Mining engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the theory, science, application and technology of the processing and extraction of natural resources. We have compiled a list of the best reference books on Mining Engineering for B.E/B.Tech students. These books are used by mining engineering students from top universities around the world and many other institutes and colleges.
Here’s the complete list of B.E/B.Tech. Mining Engineering books, which are arranged year and semester-wise. We have also listed down both core and elective subject books.
1st Year B.Tech Mining Engineering Books (1st & 2nd Semester)
The 1st year B.E/B.Tech subjects are common across various branches of engineering. You can check the full list of common engineering books for 1st year here.
2nd Year B.Tech Mining Engineering Books (3rd & 4th Semester)
3rd Semester Books
- Transform Calculus
- Mine Surveying
- Explosive and Blast Design
- Professional Ethics
- Drilling and Blasting
- Constitution of India, Cyber Law and professional ethics
- Minerology, Petrology
4th Semester Books
- Underground Metal Mining
- Thermodynamics
- Mine Machinery
- Mining Machinery
- Mine Surveying
- Thermodynamics & Fluid Mechanics
3rd Year B.Tech Mining Engineering Books (5th & 6th Semester)
5th Semester Books
- Applied Rock Mechanics & Numerical Modelling
- Rock Mechanics
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Geology
- Methods of Surface Mining
- Underground Coal Mining
- Mine Ventilation
5th Semester Elective Books
6th Semester Books
6th Semester Elective Books
4th Year B.Tech Mining Engineering Books (7th & 8th Semester)
7th Semester Books
8th Semester Books
B.Tech Mining Engineering Books (Additional Core/Elective)
Core Books (Additional)
- Application of Remote Sensing in Mining
- Applied Analysis
- Applied Geo-Mechanics
- Collaborative Mining & Legal Due Diligence
- Commercial Polymetallic Mining & Simulation
- Development of Mineral Deposits
- Earth’s Crust
- Engineering Economic Analysis
- Engineering and Economic Geology
- Environment Impact Assessment and Auditing
- Exploration and Field Mapping
- Exploration Geophysics
- Fluids
- Geostatistics
- Hydrogeological Management
- Material Handling System
- Mineral Deposits
- Mineral Exploration and Strategic Decision Analysis
- Mining of Deep Seated Deposits
- Petroleum Exploration
- Placer Mining
- Quantitative Decision Making
- Ventilation and Climate Control
- Technical Writing
- Soil Mechanics
- Solid Fuel and Clean Coal Technology
- Solid Mechanics
- Statics
Elective Books (Additional)
- Advanced Quantitative Decision Making
- Advanced Subsurface Coal Mining
- Advanced Subsurface Metal Mining
- Biology for Engineers
- Coal Preparation
- Computational Geomechanics
- Elements of Petroleum Engineering
- Employment Communication
- Engineering Statistics
- Fire Safety Engineering
- Fluid Power for Mining Machinery
- Tunneling and Underground Space Technology
- Fundamentals and Applications of GPS Technologies
- Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- Geospatial Imaging and Geoinformatics
- Introduction to Nano-Science and Technology
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Natural Gas Engineering
- Principles of Mine Planning
- Problem Solving Techniques
- Quality Assurance
- Soft Computing for Georesources
- Risk and Reliability Engineering
- Sociology
Kindly note that we have put a lot of effort into researching the best reference books on all the subjects of B.E/B.Tech. Mining Engineering, and came out with a recommended list. If any more subjects need to be added to this list, please let us know.