This is a Python program to find the sum of all the nodes in a binary tree.
The program creates a binary tree and finds the sum of the nodes in the tree.
1. Create a class BinaryTree with instance variables key, left and right.
2. Define methods set_root, insert_left, insert_right, inorder and search.
3. The method set_root takes a key as argument and sets the variable key equal to it.
4. The methods insert_left and insert_right insert a node as the left and right child respectively.
5. The method inorder displays the inorder traversal.
6. The method search returns a node with a specified key.
7. Define the function sum_nodes which takes a binary tree as argument.
8. The recursive function sum_nodes returns the sum of the nodes in the binary tree.
Here is the source code of a Python program to find the sum of the nodes in a binary tree. The program output is shown below.
class BinaryTree: def __init__(self, key=None): self.key = key self.left = None self.right = None def set_root(self, key): self.key = key def inorder(self): if self.left is not None: self.left.inorder() print(self.key, end=' ') if self.right is not None: self.right.inorder() def insert_left(self, new_node): self.left = new_node def insert_right(self, new_node): self.right = new_node def search(self, key): if self.key == key: return self if self.left is not None: temp = if temp is not None: return temp if self.right is not None: temp = return temp return None def sum_nodes(node): if node is None: return 0 return node.key + sum_nodes(node.left) + sum_nodes(node.right) btree = None print('Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys)') print('insert <data> at root') print('insert <data> left of <data>') print('insert <data> right of <data>') print('sum') print('quit') while True: print('inorder traversal of binary tree: ', end='') if btree is not None: btree.inorder() print() do = input('What would you like to do? ').split() operation = do[0].strip().lower() if operation == 'insert': data = int(do[1]) new_node = BinaryTree(data) suboperation = do[2].strip().lower() if suboperation == 'at': btree = new_node else: position = do[4].strip().lower() key = int(position) ref_node = None if btree is not None: ref_node = if ref_node is None: print('No such key.') continue if suboperation == 'left': ref_node.insert_left(new_node) elif suboperation == 'right': ref_node.insert_right(new_node) elif operation == 'sum': print('Sum of nodes in tree: {}'.format(sum_nodes(btree))) elif operation == 'quit': break
1. A variable is created to store the binary tree.
2. The user is presented with a menu to perform operations on the tree.
3. The corresponding methods are called to perform each operation.
4. The function sum_nodes is called to find the sum of the nodes in the binary tree.
Case 1: Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys) insert <data> at root insert <data> left of <data> insert <data> right of <data> sum quit inorder traversal of binary tree: What would you like to do? insert 3 at root inorder traversal of binary tree: 3 What would you like to do? insert 7 left of 3 inorder traversal of binary tree: 7 3 What would you like to do? sum Sum of nodes in tree: 10 inorder traversal of binary tree: 7 3 What would you like to do? quit Case 2: Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys) insert <data> at root insert <data> left of <data> insert <data> right of <data> sum quit inorder traversal of binary tree: What would you like to do? insert 2 at root inorder traversal of binary tree: 2 What would you like to do? insert 10 left of 2 inorder traversal of binary tree: 10 2 What would you like to do? insert 1 right of 2 inorder traversal of binary tree: 10 2 1 What would you like to do? insert 5 left of 1 inorder traversal of binary tree: 10 2 5 1 What would you like to do? sum Sum of nodes in tree: 18 inorder traversal of binary tree: 10 2 5 1 What would you like to do? quit
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