is considered cold when its temperature is below 80°C. An artificial horizontal track is prepared, which gives good grip for tyres. It is desirable to test the brake at maximum speed or at 25 kmph, whichever is lower. Test should be done in ballasted and unballasted conditions.

9. At what angle the tractor should be tilted on either side while the air cleaner oil pull-over test?
a) 20°
b) 45°
c) 30°
d) 15°
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Answer: d
Explanation: The tractor shall be put on a level ground. The air cleaner should be cleaned and filled with normal oil. The engine shall be operated at full governed speed for 15 minutes with continuous acceleration and deacceleration. If there is no oil pull over with the tractor in level position the tests shall be repeated with tractor tilted 15° to either side.

10. At what angle the tractor should be tilted forward and backwards while the air cleaner oil pull-over test?
a) 45°
b) 20°
c) 30°
d) 78°
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Answer: c
Explanation: The tractor shall be put on a level ground. The air cleaner should be cleaned and filled with normal oil. The engine shall be operated at full governed speed for 15 minutes with continuous acceleration and deacceleration. If there is no oil pull over with the tractor in level position the tests shall be repeated with tractor tilted 15° to either side and then 30° forward and backwards with direction of travel.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Farm Machinery.

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