High Voltage Engineering Questions and Answers – Voltage Regulation (DC)

This set of High Voltage Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Voltage Regulation (DC)”.

1. The output voltage of a rectifier changes with ___________
a) load current
b) input voltage variations
c) input current variations
d) load current and input voltage variations
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Answer: d
Explanation: The output voltage of a rectifier or a dc source changes with load current and input voltage variations. Hence regulator circuits are employed at load terminals which corrects the variation in voltage.

2. A dc voltage regulator consists of ___________
a) detecting and controlling elements
b) detecting elements
c) controlling elements
d) varying elements
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Answer: a
Explanation: A dc voltage regulator consists of detecting elements and controlling elements. Controlling elements are actuated by the detecting elements to correct the changes. Detecting elements sense the change in voltage.

3. Series and shunt type are the two types of dc voltage regulators.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two types of dc voltage regulators are series type and shunt type. Shunt type is also known as the parallel type. Both these types consist of controlling and detecting elements. Controlling elements are actuated by the detecting elements to correct the changes. Detecting elements sense the change in voltage.

4. It is essential to keep the voltage between ±0.3% to ±0.003%.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In order to maintain a constant voltage output, dc regulation is vital. Depending on the applications, the regulated voltage can be between ±0.1% to ±0.001%. It is maintained through a regulator circuit.

5. Stabilization ratio is defined as ___________
a) \(\frac{\Delta E_o E_i}{\Delta E_i E_o}\)
b) \(\frac{\Delta E_i E_i}{\Delta E_o E_o}\)
c) \(\frac{\Delta E_i E_o}{\Delta E_o E_i}\)
d) \(\frac{\Delta E_i}{\Delta E_o}\)
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Answer: c
Explanation: Stabilization ratio is defined as \(\frac{\Delta E_i E_o}{\Delta E_o E_i}\). Eo is the output voltage and Ei is the input voltage. ∆Eo is the change in output voltage as a result of change in input voltage.

6. The effective internal resistance of the regulator seen from the output terminal is _____
a) \(R_o = \frac{\Delta E_o}{\Delta I_o}\)
b) \(R_o = \frac{\Delta I_o}{\Delta E_o}\)
c) \(R_o = \frac{\Delta E_i}{\Delta I_i}\)
d) \(R_o = \frac{\Delta I_i}{\Delta E_i}\)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The effective internal resistance of the regulator seen from the output terminal is \(R_o = \frac{\Delta E_o}{\Delta I_o}\). ∆Eo is the change in output voltage as a result of change in load current Io. Ro is introduced to define the functional performance of the regulator. While determining Ro, the input voltage should remain constant.

7. The regulation R is defined as _____
a) \(\frac{R_o}{R_L}\)
b) \(\frac{R_L}{R_o}\)
c) \(\frac{R_L}{V_o}\)
d) \(\frac{R_l}{I_L}\)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The regulation R is defined as \(\frac{R_o}{R_L}\). The effective internal resistance of the regulator seen from the output terminal is Ro. RL is the load resistance. Voltage stabilizers are employed for voltage regulation.

8. Identify the following voltage stabilization circuit.
a) Shunt type
b) Series type
c) Shunt-Series type
d) Series-Shunt type
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given voltage stabilization circuit is series type. The two types of dc voltage regulators are series type and shunt type. Shunt type is also known as the parallel type. Both these types consist of controlling and detecting elements. Controlling elements are actuated by the detecting elements to correct the changes.

9. Identify the following voltage stabilization circuit.
a) Shunt type
b) Series type
c) Shunt-Series type
d) Series-Shunt type
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given voltage stabilization circuit is shunt type. The two types of dc voltage regulators are series type and shunt type. Shunt type is also known as the parallel type. Both these types consist of controlling and detecting elements. Controlling elements are actuated by the detecting elements to correct the changes.

10. Identify a, b, c and d in the give figure.
a) a-output voltage, b-detecting element, c-controlling element, d-input voltage
b) a-output voltage, b-controlling element, c-detecting element, d-input voltage
c) a-input voltage, b-detecting element, c-controlling element, d-output voltage
d) a-input voltage, b-controlling element, c-detecting element, d-output voltage
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Answer: d
Explanation: The given figure represents the diagram of a series type voltage stabilizer with a-input voltage, b-controlling element, c-detecting element, d-output voltage. A dc voltage regulator consists of detecting elements and controlling elements. Controlling elements are actuated by the detecting elements to correct the changes. Detecting elements sense the change in voltage.

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