This set of Earthquake Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Strong Motion Studies in India”.
1. Which of these recording instruments are being used to maintain earthquake records of the Himalayan belt in India?
a) SRR
c) Richter Scale
d) MMR
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Explanation: Structural response recorder (SRR) along with Roorkee Earthquake School Accelerograph (RESA) are being used to record earthquakes along the Himalayan belt. More than 200 RESA and 350 SRRs have been placed along the Himalayan belt.
2. The SRR and RESA were designed and fabricated by which of the following institutes?
a) IIT Bombay
b) IIT Roorkee
c) IIT Kharagpur
d) IIT Delhi
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Explanation: The SRR and RESA were designed and fabricated by IIT Roorkee in the year 1976 on the recommendations of the planning commission. The instrument recorded 17 earthquakes until 2001.The data collected from these instruments have been of immense help in the development of spectral acceleration graphs given in IS 1893 2002.
3. Which of the following is not a part of a seismological station of India?
a) 16-Station V-SAT based STS system in NCR region
b) 20-Station-VSAT based seismic monitoring system in North East region
c) 17-Station RTSMN system in the Indian Ocean
d) 16-Station RSTMN system in Kutch region
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Explanation: There are total 82 seismological station in India. These includes 16 stations in the NCR region, 20 stations in the North East region, 17 stations in the Indian Ocean used to monitor Tsunamis in that region. The rest 29 stations are analog and standalone type. These network of seismological stations is also called as National Seismological Network (NSN).
4. Which of the following earthquakes in India occurred as a result of man-made construction in that region?
a) Koyna earthquake 1967
b) Bhuj earthquake 2002
c) Uttarkashi earthquake 1991
d) Killari earthquake 1993
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Explanation: The Koyna earthquake of 1967 is said to have occurred because of the construction of a 103 meter tall concrete dam in the Koyna region in the year 1962. The dam construction lead to an increase in the seismic activity of the region which lead to the devastating earthquake of 1967.The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.3 and released energy equivalent to the energy released in the Hiroshima bombing of 1945.
5. An accelerogram consists of three components namely rise, strong motion and decay. True or False?
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: A typical accelerogram consists of three components rise, strong motion and decay. The ground motion intensity is depended on the strong motion component. The ground acceleration and velocity at any time interval can be obtained by direct integration of the data collected by an accelerogram.
6. The predicted value of parameter represents a mean estimate with an associated value of standard deviation because _______
a) The coefficients of the equation are determined from observed data using regression techniques
b) The coefficients of the equation are determined from non observed data using non regression techniques
c) The coefficients of the equation are determined from observed data using non regression techniques
d) The coefficients of the equation are determined from non observed data using regression techniques
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Explanation: Due to this there is a minimization of errors between measured and predicted values which leads to the predicted value of parameter representing a mean estimate with an associated value of standard deviation.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Earthquake Engineering.
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