This C Program Finds the Nearest Sibling of a Node in a Tree.
Here is source code of the C Program to Find the Nearest Sibling of a Node in a Tree. The C program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
* C Program to Find the Nearest Sibling of a Node in a Tree
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct btnode
int value;
struct btnode *l;
struct btnode *r;
}*root = NULL;
// Function Prototype
void printout(struct btnode*);
struct btnode* newnode(int);
void find(struct btnode *, int);
void find_sibling(struct btnode *, int);
void main()
int data, res = 0;
root = newnode(50);
root->l = newnode(20);
root->r = newnode(30);
root->l->l = newnode(70);
root->l->r = newnode(80);
root->l->r->r = newnode(60);
root->l->l->l = newnode(10);
root->l->l->r = newnode(40);
printf("tree elements are\n");
printf("\nenter element to find");
scanf("%d", &data);
if (root->value == data)
printf("--NO SIBLING FOR ROOT NODE--\n");
// Create a node
struct btnode* newnode(int value)
struct btnode* node = (struct btnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct btnode));
node->value = value;
node->l = NULL;
node->r = NULL;
// to display the tree
void printout(struct btnode *tree)
if (tree->l)
printf("%d\t", tree->value);
if (tree->r)
// To find node in a tree
void find(struct btnode *tree, int data)
static int count = 0;
struct btnode *ptr = root;
int i;
if (tree->l || tree->r)
if (tree->l->value == data)
find_sibling(tree, 1);
else if (tree->r->value == data)
find_sibling(tree, 0);
find(tree->l, data);
find(tree->r, data);
// To find sibling of a node in a tree
void find_sibling(struct btnode *tree,int side)
if (side == 1 && tree->r != NULL)
printf("--------SIBLING FOUND---------\n");
printf("%d\n", tree->r->value);
else if (side == 0 && tree->l != NULL)
printf("--------SIBLING FOUND---------\n");
printf("%d\n", tree->l->value);
$ gcc tree13.c $ a.out tree elements are 10 70 40 20 80 60 50 30 enter element to find 20 --------SIBLING FOUND--------- 30 $ a.out tree elements are 10 70 40 20 80 60 50 30 enter element to find 10 --------SIBLING FOUND--------- 40 $ gcc tree13.c $ a.out tree elements are 10 70 40 20 80 60 50 30 enter element to find 30 --------SIBLING FOUND--------- 20
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