Python Program to Find Minimum and Maximum Element in Binary Search Tree

This is a Python program to find the smallest and largest elements in a binary search tree.

Problem Description

The program presents a menu to the user to perform various operations on a binary search tree including finding the smallest and largest elements.

Problem Solution

1. Create a class BSTNode with instance variables key, left, right and parent.
2. Define methods insert and search in BSTNode.
3. The method insert takes a node as argument and inserts that node in the BST with the BSTNode object as root.
4. The method search takes a key as argument and returns the node with that key in the BST with the BSTNode object as root.
5. Create a class BSTree with instance variable root.
6. Define methods add, search, get_smallest and get_largest in BSTree.
7. The method add takes a key as argument and adds a node with that key by calling the insert method of the root node.
8. The method search takes a key as argument and returns the node with that key by calling the search method of the root node.
9. The method get_smallest returns the smallest node by returning the left-most node.
10. The method get_largest returns the largest node by returning the right-most node.

Program/Source Code

Here is the source code of a Python program to find the smallest and largest elements in a binary search tree. The program output is shown below.

class BSTNode:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.parent = None
    def insert(self, node):
        if self.key > node.key:
            if self.left is None:
                self.left = node
                node.parent = self
        elif self.key < node.key:
            if self.right is None:
                self.right = node
                node.parent = self
    def search(self, key):
        if self.key > key:
            if self.left is not None:
                return None
        elif self.key < key:
            if self.right is not None:
                return None
        return self
class BSTree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None
    def add(self, key):
        new_node = BSTNode(key)
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = new_node
    def search(self, key):
        if self.root is not None:
    def get_smallest(self):
        if self.root is not None:
            current = self.root
            while current.left is not None:
                current = current.left
            return current.key
    def get_largest(self):
        if self.root is not None:
            current = self.root
            while current.right is not None:
                current = current.right
            return current.key
bstree = BSTree()
print('Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys)')
print('add <key>')
while True:
    do = input('What would you like to do? ').split()
    operation = do[0].strip().lower()
    if operation == 'add':
        key = int(do[1])
    if operation == 'smallest':
        smallest = bstree.get_smallest()
        print('Smallest element: {}'.format(smallest))
    if operation == 'largest':
        largest = bstree.get_largest()
        print('Largest element: {}'.format(largest))
    elif operation == 'quit':
Program Explanation

1. An instance of BSTree is created.
2. The user is presented with a menu to perform various operations including finding the smallest and largest elements.
3. The corresponding methods are called to perform each operation.

Runtime Test Cases
Case 1:
Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys)
add <key>
What would you like to do? add 3
What would you like to do? add 2
What would you like to do? add 10
What would you like to do? add 4
What would you like to do? smallest
Smallest element: 2
What would you like to do? largest
Largest element: 10
What would you like to do? quit
Case 2:
Menu (this assumes no duplicate keys)
add <key>
What would you like to do? add 10
What would you like to do? smallest
Smallest element: 10
What would you like to do? largest
Largest element: 10
What would you like to do? add 4
What would you like to do? add 12
What would you like to do? smallest
Smallest element: 4
What would you like to do? largest
Largest element: 12
What would you like to do? quit

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