We have compiled a list of best reference books in Food Technology for students doing B.Sc. in Food Technology as per the latest syllabus of university and colleges. These books are used by Food Technology students of top universities in the world and many other institutes and colleges.
Here’s the complete list of B.Sc. Food Technology books, which are arranged year and semester-wise. We have also listed down both core and elective subject books.
1st Year B.Sc. Food Technology Books (1st & 2nd Semester)
B.Sc. Food Technology 1st Semester Books
2nd Semester Books
- Food Processing Technology
- Technology of Food Preservation
- Fundamentals of Food Processing
- Fundamentals of Milk Processing
2nd Year B.Sc. Food Technology Books (3rd & 4th Semester)
3rd Semester Books
- Food and Nutrition
- Packaging of Fresh and Processed Foods
- Technology of Dairy and Sea Food
- Technology of Fruits, Vegetables and Plantation Crops
4th Semester Books
- Food Microbiology
- Technology of Cereals, Pulses and Oil seeds
- Technology of Meat, Poultry and Engineering
- Food Analysis
- Technology of Cereals and Millet
- Technology of Pulses & Oil seeds
- Biomolecules
- Technology of Spices and Plantation Products
3rd Year B.Sc. Food Technology Books (5th & 6th Semester)
5th Semester Books
- Introduction to Food Chemistry
- Introduction to Food Engineering
- Food Hygienic and Sanitation
- Fundamentals of Food Microbiology
6th Semester Books
B.Sc. Food Technology Books (Additional Core/Elective)
- Bakery and Confectionery Products
- Concentrated and Dehydrated Milk Products
- Fermented and Coagulated Milk Products
- Introduction to Business Laws and Ethics
- Introduction to Finance, Accounts and Auditing
- Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition
- Post Harvest Physiology and Handling of Fruits & Vegetables
- Principles of Fruits and Vegetables Technology
- English for Communication
Kindly note that we have put a lot of effort into researching the best reference books on all the subjects of B.Sc. Food Technology, and came out with a recommended list. If any more subjects need to be added to this list, please let us know.