Python Program to Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm

This is a Python program to find a minimum spanning tree of an undirected weighted graph using Krusal’s algorithm.

Problem Description

A spanning tree of a graph can be defined as a graph with minimal set of edges that connect all vertices. A minimum spanning tree of a graph is a spanning tree of the graph with least weight (where the weight is computed by adding the weights of all the edges in the spanning tree). In general, a graph can have multiple minimum spanning trees. The problem is to find a minimum spanning tree of a graph.

Problem Solution

1. Create classes for Graph and Vertex.
2. Create a function mst_krusal that takes a Graph object g as argument.
3. The function will return a Graph object which is a minimum spanning tree of the graph g.
4. An empty graph called mst is created which will hold a MST of the graph g.
5. The algorithm works by first sorting all the edges of g in ascending order by weight.
6. Then the smallest edge is taken from the sorted list.
7. If that edge does not form a cycle when added to mst, it is added.
8. Then the next smallest edge is taken and step 7 is performed again.
9. The above is performed until mst has the same number of vertices as g.
10. To determine whether adding an edge will form a cycle, each vertex in g is assigned a component.
11. When any vertex is added to the MST, its component is updated.
12. If both vertices of an edge belong to the same component, then adding the edge will form a cycle.

Program/Source Code

Here is the source code of a Python program to find the minimum spanning tree of an undirected weighted graph using Krusal’s algorithm. The program output is shown below.

class Graph:
    def __init__(self):
        # dictionary containing keys that map to the corresponding vertex object
        self.vertices = {}
    def add_vertex(self, key):
        """Add a vertex with the given key to the graph."""
        vertex = Vertex(key)
        self.vertices[key] = vertex
    def get_vertex(self, key):
        """Return vertex object with the corresponding key."""
        return self.vertices[key]
    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.vertices
    def add_edge(self, src_key, dest_key, weight=1):
        """Add edge from src_key to dest_key with given weight."""
        self.vertices[src_key].add_neighbour(self.vertices[dest_key], weight)
    def does_vertex_exist(self, key):
        return key in self.vertices
    def does_edge_exist(self, src_key, dest_key):
        """Return True if there is an edge from src_key to dest_key."""
        return self.vertices[src_key].does_it_point_to(self.vertices[dest_key])
    def display(self):
        print('Vertices: ', end='')
        for v in self:
            print(v.get_key(), end=' ')
        print('Edges: ')
        for v in self:
            for dest in v.get_neighbours():
                w = v.get_weight(dest)
                print('(src={}, dest={}, weight={}) '.format(v.get_key(),
                                                             dest.get_key(), w))
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.vertices)
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.vertices.values())
class Vertex:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.points_to = {}
    def get_key(self):
        """Return key corresponding to this vertex object."""
        return self.key
    def add_neighbour(self, dest, weight):
        """Make this vertex point to dest with given edge weight."""
        self.points_to[dest] = weight
    def get_neighbours(self):
        """Return all vertices pointed to by this vertex."""
        return self.points_to.keys()
    def get_weight(self, dest):
        """Get weight of edge from this vertex to dest."""
        return self.points_to[dest]
    def does_it_point_to(self, dest):
        """Return True if this vertex points to dest."""
        return dest in self.points_to
def mst_krusal(g):
    """Return a minimum cost spanning tree of the connected graph g."""
    mst = Graph() # create new Graph object to hold the MST
    if len(g) == 1:
        u = next(iter(g)) # get the single vertex
        mst.add_vertex(u.get_key()) # add a copy of it to mst
        return mst
    # get all the edges in a list
    edges = []
    for v in g:
        for n in v.get_neighbours():
            # avoid adding two edges for each edge of the undirected graph
            if v.get_key() < n.get_key():
                edges.append((v, n))
    # sort edges
    edges.sort(key=lambda edge: edge[0].get_weight(edge[1]))
    # initially, each vertex is in its own component
    component = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(g):
        component[v] = i
    # next edge to try
    edge_index = 0
    # loop until mst has the same number of vertices as g
    while len(mst) < len(g):
        u, v = edges[edge_index]
        edge_index += 1
        # if adding edge (u, v) will not form a cycle
        if component[u] != component[v]:
            # add to mst
            if not mst.does_vertex_exist(u.get_key()):
            if not mst.does_vertex_exist(v.get_key()):
            mst.add_edge(u.get_key(), v.get_key(), u.get_weight(v))
            mst.add_edge(v.get_key(), u.get_key(), u.get_weight(v))
            # merge components of u and v
            for w in g:
                if component[w] == component[v]:
                    component[w] = component[u]
    return mst
g = Graph()
print('Undirected Graph')
print('add vertex <key>')
print('add edge <src> <dest> <weight>')
while True:
    do = input('What would you like to do? ').split()
    operation = do[0]
    if operation == 'add':
        suboperation = do[1]
        if suboperation == 'vertex':
            key = int(do[2])
            if key not in g:
                print('Vertex already exists.')
        elif suboperation == 'edge':
            src = int(do[2])
            dest = int(do[3])
            weight = int(do[4])
            if src not in g:
                print('Vertex {} does not exist.'.format(src))
            elif dest not in g:
                print('Vertex {} does not exist.'.format(dest))
                if not g.does_edge_exist(src, dest):
                    g.add_edge(src, dest, weight)
                    g.add_edge(dest, src, weight)
                    print('Edge already exists.')
    elif operation == 'mst':
        mst = mst_krusal(g)
        print('Minimum Spanning Tree:')
    elif operation == 'display':
    elif operation == 'quit':
Program Explanation

1. An instance of Graph is created.
2. A menu is presented to the user to perform various operations on the graph.
3. mst_krusal is called to get a minimum spanning tree of the graph.
4. This is then displayed.

Runtime Test Cases
Case 1:
Undirected Graph
add vertex <key>
add edge <src> <dest> <weight>
What would you like to do? add vertex 1
What would you like to do? add vertex 2
What would you like to do? add vertex 3
What would you like to do? add vertex 4
What would you like to do? add vertex 5
What would you like to do? add vertex 6
What would you like to do? add edge 1 2 10
What would you like to do? add edge 1 5 30
What would you like to do? add edge 1 4 40
What would you like to do? add edge 2 5 20
What would you like to do? add edge 4 5 40
What would you like to do? add edge 5 3 40
What would you like to do? add edge 5 6 70
What would you like to do? add edge 3 6 50
What would you like to do? mst
Minimum Spanning Tree:
Vertices: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
(src=1, dest=4, weight=40) 
(src=1, dest=2, weight=10) 
(src=2, dest=5, weight=20) 
(src=2, dest=1, weight=10) 
(src=3, dest=5, weight=40) 
(src=3, dest=6, weight=50) 
(src=4, dest=1, weight=40) 
(src=5, dest=2, weight=20) 
(src=5, dest=3, weight=40) 
(src=6, dest=3, weight=50) 
What would you like to do? quit
Case 2:
Undirected Graph
add vertex <key>
add edge <src> <dest> <weight>
What would you like to do? add vertex 1
What would you like to do? add vertex 2
What would you like to do? add vertex 3
What would you like to do? add edge 1 2 10
What would you like to do? add edge 1 3 20
What would you like to do? add edge 2 3 30
What would you like to do? mst
Minimum Spanning Tree:
Vertices: 1 2 3 
(src=1, dest=3, weight=20) 
(src=1, dest=2, weight=10) 
(src=2, dest=1, weight=10) 
(src=3, dest=1, weight=20) 
What would you like to do? quit

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