This set of Steam and Gas Turbines Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Direct Speed Responsive Governors”.
1. Governors are used to control speed to ________
a) fuel input ratio
b) fuel input
c) fuel input ratio & fuel input
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: In governors when speed is increased its throttle increases and more fuel enters which indicates governors are used to control speed to fuel input ratio.
2. Speed/Load control is used to determine the __________ for available load.
a) speed limitation
b) power demand
c) speed limitation & power demand
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: Speed/Load control is used to determine the fuel demands according to the increase or decrease in load.
3. In aviation jet engine minimum fuel available should be limited during deceleration to avoid ______
a) shut down of the engine
b) combustion blow out
c) to control the load
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: In aviation jet engine minimum fuel available is limited during deceleration to avoid combustion blow out.
4. In steam turbines governors are used to control __________
a) Isochronic operations
b) Drop operations
c) Isochronic & Drop operations
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: In general speed responsive governors are used during isochronic and drop operations.
5. The change in fuel flow is called as ________
a) speed error
b) fuel error
c) speed & fuel error
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The difference between actual value and the reference value of speed is called an error and change in fuel flow is called as speed error.
6. In drop control __________ is constant.
a) turbine speed
b) reference value
c) turbine speed & reference value
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: In drop control fuel is controlled by changing the speed error where turbine speed is kept constant by the grid.
7. In drop control fuel flow is directly proportional to _____________
a) turbine speed
b) temperature
c) speed error
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: In drop control the turbine speed is maintained constant and fuel flow is directly proportional to speed error, so to change the fuel flow reference value is either increased or decreased.
8. In drop control if the turbine speed was not constant at the grid then speed would __________
a) raise
b) drop
c) remains constant
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: In drop control turbine speed is remained constant and speed error is varied by changing reference value.
9. In drop governor at 100% turbine speed the output is __________
a) 50%
b) 40%
c) 60%
d) 70%
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Explanation: To obtain 50% output the speed should be 100%. This can be obtained from graph.
10. When set point is increased to 103% the output is __________
a) 60%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 45%
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Explanation: From graph it can be obtained that when set point is 103% its output is 75%.
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