This is a Python program to implement a d-ary heap.
The program creates a d-ary max-heap and presents a menu to the user to perform various operations on it.
1. Create a class D_aryHeap with instance variables items set to an empty list and d. The list items is used to store the d-ary heap while d represents the number of children each node can have in the heap.
2. Define methods size, parent, child, get, get_max, extract_max, max_heapify, swap and insert.
3. The method size returns the number of elements in the heap.
4. The method parent takes an index as argument and returns the index of the parent.
5. The method child takes an index and position as arguments and returns the index of the child at that position from the left.
6. The method get takes an index as argument and returns the key at the index.
7. The method get_max returns the maximum element in the heap by returning the first element in the list items.
8. The method extract_max returns the the maximum element in the heap and removes it.
9. The method max_heapify takes an index as argument and modifies the heap structure at and below the node at this index to make it satisfy the heap property.
10. The method swap takes two indexes as arguments and swaps the corresponding elements in the heap.
11. The method insert takes a key as argument and adds that key to the heap.
Here is the source code of a Python program to implement a d-ary heap. The program output is shown below.
class D_aryHeap: def __init__(self, d): self.items = [] self.d = d def size(self): return len(self.items) def parent(self, i): return (i - 1)//self.d def child(self, index, position): return index*self.d + (position + 1) def get(self, i): return self.items[i] def get_max(self): if self.size() == 0: return None return self.items[0] def extract_max(self): if self.size() == 0: return None largest = self.get_max() self.items[0] = self.items[-1] del self.items[-1] self.max_heapify(0) return largest def max_heapify(self, i): largest = i for j in range(self.d): c = self.child(i, j) if (c < self.size() and self.get(c) > self.get(largest)): largest = c if (largest != i): self.swap(largest, i) self.max_heapify(largest) def swap(self, i, j): self.items[i], self.items[j] = self.items[j], self.items[i] def insert(self, key): index = self.size() self.items.append(key) while (index != 0): p = self.parent(index) if self.get(p) < self.get(index): self.swap(p, index) index = p d = int(input('Enter the value of D: ')); dheap = D_aryHeap(d) print('Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys)') print('insert <data>') print('max get') print('max extract') print('quit') while True: do = input('What would you like to do? ').split() operation = do[0].strip().lower() if operation == 'insert': data = int(do[1]) dheap.insert(data) elif operation == 'max': suboperation = do[1].strip().lower() if suboperation == 'get': print('Maximum value: {}'.format(dheap.get_max())) elif suboperation == 'extract': print('Maximum value removed: {}'.format(dheap.extract_max())) elif operation == 'quit': break
1. The user is prompted to enter the value of the number of children for each node in the heap.
2. An instance of D_aryHeap is created.
3. The user is presented with a menu to perform various operations on the heap.
4. The corresponding methods are called to perform each operation.
Case 1: Enter the value of D: 5 Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys) insert <data> max get max extract quit What would you like to do? insert 3 What would you like to do? insert 4 What would you like to do? insert 11 What would you like to do? insert 7 What would you like to do? max get Maximum value: 11 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: 11 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: 7 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: 4 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: 3 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: None What would you like to do? quit Case 2: Enter the value of D: 2 Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys) insert <data> max get max extract quit What would you like to do? insert 1 What would you like to do? insert 3 What would you like to do? insert 2 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: 3 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: 2 What would you like to do? max extract Maximum value removed: 1 What would you like to do? quit
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