Flexible Manufacturing System Questions and Answers – Sequence Control

This set of Flexible Manufacturing System Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Sequence Control”.

1. Which of the following system uses internal timing devices to initiate changes in output variables?
a) Amplifier
b) Sequence Control
c) Reducer
d) Binary Gate
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Answer: b
Explanation: The system which uses internal timing devices to initiate changes in output variables is known as sequence control system. This system makes the corresponding changes in the output system when the input parameters are changed.

2. How are the outputs generated in a sequence control system?
a) Hybrid Fashion
b) Mixed Fashion
c) Open Loop Fashion
d) Closed loop Fashion
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Answer: c
Explanation: The outputs are often generated in a sequence control system in an open loop fashion. It means that there will be no feedback verification once the control functions are executed and there will be no comparison with the previous cycle.

3. Counters always start with a negative value.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Counters always start with zero. They usually either increment or decrement their values depending on the required applications.

4. Which feature typifies the sequence control system?
a) Cyclical
b) Influential
c) Acyclical
d) Symmetrical
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Answer: a
Explanation: The cyclical mode of the sequence control system typifies this system from other control system. It means that the same repeated pattern will occur in all the cycles thereby exhibiting the standard pattern throughout its existence.

5. Which is a device that switches its output ON or OFF at preset time intervals?
a) Timer
b) Reliever
c) Switcher
d) Counter
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Answer: a
Explanation: The device that switches its output ON or OFF at preset time intervals is known as timer. Timers are common in industrial circuits to ensure that that it is closed and proper electrical supply is being transmitted in the system.

6. Which type of timer switches power on immediate response to the start signal?
a) Delay off Timer
b) Delay on Timer
c) Delay Nil Timer
d) Delay Null Timer
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Answer: a
Explanation: The type of timer switches power on immediate response to the start signal is known as Delay off Timer. After specified time delay, the timer then switches off.

7. Which type of timer waits for a specified period of time before switching power on when it receives a start signal?
a) Delay Null Timer
b) Delay on Timer
c) Delay Nil Timer
d) Delay off Timer
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Answer: b
Explanation: The type of timer which waits for a specified period of time before switching power on when it receives a start signal is known as Delay on Timer.

8. Which of the following parameter is necessary for the programmer to know when designing a sequence control system?
a) Length of time delay
b) Part Name
c) Thickness
d) Area of Plant
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Answer: a
Explanation: The parameter which is necessary for the programmer to know when designing a sequence control system is the length of time delay. The necessary time gap will be coded by the programmer depending on the application.

9. The instantaneous contents will not be displayed in a counter.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The instantaneous contents can be displayed in a counter. They can be used for pr.

10. Which component is used to store electrical pulses and store the results of counting procedure?
a) Pulse Checker
b) Timer
c) Counter
d) Storage Container
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Answer: c
Explanation: The component which is used to store electrical pulses and store the results of counting procedure is known as counter. The electrical pulses which are counted will be stored and used by the system to retrieve data.

11. Which type of counter increments by the value of one in response to each pulse?
a) Up counter
b) Null Counter
c) Down Counter
d) Up/Down Counter
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Answer: a
Explanation: The type of counter which increments by the value of one in response to each pulse received is known as up counter. Initially, the up counter starts with the value of zero.

12. Which type of counter decrements by the value of one for each pulse received?
a) Null Counter
b) Down Counter
c) Up/Down Counter
d) Up Counter
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Answer: b
Explanation: The type of counter which decrements by the value of one for each pulse received is known as down counter. Initially, the down counter starts with a preset value.

13. Which type of counter combines the function of both up and down counter?
a) Up/Down Counter
b) Null Counter
c) Up Counter
d) Down Counter
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Answer: a
Explanation: The type of counter which combines the function of both up and down counters is known as up/down counter. It is a hybrid model and can be used for both incrementing as well as decrementing operations.

14. Which of the following must be located next to the right rail in a rung?
a) Model Name
b) Address
c) Label
d) Timer Instruction
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Answer: d
Explanation: Timer Instruction must be located next to the right rail in a rung. It is necessary to be mentioned where it enables the operator to understand the time delay, type of timer and the limiting parameters.

15. What will be the abbreviated form of TE in the terms of timer instructions?
a) Timer Enable
b) To Enable
c) Term Enable
d) Try Enable
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Answer: a
Explanation: The abbreviated form of TE in the terms of timer instructions is Timer Enabled. It means that the control system has a timer set up where it helps the user that timer system is built in the system and make use of it.

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