Material Transport System Questions and Answers – Cranes and Hoists

This set of Flexible Manufacturing System Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Material Transport System – Cranes and Hoists”.

1. Which of the following are used for the horizontal movement of materials in a facility?
a) Cranes
b) Lifters
c) Buckets
d) Lathes
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Answer: a
Explanation: In order to move the materials horizontally in a facility, cranes are typically used. It is one of the material handling devices and is commonly preferred for lifting heavy materials. It can be seen in construction sites.

2. What is the maximum capacity of the cranes upto which it can lift and move materials?
a) 10 Tons
b) 1 Ton
c) 100 Tons
d) 0.5 Ton
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Answer: c
Explanation: The maximum capacity of the cranes upto which it can lift and move materials are about 100 tons. While designing the cranes, both static and dynamic structural analysis will be done on the Computer aided design models to ensure safety.

3. Which of the following is a mechanical device used to raise and lower loads?
a) Chains
b) Hoists
c) Bearings
d) Guided Wires
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Answer: b
Explanation: A mechanical device which is used to raise and lower loads is known as hoists. It consists of one or more fixed pulleys, one or more moving pulleys, a rope, a cable or chain strung between the pulleys.

4. The bridge crane achieves vertical movement due to orthogonal rail system.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: a
Explanation: The bridge crane achieves horizontal movement due to the orthogonal rail system. Vertical lifting is achieved due to its hoist. Vertical movement cannot be achieved in the typical bridge crane due to the orthogonal rail system.

5. Which of the following is termed as the ratio of weight of the load to the driving force required to lift the load?
a) Stiffness
b) Force
c) Torque
d) Mechanical Advantage
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Answer: d
Explanation: The ratio of weight of the load to the driving force required to lift the load is known as Mechanical Advantage. Stiffness, Force and Torque are not typically defined as the ratio of weight of the load to the driving force required to lift the load.

6. How is the driving force usually applied to operate the hoist?
a) Pneumatic Motor
b) Rope
c) Shaft
d) Hand
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Answer: a
Explanation: In order to operate the hoist, the driving force is applied through pneumatic motor. Sometimes, electric motors are also preferred for heavy loading conditions. Rope, Shaft and Hand were not typically used to apply driving force to operate the hoist.

7. Which crane consists of one or two horizontal girders suspended between fixed rails?
a) Gantry Crane
b) Jib Crane
c) Bridge Crane
d) Modular Crane
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Answer: c
Explanation: The cranes which consist of one or two horizontal girders suspended between fixed rails on either end are known as Bridge cranes. The entire structure will be connected to the structure of the building.

8. Which of the following can be moved along the length of the bridge?
a) Chains
b) Hoist Trolley
c) Cart
d) Tow floor
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hoist Trolley can be moved along the length of the building. At the same time, the bridge can also be moved the length of the rails in the building. These two moving capabilities provide x and y axes of the building.

9. Which direction does the hoist provides motion?
a) z-axis
b) y-axis
c) s-axis
d) x-axis
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Answer: a
Explanation: In z-axis direction, the hoist provides motion. Thus, vertical lifting is achieved due to the movement of the hoist. y-axis, s-axis and x-axis directions were not used to indicate the motion of the hoist.

10. Which type of crane has one or two vertical legs that support the horizontal bridge?
a) Hoist Crane
b) Jib Crane
c) Bridge Crane
d) Gantry Crane
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Presence of one or two vertical legs can be seen in Gantry Crane. It is provided to support the horizontal bridge. It will also include one or more hoists in order to facilitate for vertical lifting.

11. What is the load carrying capacity of gantry cranes?
a) 150 Tons
b) 50 Tons
c) 100 Tons
d) 25 Tons
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gantry Cranes have the maximum load carrying capacity upto 150 tons. The typical capacity of the gantry cranes will not be in the values like 50 Tons, 100 Tons and 25 Tons. It is typically used for heavy lifting components.

12. The vertical area included by the jib crane is circular.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: a
Explanation: In jib cranes, the beam serves as the track for the hoist trolley to carry radial travel along the length of the beam. Thus, horizontal area will be created. The area included will be either circular or semi-circular.

13. Which type of gantry has a single leg mounted on one end of the bridge and the other end is supported by a rail mounted on the wall?
a) Homo Gantry
b) Half Gantry
c) Triple Gantry
d) Double Gantry
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Answer: b
Explanation: The type of gantry which has a single leg mounted on one end of the bridge and the other end is supported by a rail mounted on the wall is known as half Gantry. The rail can either be mounted on the wall or other structural member of the building.

14. Which type of crane has a bridge that extends beyond the span?
a) Cantilever Gantry Crane
b) Triple Gantry
c) Double Gantry
d) Half Gantry
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Answer: a
Explanation: The type of crane which has a bridge that extends beyond the span is known as Cantilever gantry crane. The bridge beyond the span will be created by the support legs.

15. Which crane consists of a hoist supported by a horizontal beam that is cantilevered from a vertical column?
a) Support Crane
b) Double Gantry
c) Half Gantry
d) Jib Crane
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Answer: d
Explanation: The crane which consists of a hoist supported by the horizontal beam that is cantilevered from a vertical column is known as Jib Crane. A wall support can also be instead of a vertical column for the beam to beam to be cantilevered.

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