This C Program search for a particular value in a binary tree.
Here is source code of the C Program to search for a particular value in a binary tree. The C program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
* C Program to Search for a Particular Value in a Binary Tree
* 50
* /\
* 20 30
* /\
* 70 80
* /\ \
* 10 40 60
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
/* Structure to create the binary tree */
struct btnode
int value;
struct btnode *l;
struct btnode *r;
struct btnode *root = NULL;
int flag;
/* Function Prototypes */
void in_order_traversal(struct btnode *);
void in_order_search(struct btnode *,int);
struct btnode *newnode(int);
void main()
/* Inserting elements in the binary tree */
int search_val;
root = newnode(50);
root->l = newnode(20);
root->r = newnode(30);
root->l->l = newnode(70);
root->l->r = newnode(80);
root->l->l->l = newnode(10);
root->l->l->r = newnode(40);
root->l->r->r = newnode(60);
printf("The elements of Binary tree are:");
printf("Enter the value to be searched:");
scanf("%d", &search_val);
in_order_search(root, search_val);
if (flag = = 0) // flag to check if the element is present in the tree or not
printf("Element not present in the binary tree\n");
/* Code to dynamically create new nodes */
struct btnode* newnode(int value)
struct btnode *temp = (struct btnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct btnode));
temp->value = value;
temp->l = NULL;
temp->r = NULL;
return temp;
/* Code to display the elements of the binary tree */
void in_order_traversal(struct btnode *p)
if (!p)
printf("%d->", p->value);
/* Code to search for a particular element in the tree */
void in_order_search(struct btnode *p, int val)
if (!p)
in_order_search(p->l, val);
if(p->value == val)
printf("\nElement present in the binary tree.\n");
flag = 1;
in_order_search(p->r, val);
$ cc tree3.c $ a.out The elements of Binary tree are:10->70->40->20->80->60->50->30 Enter the value to be searched:60 Element present in the binary tree. $ ./a.out The elements of Binary tree are:10->70->40->20->80->60->50->30 Enter the value to be searched:99 Element not present in the binary tree
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