This set of Design of Steel Structures Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Bolted Connections – II”.
1. Maximum gauge length is _________
a) 100+4t, where t is thickness of thinner plate
b) 100-4t, where t is thickness of thinner plate
c) 4t, where t is thickness of thinner plate
d) 100mm
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Explanation: Distance between centres of any two consecutive fasteners in line adjacent and parallel to edge of outside plate shall not exceed (100+4t) or 200mm, whichever is less in compression and tension members.
2. Minimum edge distance and end distance for rolled, machine flame cut is
a) 1.7 x hole diameter
b) 1.2 x hole diameter
c) 1.5 x hole diameter
d) 2.0 x hole diameter
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Explanation: Minimum edge distance and end distance from centre of any hole to nearest edge of plate shall not be (i) less than 1.7 x hole diameter, in case of sheared or hand flame cut edge, (ii) less than 1.5 x hole diameter, in case of rolled, machine flame cut.
3. Maximum edge distance should not exceed ______
a) 10tε, where ε = √(250/fy), t = thickness of thinner outer plate
b) 20tε, where ε = √(250/fy), t = thickness of thinner outer plate
c) 16tε, where ε = √(250/fy), t = thickness of thinner outer plate
d) 12tε, where ε = √(250/fy), t = thickness of thinner outer plate
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Explanation: Maximum edge distance should not exceed 12tε, where ε = √(250/fy), t = thickness of thinner outer plate. If members are exposed to corrosive influence, it shall not exceed (40+4t), where t = thickness of thinner connected plate.
4. Tacking fasteners are used when _______
a) minimum distance between centre of two adjacent fasteners is exceeded
b) maximum distance between centre of two adjacent fasteners is exceeded
c) maximum distance between centre of two adjacent fasteners is not exceeded
d) for aesthetic appearance
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Explanation: Tacking fasteners are used when maximum distance between centre of two adjacent fasteners is exceeded. These are not subjected to calculated stress.
5. Spacing of tacking fasteners when exposed to weather should not exceed ______
a) 32t, where t= thickness of outside plate
b) 25t, where t= thickness of outside plate
c) 20t, where t= thickness of outside plate
d) 16t, where t= thickness of outside plate
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Explanation: Spacing of tacking fasteners in a line should not exceed (i)32t or 300mm, whichever is less when not exposed to weather, where t= thickness of outside plate, (ii)16t or 200mm, whichever is less when not exposed to weather, where t= thickness of outside plate.
6. In case of compression members where forces are transferred through butting faces, pitch shall not exceed ___ for a distance of 1.5 times width of member from butting faces.
a) 4.5d, where d= diameter of fasteners
b) 5d, where d= diameter of fasteners
c) 2.5d, where d= diameter of fasteners
d) 5.5d, where d= diameter of fasteners
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Explanation: In case of compression members where forces are transferred through butting faces, pitch shall not exceed 4.5d, where d= diameter of fasteners for a distance of 1.5 times width of member from butting faces.
7. Shear strength of bolt is given by ____
a) fu(nnAnb+ nsAsb)/(√3 x 1.1)
b) fy(nnAnb+ nsAsb)/(√3 x 1.1)
c) fu(nnAnb+ nsAsb)/(√3 x 1.25)
d) fy(nnAnb+ nsAsb)/(√3 x 1.25)
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Explanation: Shear strength of bolt = fu(nnAnb+ nsAsb)/(√3 x 1.25), where fu=ultimate strength of bolt, nn=number of shear planes with thread intercepting shear plane, ns=number of shear planes without thread intercepting shear plane, Anb=nominal plain shank area of bolt, Asb=net shear area of bolt at threads.
8. Nominal bearing strength of bolt is 2.5kbdtfu where kb depends on
(i) end distance, (ii)pitch distance, (iii)ultimate tensile stress of bolt, (iv)shank area of bolt, (v)yield stress of bolt, (vi)diameter of hole
a) i, ii, iv, v
b) i, ii, iii, vi
c) ii, iii, iv, v
d) iii, iv, v, vi
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Explanation: Nominal bearing strength of bolt is 2.5kbdtfu, where kb is smaller of e/3d0, p/3d0 -0.25, fub/fu, 1 ; where e, d = end and pitch distances, d0= diameter of hole, fub and fu = ultimate tensile stress of bolts and plate, d = nominal diameter of bolt.
9. Tensile strength of bolt is given by
a) 0.9fubAn/1.1
b) 0.9fybAn/1.1
c) 0.9fubAn/1.25
d) 0.9fybAn/1.25
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Explanation: Tensile strength of bolt is given by 0.9fubAn/1.25, where fub=ultimate tensile stress of bolt, An= net tensile area.
10. Proof stress for minimum bolt tension is :
a) 0.7fub
b) 0.5fub
c) 0.7fyb
d) 0.5fyb
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Explanation: Proof stress for minimum bolt tension is 0.7fub, where fub= ultimate tensile stress of bolt. Proof stress is an approximation for yield point for materials which do not have a definite one because of their structure.
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