- Introduction to Earthquake Engineering
- Earthquake and Engineering Seismology
- Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Advance Seismology, Earthquake and Geothermic
- Exploration Seismology
- Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures
- Seismic Design of Structures
- Advanced Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
1. Introduction to Earthquake Engineering
1."Dynamics of Structures: Applications to Earthquake Engineering" by A K Chopra
Book Review: This book is a useful resource for graduate and senior-level courses in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering. It covers a wide range of topics related to the theory of structural dynamics and its application in earthquake analysis, response, and structural design. The book is designed to be easily understood and requires no prior knowledge of structural dynamics. It provides detailed and integrated concepts, making it suitable for self-study by students and professionals alike.
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2."Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering" by N M Newmark and E Rosenblueth | |
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3."Earthquake Design Practice for Building" by E Booth
Book Review: This book offers a comprehensive and practical approach for engineers, designers, and analysts involved in earthquake resistant structures. It covers the latest developments in earthquake design practice since its initial publication, including advancements in understanding how structures and soils respond to ground shaking, robust form development to resist earthquake construction, and various forms of analysis and assessment. The book is a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their knowledge of earthquake-resistant structures and their design.
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“Introduction to Computational Earthquake Engineering” Book Review: This book explores multiple facets of earthquake engineering, emphasizing the role of computational mechanics and computer science. It covers topics such as stochastic modeling and advanced numerical analysis techniques to estimate earthquake hazards, including strong ground motion and faulting. The book draws upon recent advances in solid continuum mechanics and computational mechanics to present a comprehensive treatment of earthquake engineering. It is geared towards graduate students and researchers in earthquake engineering who seek a deeper understanding of the field and wish to apply advanced computational methods to solve complex problems.
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5."Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VIII" by BREBBIA
“Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VIII” Book Review: The book is a compilation of papers presented at the eighth conference of the biennial series on “Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures”. It encompasses various aspects related to earthquakes and tsunamis, including their problems and aftermath. The book delves into topics such as seismic isolation and energy dissipation, ground motion, soil-structure interaction, and structural performance in great detail. The designing process of earthquake-resistant structures is also a major focus. The content is supplemented with illustrative figures, graphs, and tables. Additionally, the book includes the latest research and recent developments in the field of earthquake engineering. It is suitable for professionals and researchers in the field.
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6."Earthquake Engineering : Theory and Implementation with the 2015 International Building Code" by Nazzal Armouti
“Earthquake Engineering: Theory and Implementation with the 2015 International Building Code” Book Review: The book is an updated and revised text that covers earthquake-resistant engineering techniques, regulations, and codes. The first few chapters describe earthquake characteristics, linear elastic dynamic analysis, nonlinear and inelastic dynamic analysis, structural behavior under seismic excitation, earthquake-resistant building design, and seismic provisions for reinforced concrete structures. The latter part of the book covers seismic provisions for steel structures, earthquake-resistant bridge design, geotechnical aspects and foundations, synthetic earthquakes, and seismic isolation. The book takes a practical approach and provides numerous examples and designs of earthquake-resistant structures. It is intended for engineers, architects, and building inspectors.
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7."Earthquake engineering for structural design" by Sanjeev Mathur | |
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9."Basic Earthquake Engineering: From Seismology to Analysis and Design" by Sinan Akkar
“Basic Earthquake Engineering: From Seismology to Analysis and Design” Book Review: This book is a valuable resource for senior undergraduate students, master’s students, and professionals in the field of structural engineering. It covers the fundamentals of seismotectonics, earthquake causes, magnitude, and intensity. The book also delves into seismic hazard and the use of seismic hazard maps in seismic design. Topics like response analysis of simple systems, building structures, earthquake ground motions, design spectrum, seismic analysis, seismic design principles, and seismic design of reinforced concrete structures are discussed in detail. The book includes several worked examples on seismic analysis of linear, nonlinear, and base isolated buildings, earthquake-resistant design of frame and frame-shear wall systems, making it ideal for those unfamiliar with structural earthquake engineering.
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10."Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering: An Innovative Approach" by Elnashai Amr S
“Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering: An Innovative Approach” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive coverage of engineering seismology, structural earthquake engineering, and geotechnical earthquake engineering. The topics range from the nature of earthquake sources and mechanisms to the modeling of structures and damage observed in reconnaissance missions. The chapters also include discussions on performance limit states, optimal seismic response for structural and architectural systems, and action and deformation quantities suitable for design. To aid comprehension, each chapter contains numerous examples and problems with their solutions. The book is a valuable resource for graduating students, professors, and practicing engineers in the field of earthquake engineering.
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11."Earthquakes: Monitoring Technology, Disaster Management and Impact Assessment (Natural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation)" by Wayne Coleman
“Earthquakes: Monitoring Technology, Disaster Management and Impact Assessment (Natural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation)” Book Review: The book explores new perspectives on earthquakes, covering various topics. Part One focuses on the behavior of a simple spring-block model in nonlinear elements and seismology. Part Two introduces a new approach that uses Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) to determine soil liquefaction vulnerability based on Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) from the Chi-Chi earthquake. Section Three presents a review of earthquake phenomenon in Nigeria, including the episode and available data. Part Four describes the behavior and failure mechanisms of unreinforced masonry structures, along with different recovery and reinforcement methods. Section Five presents results related to Risk, Hazard, and Natural disaster information sources. Part Six presents results on seismic risk perception, awareness, and readiness of urban and semi-rural schoolchildren in the highly seismic region of Oaxaca, Mexico. Section Seven reviews the peculiar reduction in groundwater radon before the Taiwan major earthquakes.
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2. Earthquake and Engineering Seismology
1."Modern Global Seismology" by T Lay and T C Wallace
“Modern Global Seismology” Book Review: This modern text provides comprehensive coverage of the fundamental principles and major aspects of seismology. Its chapters delve into the natural and anthropogenic seismic waves, as well as the large-scale internal structure of the Earth, earthquake sources, treatments of seismic waves, waveform modeling and evaluation, and seismotectonics. The book also explores dynamic processes, elastic-wave propagation, seismic instrumentation, and seismogram analysis in detail. The content is reinforced with numerous illustrations, research articles, and examples. It is an ideal resource for first-year graduate courses in seismology, and an invaluable tool for exploration seismologists.
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2."Introduction to Seismology" by P M Shearer
“Introduction to Seismology” Book Review: The book provides a thorough introduction to seismic theory with up-to-date information on earthquake scaling, non-double-couple sources, radiated energy, and finite slip inversions. The derivations, while lengthy, are explained using basic concepts. Chapters cover a range of topics, including D-ray tracing, attenuation, earthquake location, normal modes, and receiver functions. The book includes many worked problems and detailed exercises that clearly explain the applications of the featured techniques. Overall, it is well-suited for a first-year undergraduate course in seismology.
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3."An introduction to Seismology" by Stein and M Wysession
“An introduction to Seismology” Book Review: This book provides an introduction to seismology and its role in earth sciences, emphasizing the study of earthquakes and plate tectonic processes using seismic waves. The book covers various techniques such as refraction, reflection, and teleseismic methods to study the composition, structure, and evolution of the Earth. It includes all the essential topics related to seismological theory, earthquake occurrence, seismology and plate tectonics, and seismograms as signals. Additionally, a section of the book focuses on inverse problems and their solutions. The book is suitable for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students of earth science.
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4."The Seismic Wavefield. Vol. I" by B L N Kennett
“The Seismic Wavefield Vol. I” Book Review: The book discusses the physical propagation processes within the Earth by analyzing seismograms of both natural and human-induced sources from the perspectives of body and surface waves. It begins with an overview of the Earth’s structure and the nature of seismic wave propagation, and then delves into recent advances in the theoretical background for seismic waves. Numerous examples of observed seismograms are included in the chapters. The book is intended for graduating students of seismology, as well as researchers and professionals in academia and the petroleum industry seeking to enhance their understanding of seismograms.
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5."The Seismic Wavefield Vol. II" by B L N Kennett
“The Seismic Wavefield Vol. II” Book Review: The aim of this book is to establish a connection between observed seismograms and propagation processes. It covers local and regional seismic events, global wave propagation, and the three-dimensional Earth. The content is comprehensive, detailed, and visually enhanced with many figures and diagrams. The book encompasses the latest theoretical developments in the field of seismology. It is an ideal resource for students, researchers, and professionals in the petroleum industry. In addition, practicing seismologists can also benefit from this text.
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6."Earthquake Engineering: From Engineering Seismology to Performance-Based Engineering" by Yousef Bozorgnia and Vitelmo V Bertero
“Earthquake Engineering: From Engineering Seismology to Performance-Based Engineering” Book Review: This revised and updated book provides the latest advancements in the field of Earthquake Engineering. It includes computer-based methods for structural analysis and discusses in detail the recent developments in earthquake ground motions, as well as the behavior and design of structures and seismic design of non-structural systems. The book also highlights the latest design methodologies available in earthquake engineering and presents seismic resistant design inspired by supplemental damping and structural control. With its comprehensive coverage, this book will be an invaluable resource for professionals and researchers involved in earthquake engineering.
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7."International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology" by William H K Lee and Hiroo Kanamori
“International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive and well-organized overview of earthquakes and seismology, covering all the major topics, concepts, and aspects in this field. The chapters of this book are updated and offer in-depth knowledge of seismology. The book explains strong-motion seismology, earthquake engineering, earthquake prediction, and hazards mitigation in an accessible way. The text also demonstrates the various applications of seismology in different fields. The book features articles written by prominent scientists in their respective areas of expertise. This book is suitable for civil and structural engineers, geologists, geophysicists, as well as seismologists working in academia and industry.
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8."Fundamental Concepts of Earthquake Engineering" by Roberto Villaverde
“Fundamental Concepts of Earthquake Engineering” Book Review: The book provides a detailed overview of contemporary principles, techniques, and building codes used to construct earthquake-resistant structures. It begins by discussing the key elements and historical development of earthquake engineering, as well as outlining the potential damages caused by earthquakes. The book then examines the concepts of seismology, the mechanisms behind earthquake generation and propagation, and the different scales used to measure earthquake size. The final section of the book focuses on design spectrum, traditional approaches for calculating the response of structures, soil-structure systems, and nonstructural elements to earthquake ground motions. This text will serve as a useful reference for students and professionals in the field of earthquake engineering.
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9."Instrumentation in Earthquake Seismology" by Jens Havskov and Gerardo Alguacil
“Instrumentation in Earthquake Seismology” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive and practical understanding of seismic instrumentation, covering both theoretical and applied aspects. The chapters of this book are updated and introduce modern instruments used in earthquake seismology. The book is divided into three sections that cover the selection and installation of equipment for seismic stations, the design and implementation of seismic networks and arrays, and the maintenance and calibration of seismic instruments. The text provides a detailed description of seismic sensors, digitizers, recorders, communication systems, and software used in seismic stations and networks. It also covers new instruments and techniques, including MEMS accelerometers, sigma-delta AD converters, dynamic range, and virtual networks. This book is an essential reference for seismologists, engineers, and technicians working with seismological instruments.
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10."Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering" by Steven L Kramer
“Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering” Book Review: This book comprehensively covers the essential principles, crucial concepts, and major aspects of geotechnical earthquake engineering, along with efficiently describing the basic concepts of seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural engineering. It is designed for undergraduate and graduate students of structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, or seismology, but it can also be a valuable resource for professionals and researchers in these fields.
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3. Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
1."Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering" by Steven L Kramer
Book Review: This comprehensive book covers all the major aspects and concepts related to geotechnical earthquake engineering, as well as related fields of seismology and structural engineering. The book provides a detailed introduction to the basic concepts underlying these fields, and also covers recent advancements and advanced topics in the respective fields. It will be useful for students, professionals, and researchers in the areas of seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural engineering.
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2."Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook" by R W Day
Book Review: The main focus of this book is to explore fundamental earthquake principles and the common effects and damages that structures may experience due to seismic activity. Additionally, the book delves into the challenging conditions that engineers face, such as liquefaction, bearing capacity, slope stability, and settlement, among others. Furthermore, the book covers various site improvement methods that can reduce the impact of earthquakes on structures. Overall, the book provides a comprehensive overview of topics, including basic earthquake principles, structural damage, wall analysis, grading, and much more.
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3."Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering" by KRAMER | |
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4."Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VII" by Komodromos
“Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VII” Book Review:The papers presented at the Seventh World Conference on Earthquake Resistance and Engineering Structures held at Cyprus, 2009 inspired the content of this book. The book covers various topics in detail, such as earthquake resistant design, seismic behavior and vulnerability, structural dynamics, passive protection devices, seismic isolation, site effects and geotechnical aspects, bridges, lifelines, and material characterization. Moreover, the book highlights the development and applications of passive anti-seismic systems. It includes chapters featuring experimental studies and numerical simulations related to various fields of earthquake engineering, supported by several diagrams, figures, and tables. The book is recommended for engineers, scientists, and managers working in industry, academia, research organizations, and governments.
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5."International Handbook of Earthquake Engineering: Codes, Programs, and Examples" by Mario Paz
“International Handbook of Earthquake Engineering: Codes, Programs, and Examples” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the theory, analysis, design, and regulations pertaining to seismically safe structures worldwide. It covers all the latest information and key concepts in earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. Each chapter includes separate seismic codes for different countries, as well as information on the geography, geology, and history of earthquakes in many regions. The book also includes numerous examples and programs to aid readers in their understanding and self-assessment. It will be a valuable resource for students, engineers, and professionals involved in the design, construction, maintenance, and regulation of seismically safe structures.
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6."Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Soil-Structure Interaction using Computer and Material Models" by Chandrakant S Desai
“Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Soil-Structure Interaction using Computer and Material Models” Book Review: This book provides an overview of various computer and analytical methods used to solve a range of geotechnical problems. The text covers topics such as soil and rock behavior, interfaces, and joints in detail. The chapters present a range of techniques including finite element and finite difference methods, computer codes, and analytical methods to obtain practical solutions for soil-structure problems. Some chapters emphasize solving problems using hand calculations. The methods and techniques outlined in the book can be applied to a range of practical problems related to dams, slopes, piles, retaining structures, tunnels, pavements, and seepage. The book will be useful for practitioners, students, teachers, and researchers in the fields of geotechnical and structural engineering, as well as for basic mechanics courses.
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7."Advanced Geotechnical Analyses" by P K Banerjee
“Advanced Geotechnical Analyses” Book Review: The book provides a well-rounded approach to tackling complex geotechnical engineering problems by combining engineering judgment and advanced principles of engineering mechanics. The first section of the book covers the interaction between solids and fluids under both static and dynamic loads. Subsequent sections delve into the effects of stress on retaining walls, the use of anisotropic soil models, finite element analysis, and pile driving dynamics. The final section focuses on the development and application of explicit finite difference methods to solve various geotechnical engineering problems. This book is an ideal resource for students and practitioners of geotechnical engineering.
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8."Introduction To Computational Earthquake Engineering" by Muneo Hori
“Introduction To Computational Earthquake Engineering” Book Review: This book presents a comprehensive view of earthquake engineering, blending theoretical and practical perspectives. It covers fundamental topics such as solid continuum mechanics, finite element method, and stochastic modeling. The initial chapters delve into numerical simulation of strong ground motion, faulting, and analytical methods for linear and non-linear stochastic models. Later, advanced topics such as integrated earthquake simulation, visualization of earthquake simulation, and earthquake-resistant design are discussed in detail. The book contains many practical examples to facilitate better understanding of the concepts. Furthermore, it explains the application of numerical simulations and computational science technology to earthquake engineering problems. It will be useful for students, researchers, and practitioners of earthquake engineering.
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9."Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering" by Ioannis A Kougioumtzoglou and Ivan Siu-Kui Au
“Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering” Book Review: The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive and definitive reference on the study of earthquake engineering, with a focus on the relationship between earthquakes and structures. With approximately 265 contributions, this reference covers all significant aspects of earthquake engineering. As the field of earthquake engineering deals with the relationship between earthquake disturbances and built structures, the book emphasizes essential design measures that are important for both non-experts and engineers, allowing readers to become informed without having to deal with the details of professional contracts. Additionally, this reference book aims to provide cross-disciplinary and cross-domain information to specialists in related fields. It is the first single reference book of this breadth and scope that brings together the science, engineering, and technical aspects of earthquakes and structures.
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4. Advance Seismology, Earthquake and Geothermic
1."Advances in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)" by Michael N Fardis
“Advances in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)” Book Review: The book is useful for professionals and researchers working in various fields including structural earthquake engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, and experimental dynamics. It covers ground motions for performance-based earthquake engineering and provides methods and applications for performance-based seismic design and retrofitting. Additionally, it discusses seismic testing for performance-based earthquake engineering.
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2."Earthquake Hazard and Risk (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research)" by Vladimír Schenk
“Earthquake Hazard and Risk (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research)” Book Review: The book is a valuable resource for researchers in the fields of seismology, geophysics, and earth science who are interested in earthquake hazard and seismic risk. It provides an overview of the latest research in these areas, including algorithms and methods used in seismological applications. The book also explores the physical and statistical aspects of earthquake occurrences and presents an analysis of how surface seismological conditions affect these phenomena.
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3."Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures (Advances in Earthquake Engineering)" by C A Brebbia and G Oliveto
“Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures (Advances in Earthquake Engineering)” Book Review: This is an authoritative book that explores the principles and techniques of designing earthquake-resistant structures. With a focus on advancements in earthquake engineering, the book is divided into several chapters covering a wide range of topics such as seismic hazard analysis, structural dynamics, behavior of materials under seismic loading, design criteria, and retrofitting techniques. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research and developments in the field, supported by practical examples and case studies. This book is a valuable resource for engineers, researchers, and students interested in understanding and designing structures that can withstand seismic forces.
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4."Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction" by Syed Tanvir Wasti and Guney Ozcebe
“Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction” Book Review: The focus of this book is on the assessment and rehabilitation of buildings that are susceptible to earthquake damage. It also offers a probabilistic method to predict structural damage and provides an economical and practical approach to tackling earthquake-related issues.
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5."Seismic Isolation for Earthquake-resistant Structures" by P Komodromos
“Seismic Isolation for Earthquake-resistant Structures” Book Review: This book is a valuable resource for engineers and students seeking knowledge about seismic isolation as a means of mitigating earthquake damage in low to medium rise buildings. It explores the benefits and drawbacks of seismic isolation and highlights its potential to separate a structure from the destructive effects of ground motion. The book provides a detailed overview of various seismic isolation systems, and delves into the design methodology for seismically isolated structures. It is a comprehensive guide to seismic isolation that will be useful for both beginners and experienced professionals in the field of earthquake engineering.
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6."Modern Earthquake Engineering" by Junbo Jia
“Modern Earthquake Engineering” Book Review: The book is a valuable resource for civil engineers, students, and researchers interested in earthquake engineering applications for both offshore and land-based structures. It covers various topics including engineering seismology, geotechnical earthquake engineering, and structural engineering. The book provides insights into design philosophy, shock waves, tsunamis, earthquake damage, seismic response of offshore and arctic structures, as well as spatially varying ground motions. Additionally, it features advanced seismic analysis methods and examines the impact of liquid tanks during earthquakes.
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7."Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country: How to Save Your Home, Business, and Life" by Peter Yanev
“Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country: How to Save Your Home, Business, and Life” Book Review: The third edition of this book has been updated and expanded. It offers guidance on how to prepare one’s property to withstand a powerful earthquake, as well as an explanation of how earthquakes occur. The book also provides information on construction methods for fault zones and ways to shore up existing buildings. It demystifies terms like “liquefaction” and “cripple walls” and explains insurance policies and maps of suspected faults.
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5. Exploration Seismology
1."Elements of 3D Seismology" by C L Liner
“Elements of 3D Seismology” Book Review: The book has been recently updated and revised, incorporating the latest theories and developments in 3D seismology. It presents fundamental concepts, methods, and practical applications of 3D seismic theory. The content is divided into chapters covering waves, acquisition, data processing, color plates, and interpretation. The book also includes a free companion CD that contains QuickTime movies to aid in understanding. It is designed to provide readers with easily accessible knowledge and serves as an introduction to 3D seismology for students, researchers, and professionals.
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2."Exploration Seismology" by Sheriff R E and Geldar L P
“Exploration Seismology” Book Review: This updated and revised book provides the latest theories and recent developments in exploration seismology. It begins with a historical overview of exploration seismology and discusses the theory developed from fundamental principles of physics. The book covers data-processing and interpretation processes as well. The applications of seismic exploration in groundwater, environmental, and reservoir geophysics are also described. This text will be useful for undergraduate students of geology, geophysics, and engineering, as well as practicing professionals.
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3."Seismic Tomography: with Applications in Global Seismology and Exploration Geophysics (Modern Approaches in Geophysics)" by Guust Nolet
“Seismic Tomography: with Applications in Global Seismology and Exploration Geophysics (Modern Approaches in Geophysics)” Book Review: The book presents a comprehensive approach to seismic tomography, incorporating both theoretical and practical perspectives to provide the latest information on this subject. The chapters cover a range of topics, including the imaging of seismic waves and their application in the Earth sciences. In addition, the book discusses the application of seismic tomography in diverse fields such as electron microscopy, diagnostic medicine, and radio astronomy. This book is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and professionals in the fields of geology and geophysics who are interested in seismic tomography.
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4."Problems in Exploration Seismology and Their Solutions (Geophysical References)" by Lloyd Philip Geldart
“Problems in Exploration Seismology and Their Solutions (Geophysical References)” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive approach to exploration seismology, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. It presents the fundamental theory required to solve practical problems and includes a wide range of examples. The book covers topics such as least-squares methods, velocity analysis, z-transforms, and the determination of 2D and 3D field geometries. It is a valuable resource for students, researchers, geologists, and geophysicists who want to gain a deep understanding of exploration seismology. The book is written in an easy-to-understand language, making it accessible to readers at different levels of expertise.
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5."Exploration Seismology: Volume 1, History, Theory and Data Acquisition" by R E Sheriff and L P Geldart | |
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6."Basic Theory in Reflection Seismology: with Mathematical Notebooks and Examples on CD-ROM: 1 (Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration)" by J K Costain and C Coruh
“Basic Theory in Reflection Seismology: with Mathematical Notebooks and Examples on CD-ROM: 1 (Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration)” Book Review: The objective of this book is to provide the latest theory and principles for imaging the subsurface of the earth using reflection and refraction seismology. The chapters in this book cover various imaging principles and explain the basic mathematical concepts and theories needed to understand reflection seismology data sets. The book will be beneficial for students, researchers, professionals, geologists, and geophysicists seeking to gain knowledge on this topic.
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7."Seismic Methods and Applications: A Guide for the Detection of Geologic Structures, Earthquake Zones and Hazards, Resource Exploration, and Geotechnical Engineering" by Andreas Stark
“Seismic Methods and Applications: A Guide for the Detection of Geologic Structures, Earthquake Zones and Hazards, Resource Exploration, and Geotechnical Engineering Book Review: The book offers a well-balanced mix of theoretical and practical aspects of geology, and provides insights into seismic exploration methods. Basic mathematical concepts are used to explain the topics covered in this book, including detection of geologic structures, earthquake zones and hazards, resource exploration, and geotechnical engineering. The reader can naturally progress from understanding the underlying physical principles to the actual seismic method. This book is a great resource for both students and professionals who seek clear and easy-to-understand theories on seismic exploration methods.
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8."Handbook of Poststack Seismic Attributes (Geophysical References)" by Arthur E Barnes
“Handbook of Poststack Seismic Attributes (Geophysical References)” Book Review: The book has been revised and updated to include the latest theory on poststack seismic attributes. It provides an overview of seismic attributes from their origins to their current developments. The chapters cover various aspects of geologic structure and stratigraphy, such as dip, azimuth, curvature, reflection spacing, parallelism, spectral decomposition, thin-bed analysis, and waveform classification. The book also discusses data interpretation, frequency shadows, faults, channels, diapirs, and data reconnaissance in detail. This book is highly recommended for students, seismic data interpreters, data processors, researchers, and reflection seismologists involved in petroleum exploration.
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6. Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures
1."Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures" by Aggarwal P
“Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive understanding of earthquake-resistant design principles and their practical implementation in seismic design practice. It covers the fundamentals of structural dynamics, analysis and design of structures using seismic codes, and seismic evaluation and retrofitting of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. The book is suitable for civil engineering students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, practicing engineers, architects, field engineers, and teachers interested in earthquake-resistant design principles for structures.
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2."Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures" by Shashikant K Duggal
“Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive understanding of various sources of damage that can occur during an earthquake, as well as the conceptual approach to designing earthquake-resistant structures. It covers topics such as earthquakes, ground motion, structural and soil response to seismic activity, and guidelines for efficient seismic-resistant design, with a focus on timber, masonry, concrete, and steel buildings. This book is a valuable resource for postgraduate civil engineering students, practicing engineers, and architects seeking a thorough understanding of earthquake-resistant design.
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3."Earthquake-Resistant Design of Building Structures" by Dr Vinod Hosur
“Earthquake-Resistant Design of Building Structures” book review: The aim of this book is to provide the latest research in seismic analysis and design, seismology, seismic measurements, seismic effects on structures, and estimation of seismic demand on structures. The book covers topics such as structural analysis and design for seismic resistance, load-resisting mechanisms, and lateral load-resisting capacity of structures. It is a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in Civil and Structural Engineering, as well as for practicing engineers and architects.
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4."Earth-quake Resistant Design of Structures" by S K Duggal
“Earth-quake Resistant Design of Structures” Book Review: This book explains various factors that can cause damage during an earthquake, and provides a conceptual approach to earthquake-resistant design. It covers the seismic response of structures and soils, the design process for identifying potential sources of damage, and offers guidelines for efficient seismic-resistant design. The book also discusses structural damage induced by vibrations on timber, masonry, concrete, and steel buildings. It is a useful resource for students pursuing B-Tech or BE programs, as well as postgraduate students of civil engineering, practicing engineers, and architects.
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5."Earthquake-Resistant Structures: Design, Build, and Retrofit" by Mohiuddin Ali Khan
“Earthquake-Resistant Structures: Design, Build, and Retrofit” Book Review: The objective of this book is to equip structural engineers with the necessary tools and knowledge to enhance the sustainability of building and bridge design and construction practices, particularly during and after seismic events. The book covers a wide range of topics such as seismic design applications, code provisions, and earthquake-resistant structures. It also includes retrofitting techniques for low and high-rise buildings, single and multi-span bridges, dams, and nuclear facilities. In addition, it provides the latest methods for designing earthquake-resistant structures by combining physical and geophysical science with structural engineering. This book will be a valuable resource for structural engineers seeking to improve their current building and bridge designs.
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6."Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures: Basic Theory of Seismic Stability" by S V Polyakov | |
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7."Earthquake- Resistant Structures: Design, Assessment and Rehabilitation" by Moustafa
“Earthquake- Resistant Structures: Design, Assessment and Rehabilitation” Book Review: This book covers the seismic-resistant design of masonry and reinforced concrete structures, safety assessment, strengthening, and rehabilitation of existing structures against earthquake loads, electromagnetic sensing techniques for health assessment of structures, post-earthquake assessment of steel buildings, response of underground pipes to blast loads, and earthquake-resistant structures such as buildings, bridges, and liquid storage tanks. It is a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers, and practicing structural engineers.
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8."Earthquake-Resistant Structures: Design and Analytical Aspects" by Bruno Crump
“Earthquake-Resistant Structures: Design and Analytical Aspects” Book Review: The book presents a compilation of research contributions by experts and researchers in the field of earthquake engineering, covering topics such as seismic-resistant design of masonry and reinforced concrete structures, safety measures for strengthening and rehabilitating existing structures against earthquake loads, assessment and rehabilitation of jacket platforms, electromagnetic sensing techniques for health assessment of structures, post-earthquake examination of steel buildings in fire environments, and response of underground pipes to blast loads. It is a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers, and practicing structural engineers seeking in-depth knowledge in earthquake engineering.
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9."Earthquake-Resistant Design with Rubber" by James M Kelly
“Earthquake-Resistant Design with Rubber” Book Review: The contents of this book include discussions on topics such as the behavior of multilayer bearings under compression and bending, the buckling behavior of elastomeric bearings, coupled lateral-torsional response, design methods, and guidelines related to seismic isolation, and isolation systems utilizing damped natural rubber. Recent changes in building code requirements are also covered. The book emphasizes the benefits of base isolation technology as a cost-effective and reliable approach for reducing seismic damage to structures. The effectiveness of this technology has been demonstrated in laboratory research and in base-isolated buildings during earthquakes. As a result, this innovative strategy is being implemented in new and existing buildings located in earthquake-prone regions worldwide. The book is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and professionals involved in seismic-resistant design and building construction.
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10."Homebuilders' Guide to Earthquake-Resistant Design and Construction (Fema 232 - June 2006)" by Building Seismic Safety Council and National Institute of Building Sciences
“Homebuilders’ Guide to Earthquake-Resistant Design and Construction (Fema 232 – June 2006)” Book Review: This book presents a summary of seismic design and construction guidance for non-engineers, including homebuilders and knowledgeable homeowners. It outlines prescriptive provisions from the 2003 International Residential Code and covers the FEMA-funded CUREE-Caltech Wood Frame Project. The book includes building detail plans based on state-of-the-art earthquake-resistant techniques, as well as the construction of non-engineered residential structures. Additionally, the book discusses the applications and benefits of earthquake-resistant building practices.
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7. Seismic Design of Structures
1."Analysis and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures Subjected to Seismic Loads" by Swami Saran
“Analysis and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures Subjected to Seismic Loads” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive approach to the analysis and design of foundations and retaining structures under dynamic loads. It covers various topics such as dynamic soil properties, liquefaction, pile and well foundations, waterfront and rigid retaining structures, reinforced earth, soils nailed walls, and bridge abutments. Each chapter includes a range of solved examples. This textbook is suitable for both graduate students and geotechnical engineers in practice.
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2."Seismic Design of RC Buildings (Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering)" by Sharad Manohar and Suhasini Madhekar
“Seismic Design of RC Buildings (Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering)” Book Review: This book is designed as a textbook for upper undergraduate and graduate engineering courses on earthquake-resistant design. It covers a range of topics from material properties, damping, and strength to nonlinear analysis and push-over methods for building adequacy. The book provides insight into the design of base isolators, highlights their merits and demerits, and lists the care required in practical design and construction of various building components. Additionally, it covers modal analysis, the missing mass method of analysis, and tension shift in shear walls and beams, which have important bearing on reinforcement detailing. The book also provides a practical approach to design and detailing of soft storeys, short columns, vulnerable staircases, and many other components.
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3."Integrated Seismic Design of Structure and Control Systems (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)" by Paolo Castaldo
“Integrated Seismic Design of Structure and Control Systems (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)” Book Review: The book details the use of viscous and viscoelastic dampers as integral parts of slender structural systems for achieving high seismic performance. It offers introductory information on passive structural control and passive energy dissipation systems. The book explains how the optimal integrated design methodology, which is applicable to retrofitting of existing buildings, can be implemented. It also shows how structural control research is opening up new possibilities for structural forms and configurations while maintaining structural performance. Furthermore, the book includes dynamic analyses of single and multiple degree of freedom systems. This book is useful for students and researchers in the field of structural engineering.
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4."Displacement Based Seismic Design of Structures: 1" by M J N Priestley and G M Calvi
“Displacement Based Seismic Design of Structures: 1” Book Review: This book is intended for practicing structural designers who wish to implement performance-based concepts in seismic design. It provides guidance on how to gain a deeper understanding of how design can be utilized to manage seismic response. Additionally, it serves as a resource for earthquake engineering researchers, as well as graduate and upper-level undergraduate students. The book includes designs for displacement-based seismic approaches.
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5."Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings" by Jack Moehle
“Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings” Book Review: This book extensively covers the behavior of reinforced concrete materials, components, and systems when subjected to various types of loads, including earthquakes. It presents design methods for both basic requirements as per current building codes and advanced levels necessary for special problems, such as seismic performance assessment. The book contains data and models that are useful for analyzing reinforced concrete structures and includes numerous illustrations, tables, and equations. The topics discussed include seismic design and performance verification, steel reinforcement, confined concrete, shear in beams, columns, and walls, beam-column connections, and slab-column and slab-wall connections. Additionally, the book provides an overview of seismic design, including special moment frames, special structural walls, gravity framing, and more. It is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and practicing structural engineers.
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6."Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Structures and Infrastructures (Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering)" by Vagelis Plevris and Georgia Kremmyda
“Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Structures and Infrastructures (Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering)” Book Review: This book provides an overview of the latest research and developments in the field of engineering, with a focus on ensuring buildings can withstand earthquakes and other natural disasters. It includes information on emerging trends and data related to structural design, covering topics such as seismic assessments, shear wall structures, and infrastructure resilience. The book also presents the best methods and techniques for designing strong and resilient structures. It is a valuable resource for students, professionals, and researchers in the field of engineering.
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7."Response Spectrum Method in Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures (New Directions in Civil Engineering)" by Ajaya Kumar Gupta
“Response Spectrum Method in Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures (New Directions in Civil Engineering)” Book Review: This textbook offers an in-depth analysis of the response spectrum method, which is a crucial tool in the seismic design of critical structures such as nuclear power plants and petroleum facilities. It draws on the latest research to provide practical applications of the method, highlighting its importance in ensuring the safety of these structures. The book is an invaluable reference for civil, structural, mechanical, and earthquake engineers seeking to deepen their understanding of the response spectrum method.
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8."Seismic Design of Building Structures: A Professional's Introduction to Earthquake Forces and Design Details" by Michael R Lindeburg and McMullin
“Seismic Design of Building Structures: A Professional’s Introduction to Earthquake Forces and Design Details” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive understanding of seismic building codes and terminology. It reviews seismic theory, principles of design, structural analysis, and code application. The book also illustrates how to use concepts, equations, and codes to solve practical problems. It covers a wide range of topics, including seismology fundamentals, seismic-resistant structures, diaphragm theory, earthquake characteristics, effects of earthquakes on structures, and vibration theory. The book is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals seeking a better understanding of seismic design principles and practices.
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9."Ductile Seismic Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures" by Srour Nofal
“Ductile Seismic Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures” Book Review: This book outlines the mechanical properties and limitations of steel products in the design of earthquake-resistant structures. It emphasizes the importance of using actual mechanical properties of materials in the design process. The possibility of higher actual yield strength of steel in dissipative zones is discussed. The book also presents harmonized rules and recommendations for the production standards and structural regulations of steel-concrete composite structures in earthquake-prone areas.
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10."Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures" by International Navigation Association Brussels
“Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures” Book Review: The book presents a set of guidelines for seismic design of port structures, which are applicable worldwide. It emphasizes the limitations of traditional design methods and provides an evolutionary approach to design based on seismic response and performance requirements. The book acknowledges the variations in the function, economic, social and seismic conditions of different port facilities. It introduces fundamental concepts of earthquake engineering and performance-based design strategies. The technical commentaries and specific aspects of seismic analysis and design are also discussed. The book provides several examples of guideline applications, aiming to provide an integrated, flexible and consistent methodology for seismic design of port facilities.
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11."Protection of Built Environment Against Earthquakes" by Matjaž Dolšek
“Protection of Built Environment Against Earthquakes” Book Review: The book focuses on probabilistic methods for seismic performance and risk assessment of various types of buildings and structures, including steel, masonry, and reinforced concrete structures, as well as bridges and gravity dams. Its aim is to contribute to seismic risk mitigation by presenting advanced methods and tools for well-informed decision-making, which is crucial for the future protection of the built environment against earthquakes. The book is relevant to researchers, postgraduate students, and practicing engineers in the fields of civil hazards, earthquake, structural and geotechnical engineering, and computational mechanics, as well as other professionals concerned with the social and economic impact of earthquakes.
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12."Seismic Signatures and Analysis of Reflection Data in Anisotropic Media" by I Tsvankin
“Seismic Signatures and Analysis of Reflection Data in Anisotropic Media” Book Review: The focus of this book is on the advantages of anisotropic processing in exploration. It provides insights into reflection seismic signatures and the processing techniques used in anisotropic media. The book also presents practical methods for estimating isotropic media from seismic data and discusses the stability of seismic velocity analysis when anisotropy is present. Additionally, it covers anisotropic imaging techniques, making it a valuable resource for professionals and researchers in the field of seismic processing and exploration.
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8. Advanced Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
1."Advances in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)" by Michael N Fardis
“Advances in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)” Book Review: The book is geared towards scientists and experienced practitioners in the fields of structural earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, and experimental dynamics. Key topics covered in the book include ground motions for performance-based earthquake engineering, methodologies for performance-based seismic design and retrofitting, implementation of performance-based seismic design and retrofitting, and advanced seismic testing for performance-based earthquake engineering.
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2."Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics" by Victor Davidovici
“Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics” Book Review: This is a comprehensive book that delves into the latest developments in the field of earthquake engineering. With a focus on structural dynamics, the book covers a wide range of topics including seismic analysis and design, response spectrum analysis, nonlinear behavior of structures, soil-structure interaction, and earthquake-resistant design principles. Each chapter provides a detailed exploration of key concepts, supported by theoretical explanations, numerical examples, and practical applications. This book is a valuable resource for engineers, researchers, and students seeking to stay updated with the advancements in earthquake engineering and enhance their understanding of structural dynamics in seismic regions.
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3."Dynamic Structural Design: Inverse Problem Approach: 6 (Advances in Earthquake Engineering)" by I Takewaki
“Dynamic Structural Design: Inverse Problem Approach: 6 (Advances in Earthquake Engineering)” Book Review: The book explains the Finite Element Method and Boundary Element Method, which have led to the application of Inverse Problems in vibrations. It covers various topics, including the seismic-resistant design of building structures, the concept of ‘performance-based design’, dynamic structural design approaches, and inverse problem formulations. The book presents simple models in each chapter to aid readers in understanding the formulas and concepts easily. This book is suitable for those interested in vibrations, seismic design, and inverse problems, including students, engineers, and researchers.
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4."Structural Damping: Applications in Seismic Response Modification (Advances in Earthquake Engineering)" by Zach Liang and George C Lee
“Structural Damping: Applications in Seismic Response Modification (Advances in Earthquake Engineering)” Book Review: The book explores the dynamic responses of structures with supplemental damping devices, analyzing them as systems influenced by the combined effects of static stiffness, period, and damping. It includes design examples to enhance comprehension. Earthquake engineers are recommended to read this book, as it offers guidance on selecting the appropriate type of damper, as well as determining the optimal amount and configuration of damping devices.
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