This set of Design of RC Structures Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Shear Stress Distributions in Beams of Uniform Sections”.
1. Distribution of shear intensity follows ________
a) Parabolic Law
b) Stoke’s Law
c) Both Parabolic and Stoke”s Law
d) Lammy’s Theorem
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Explanation: Shear stress is 0 at y= d/2
And maximum at y=0
2. A beam which is simply supported at both ends carries a uniform load of 1.5kN/m. The span is of 6m and the diameter is 75mm. Find the value of maximum bending moment.
a) 9 kNm
b) 5kNm
c) 3.75kNm
d) 6.75kNm
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Explanation: B.M = w.Lx/2 – wx2/2
(B.M)max = wL2/8
(B.M)max = 6.75kNm
3. A beam which is simply supported at both ends carries a uniform load of 1.5kN/m. The span is of 6m and the diameter is 75mm. Find the correct value of maximum bending stress.
a) 162.98
b) 184.66
c) 192.24
d) 202.86
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Explanation: Bending Stress = Bending Moment / Section Modulus
= 6.75 * 103 / [π * 0.0753 / 32] = 162.98
4. Find the axial stress at point P in the following figure.
a) F (3L-b) / 4b3
b) F (3L+b) / 4b3
c) F (3L+4b) / 4b3
d) F (3L-2b) / 4b3
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Explanation: M = F(L-b)
- M/z = f
- fp= 3F (L-b)/4b3
Axial Stress due to direct load = fp + σ
Axial stress = F (3L-2b) / 4b3
5. A rectangular beam of negligible mass is shown in the figure. The width and height of the beam are 30mm and 100mm respectively. Where will the maximum bending moment occur?
a) 2000 mm right to A
b) 2500 mm right to A
c) 3000 mm right to A
d) 3500 mm right to A
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Explanation: R1 – 3000 * (x-2) = 0
X = 2.5m
6. A rectangular beam of negligible mass is shown in the figure. The width and height of the beam are 30mm and 100mm respectively. What will be the maximum bending stress?
a) 67.5
b) 45.5
c) 377.5
d) 40.5
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Explanation: σmax = 6 Mmax/bh2 = 67.5 M Pa
7. A fully saturated soil is _____
a) Two phase system with air and water
b) One phase with only water
c) One phase with only air
d) Three phase
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Explanation: A fully saturated soil contains both air and water.
8. A pycnometer is used to measure void ratio and dry density.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: A pycnometer is used to measure water content and specific gravity.
9. Void ratio of soil is always less than ________
a) 10
b) 5
c) 1
d) 0
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Explanation: It is a known fact that void ratio is always less than 1 as void ratio is the ratio of volume of void to the volume of solids.
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