This set of Hadoop Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Hadoop Archives”.
1. _________ is the name of the archive you would like to create.
a) archive
b) archiveName
c) name
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The name should have a *.har extension.
2. Point out the correct statement.
a) A Hadoop archive maps to a file system directory
b) Hadoop archives are special format archives
c) A Hadoop archive always has a *.har extension
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: A Hadoop archive directory contains metadata (in the form of _index and _masterindex) and data (part-*) files.
3. Using Hadoop Archives in __________ is as easy as specifying a different input filesystem than the default file system.
a) Hive
b) Pig
c) MapReduce
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Hadoop Archives is exposed as a file system MapReduce will be able to use all the logical input files in Hadoop Archives as input.
4. The __________ guarantees that excess resources taken from a queue will be restored to it within N minutes of its need for them.
a) capacitor
b) scheduler
c) datanode
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: Free resources can be allocated to any queue beyond its guaranteed capacity.
5. Point out the wrong statement.
a) The Hadoop archive exposes itself as a file system layer
b) Hadoop archives are immutable
c) Archive rename, deletes and creates return an error
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: All the fs shell commands in the archives work but with a different URI.
6. _________ is a pluggable Map/Reduce scheduler for Hadoop which provides a way to share large clusters.
a) Flow Scheduler
b) Data Scheduler
c) Capacity Scheduler
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: The Capacity Scheduler supports multiple queues, where a job is submitted to a queue.
7. Which of the following parameter describes destination directory which would contain the archive?
a) -archiveName <name>
b) <source>
c) <destination>
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: -archiveName <name> is the name of the archive to be created.
8. _________ identifies filesystem path names which work as usual with regular expressions.
a) -archiveName <name>
b) <source>
c) <destination>
d) none of the mentioned
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9. __________ is the parent argument used to specify the relative path to which the files should be archived to
a) -archiveName <name>
b) -p <parent_path>
c) <destination>
d) <source>
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Explanation: The hadoop archive command creates a Hadoop archive, a file that contains other files.
10. Which of the following is a valid syntax for hadoop archive?
hadooparchive [ Generic Options ] archive -archiveName <name> [-p <parent>] <source> <destination>
hadooparch [ Generic Options ] archive -archiveName <name> [-p <parent>] <source> <destination>
hadoop [ Generic Options ] archive -archiveName <name> [-p <parent>] <source> <destination>
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: The Hadoop archiving tool can be invoked using the following command format: hadoop archive -archiveName name -p <parent> <src>* <dest>.
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