Aerospace engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, and manufacture of planes and spacecraft. We have compiled a list of the best reference books on Aerospace Engineering for B.E/B.Tech students. These books are used by aerospace engineering students from top universities around the world and many other institutes and colleges.
Here’s the complete list of B.E/B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering books, which are arranged year and semester-wise. We have also listed down both core and elective subject books.
1st Year B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Books (1st & 2nd Semester)
The 1st year B.E/B.Tech subjects are common across various branches of engineering. You can check the full list of common engineering books for 1st year here.
2nd Year B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Books (3rd & 4th Semester)
3rd Semester Books
4th Semester Books
- Aerodynamics
- Aerospace Structural Analysis
- Mechanics of Machines
- Environmental Science and Engineering
- Design of Aerospace Structures
- Aircraft Structures
- Advance Aerospace Structures
- Numerical Solution of Ordinary and PDE
- Design of Composite Materials
3rd Year B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Books (5th & 6th Semester)
5th Semester Books
- Advance Propulsion Systems, Heat Transfer and Air-Breathing Propulsion
- Mechanics of Flight
- Gas Dynamics, Gas Turbine, Jet, Rocket, Aerospace Propulsion
- Advanced Flight Dynamics
- Spaceflight Mechanics
- Space Dynamics
- Gas Dynamics
- Advance Gas Turbine Engines Theory
- Atmospheric Flight Mechanics
6th Semester Books
- Introduction to Aeroelasticity
- Aeroelasticity
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Finite Element Method and Analysis
- Avionics
- Experimental Aerodynamics
6th Semester Elective Books
4th Year B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Books (7th & 8th Semester)
7th Semester Books
- Aerodynamics of Aerospace Vehicles
- Viscous Flow Theory
- Low Speed Aerodynamics
- High Speed Aerodynamics
- Rockets and Missiles
- Aircraft Design and Optimisation
7th Semester Elective Books
- Aerospace Vehicle Design
- Microprocessors and Automatic Control
- Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer
- Additive Manufacturing Technology
- Advance Heat Transfer
- Two Phase flow and Heat Transfer
- Boundary Layer Theory
- Analysis and Design of Composite Structures
- Aircraft Materials and Processes
- High Temperature Gas Dynamics
- Space Flight Navigation and Guidance
- Aircraft Instrumentation
- Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Control
- Total Quality Management
8th Semester Books
8th Semester Elective Books
B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Books (Additional Core/Elective)
Core Books (Additional)
- Engineering Graphics and Drawing
- Applied Dynamics and Vibration
- Basic Electronics Engineering
- Flight Vehicle Design
- Computer Application in Aerospace Engineering
- Dynamics for Aerospace Engineers
- Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- Integral Calculus and Trigonometry
- Energy Resource, Environment and Economics
Elective Books (Additional)
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation
- Structural Dynamics
- Advance Structural Dynamics, Aerospace and Earthquake Engineering
- Aeroacoustics
- Air Transport Management
- Applied Aerodynamics
- Theory of Plasticity and Fracture Mechanics
- Atmospheric Boundary Layers
- Aircraft and Engines
- Aircraft Fuel Systems
- Aircraft General Engineering and Maintenance Practices
- Aircraft Performance
- Aircraft Safety Rules and Regulations
- Aircraft Stability and Control
- Combustion Processes in Jet Engines
- Turbomachines
- Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management
- Computational Methods for Compressible Flow
- Automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Unsteady Aerodynamics
- Advanced Aeroelasticity
- Elastic Wave Propagation in Solids
- Energy Methods in Engineering
- Stability of Flows
- Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue and Analysis of Engineering Failures
- Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
- Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
- Nonlinear Finite Element Method
- Operations Research
- Computer Application in Aerospace Engineering
- Solar Thermal Energy
Kindly note that we have put a lot of effort into researching the best reference books on all the subjects of B.E/B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering, and came out with a recommended list. If any more subjects need to be added to this list, please let us know.