Flexible Manufacturing System Questions and Answers – Materials Handling System Design

This set of Flexible Manufacturing System Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Materials Handling System Design”.

1. Which of the following classification scheme is followed in classifying materials according to its physical characteristics?
a) Moody’s scheme
b) Muther and Haganas Scheme
c) De-Alembert’s scheme
d) Wright Brother’s scheme
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Answer: b
Explanation: In order to classify materials according to its physical characteristics, Muther and Haganas scheme is followed globally. The design of the material handling system will be based on this classification scheme.

2. Which of the following is an appropriate means of transportation for liquids?
a) Roller
b) Automated Guided Vehicle
c) Conveyor
d) Pipeline
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Answer: d
Explanation: The appropriate means of transportation of liquids is pipelines. It is primarily to transport liquid from one facility to another facility and it is not possible to use pipeline systems to transport liquids stored in barrels or any containers.

3. Which of the following parameter of materials is measured by its volume, width and height?
a) Physical State
b) Size
c) Weight
d) Condition
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Answer: b
Explanation: The size of material is measured by its volume, width and height. Volume, width and height are not the parameters of physical state, weight and condition. The size of the material determines the total volume and mass required for lifting purpose.

4. Which of the following of a material is measured by weight per piece or weight per unit volume?
a) Safety
b) Weight
c) Damage
d) Size
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Answer: b
Explanation: The weight of a material is usually measured by weight per piece or weight per unit volume. Safety, Damage and size are not the parameters which indicated by either weight per piece or weight per unit volume.

5. Which of the following parameter of a material is described as round, square, flat or long?
a) Physical State
b) Weight
c) Size
d) Shape
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Answer: d
Explanation: The shape of a material is described as round, square, flat or long. The other parameters of material such as physical state, weight and shape are not described as round, square, flat or long.

6. The type of handling system that needs to be installed is not influenced by the amount or quality of the material.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The type of handling system that needs to be installed is influenced by the amount or quality of the material. A dedicated handling system is indeed required in order to handle large quantities of material.

7. Which of the following parameter of the material is described as solid, liquid or gas?
a) Size
b) Weight
c) Shape
d) Physical State
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Answer: d
Explanation: The physical state of the material is described as solid, liquid or gas. The parameters of material such as size, weight and shape are not describes as solid, liquid or gas.

8. Which of the following characteristics of the material is described as sticky, dirty, hot or cold?
a) Physical State
b) Shape
c) Size
d) Condition
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Answer: d
Explanation: The condition of the material is described as hot, cold, dirty or sticky. The characteristics of material such as sticky, dirty, hot or cold cannot be described using the parameters such as physical state, shape and condition.

9. Which of the following characteristics of the material is described as flammable, explosive or corrosive?
a) Condition
b) Physical State
c) Weight
d) Safety Risk
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Safety risk of the material is described as flammable, explosive or corrosive. The characteristics of a material such as flammable, explosive or corrosive cannot be described using the parameters such as condition, physical state or weight.

10. Which of the following characteristics of the material is described as fragile, brittle or sturdy?
a) Risk of Damage
b) Shape
c) Size
d) Condition
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Answer: a
Explanation: The damage risk of the material is described as fragile, brittle or sturdy. The characteristics of the material such as fragile, brittle or sturdy cannot be represented using the parameters such as shape, size and condition.

11. Which of the following is defined as the amount of material moved per unit time?
a) Moving Time
b) Mean Time
c) Flow Rate
d) Lead Time
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Answer: c
Explanation: Flow rate is defined as the amount of material moved per unit time. For continuous batch production, flow rate must be as minimum as possible. This is done to ensure that the large quantity of materials is produced throughout.

12. Which of the following is not the unit used to measure flow rate?
a) Pieces Meter
b) Pieces per Hour
c) Pallets loads per Hour
d) Tons per Hour
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pieces Meter is not the unit to measure the flow rate. Pieces per hour, Pallet loads per hour and Tones per hour are the different units to measure the flow rate of the industrial layout. This is measured periodically and compared with other systems.

13. Which of the following refers to the timing of each individual delivery?
a) Calibrating
b) Testing
c) Scheduling
d) Routing
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Answer: a
Explanation: The parameter which refers to the timing of each individual delivery is known as scheduling. This is the important parameter which relies on the pickup and delivery locations and flow rate of the entire system.

14. Move distances, pickup and drop off locations are some the factors affecting routing.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: The factors affecting routing are move distances, pickup and drop off locations. The greater the distance, higher will be the cost. The cost of handling the materials is directly proportional to the routing.

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