Machine Kinematics Questions and Answers – Linear Velocity – 2

This set of Machine Kinematics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Linear Velocity – 2”.

1. The unit of linear acceleration is
a) kg-m
b) m/s
c) m/s2
d) rad/s2
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Answer: c
Explanation: Linear acceleration, a = dv/dt
unit of dv = m/s
and dt = s
therefore, dv/dt = m/s2

2. The angular velocity (in rad/s) of a body rotating at N r.p.m. is
a) π N/60
b) 2 π N/60
c) π N/120
d) π N/180
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Answer: b
Explanation: Angular velocity may be defined as the rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time. It is usually expressed by a Greek letter ω (omega). Mathematically, angular velocity,
ω =dθ/dt

3. The linear velocity of a body rotating at ω rad/s along a circular path of radius r is given by
a) ω.r
b) ω/r
c) ω2.r
d) ω2/r
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Answer: a
Explanation: Linear velocity = ω.r

4. When a particle moves along a straight path, then the particle has
a) tangential acceleration only
b) centripetal acceleration only
c) both tangential and centripetal acceleration
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a particle moves along a straight path, then the radius of curvature is infinitely great. This means that v2/r is zero. In other words, there will be no normal or radial or centripetal acceleration. Therefore, the particle has only tangential acceleration.

5. When a particle moves with a uniform velocity along a circular path, then the particle has
a) tangential acceleration only
b) centripetal acceleration only
c) both tangential and centripetal acceleration
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: When a particle moves with a uniform velocity, then dv/dt will be zero. In other words, there will be no tangential acceleration; but the particle will have only normal or radial or centripetal acceleration.
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6. When the motion of a body is confined to only one plane, the motion is said to be
a) translatory motion
b) plane motion
c) culvilinear motion
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the motion of a body is confined to only one plane, the motion is said to be plane motion. When the motion of a body is along a straight line path, it is called translatory motion. When the motion of a body is along a curved path, it is called culvilinear motion.

7. When the motion of a body is along a straight line path, it is called
a) translatory motion
b) plane motion
c) culvilinear motion
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the motion of a body is confined to only one plane, the motion is said to be plane motion. When the motion of a body is along a straight line path, it is called translatory motion. When the motion of a body is along a curved path, it is called culvilinear motion.

8. When the motion of a body is along a curved path, it is called
a) translatory motion
b) plane motion
c) culvilinear motion
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the motion of a body is confined to only one plane, the motion is said to be plane motion. When the motion of a body is along a straight line path, it is called translatory motion. When the motion of a body is along a curved path, it is called culvilinear motion.

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