Unix MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

Here are 1000 MCQs on Unix (Chapterwise).

1. What is Unix?
a) Unix is a programming language
b) Unix is a software program
c) Unix is an operating system
d) Unix is a text editor
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Answer: c
Explanation: Unix is an operating system developed in the early 1970’s at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, and others. It is a multiuser, multitasking and timesharing operating system. The power of Unix is derived from its commands and their multiple options.

2. The Unix shell is both _______ and _______ language.
a) scripting, interpreter
b) high level, low level
c) interactive, responsive
d) interpreter, executing
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Answer: a
Explanation: The UNIX shell is both an interpreter and scripting language. We can also say that shell can be interactive or non-interactive. When we log in to our system, interactive shell presents a prompt and wait for our requests while a non-interactive shell is managed by an interactive shell while executing a shell script.

3. In which language UNIX is written?
a) C++
b) C
d) Python
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Answer: b
Explanation: UNIX was originally written in Assembly language but Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson wanted an operating system which could run on more than one type of hardware. So in 1973, they rewrote the whole operating system in C language due to which one of the strongest features i.e. portability was added to the operating system.

4. Which of the following is the first UNIX editor?
a) vi
b) emacs
c) ex
d) ed
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Answer: d
Explanation: The first editor that was used in UNIX systems was ‘ed’. The main reason behind the replacement of ‘ed’ was that it can only edit files in the current directory and cannot execute shell commands.

5. Which of the following is not a feature of Unix?
a) multiuser
b) easy to use
c) multitasking
d) portability
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Answer: b
Explanation: UNIX is a multitasking operating system i.e. a user can run multiple tasks concurrently. Similarly, it is a multiuser system because it permits working with multiple users on a single operating system. But a major disadvantage of UNIX lies in the fact that the richness provided by its commands requires a special type of commitment to understand the subject. i.e. the user must be well aware of commands he is using and the functions performed by them.

6. Which of the following is not true about Unix?
a) UNIX was not written in ‘C’ language
b) Linux is also known as a version of UNIX
c) A user can run multiple programs at the same time; hence UNIX is called a multitasking environment
d) Many people can use a UNIX based computer at the same time; hence UNIX is called as a multiuser system
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Answer: a`
Explanation: One of the most attractive features of UNIX is that it supports multi-user and multitasking environment which makes it so popular among its users. There are many UNIX variants available in the market. Solaris Unix, AIX, HP Unix, BSD are some of the examples. Linux is also a flavor of UNIX which is freely available. Unix was developed in 1969 by AT&T employees Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna at Bell Labs and was written in ‘C’.

7. Which editor is used by the Unix system to edit files?
a) word
b) notepad++
c) vi
d) notepad
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Answer: c
Explanation: It doesn’t matter what kind of work we are doing on a UNIX system, we always need an editor to edit some system files or ordinary files. For this purpose, vi editor is used in UNIX. Currently, vim (vi improved) is an improved version which is supported by LINUX systems.

8. Which of the following is not a part of all the versions of Unix?
a) System Calls
b) Graphical user interface
c) Kernel and Shell
d) Commands and utilities
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Answer: b
Explanation: The kernel is the heart of the operating system while the shell is the utility which processes our requests. While system calls are a handful of functions which are used to interact with the kernel and make available the services provided by the operating system. A Graphical user interface (GUI) is available in UNIX, but the traditional UNIX interface is the command line only.

9. Which part of the Unix operating system interacts with the hardware?
a) Application program
b) Vi editor
c) Shell
d) Kernel
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Answer: d
Explanation: The kernel is the core of the operating system. It is a collection of routines written in C which directly communicates with the hardware. User programs that need to interact with the hardware access the services of the kernel. There is only one kernel running on a system, unlike shells which can be multiple.

10. Which command is used to display the documentation of commands in Unix?
a) man
b) whatis
c) help
d) search
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Answer: a
Explanation: UNIX provides us with a facility of man command, which is used for getting documentation of any command. For example, to seek help on wc command simply type man wc. This will simply display all the possible operations, options, description, synopsis of wc command. The POSIX specification requires only one available option with man command i.e. -k, which prints a one-line description of the command. whatis command is also available on many UNIX systems which also displays a one-line description of the command. man -f emulates the behavior of whatis command.

11. Which Unix command is used for changing the current directory?
a) pwd
b) rm
c) cd
d) cp
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Answer: c
Explanation: cd (change directory) command is used for moving around the file system. cd command is usually invoked with a argument. After invocation, it changes the current directory to the directory specified as argument. Cp command is used for copying files while rm command is used for deleting files.
For example: our current directory is /bin/user06 and we want to change our directory to a directory named dir_one which is inside the user06 directory. To do so, type the following:

$ cd dir_one

12. Which command is used for printing the current working directory?
a) dir
c) cd
d) pwd
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Answer: d
Explanation: pwd command is used for checking our current directory. Current directory is the directory in which we are currently working. pwd displays the absolute pathname i.e. with respect to the root directory.

$ pwd


13. Which command is used for listing files in a directory?
a) list
b) ls
c) wc
d) ps
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Answer: b
Explanation: ls command is one of the most powerful commands used in UNIX system. It comes available with a bunch of options for listing files available in the directory. There are a number of options like -l, -a which are used for listing files in different manners according to user’s need.

$ ls

14. Which command is used by the user to change their login password in Unix?
a) cp
b) man
c) reset
d) passwd
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since UNIX is a multiuser system, it requires a password from every user who wants to log in to the system to help ensure that all the data and files of the user are secure from hackers and errant users. A user can simply change his/her login password by using the passwd command. Simply type this command on the terminal and then enter the old password, which after successful verification would allow the user to input a new password for his login.

15. Which command is used for displaying the contents of a file in Unix?
a) mkdir
b) cat
c) rm
d) cp
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Answer: b
Explanation: cat command is used to display the contents of a file. For displaying the contents, simply invoke the cat command with the filename (whose contents are to be displayed) as an argument. For example, if abd.txt file contains “HELLO WORLD” then,

$ cat abd.txt

16. Which command is used to compress files?
a) gzip
b) gunzip
c) comm
d) cmp
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Answer: a
Explanation: To conserve disk space we need to compress a file. gzip is a very popular program used with one or more filenames for compression.

$ gzip  file01.txt

17. Which command is used for displaying the beginning of a file in Unix?
a) lp
b) begin
c) pr
d) head
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Answer: d
Explanation: The head command is used for displaying the top of the file. As the name suggests, it displays the beginning of the file which is specified as an argument to the command. For example,

$ head emp.lst

18. Which symbol is used with the tail command to print the file from the selected line?
a) %%
b) ^
c) +
d) –
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Answer: c
Explanation: We can also address lines from the beginning instead of the end. The +count option allows us to do that, where count represents the line number from where the selection should begin. For example,

$ tail +11 emp.lst        // start printing from 11th line onwards

19. Which command is used to delete all files in a directory?
a) del *
b) rm *
c) mv *
d) rmdir *
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Answer: b
Explanation: To delete all files in a directory, use (*) with rm command. It acts as a meta-character and delete all files without displaying any message on the terminal. So use this command cautiously.

20. echo command is used for _________
a) displaying diagnostic messages
b) displaying date and time
c) displaying errors
d) displaying operating system details
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Answer: a
Explanation: echo command is generally used for displaying diagnostic messages on to the terminal or to issue prompt for reading the user input. All shells now have echo built in i.e. it is an internal command.

$ echo hello

21. What is the function of cp command in Unix?
a) delete a given file
b) change the directory
c) list all the available files in the current directory
d) cp is a command used for copying files and directories
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Answer: d
Explanation: cp command is basically used for creating a copy of source file or a group of files. The syntax of the command requires at least two filenames to be specified. If both the files specified are ordinary files, the first file will be copied to the second file. The syntax of cp command is cp source_filename destination_filename. The contents of the source file will be copied to the destination file in the same directory.

$ cp  file_01  file_02               // copies file_01 to file_02

22. Which command is used for removing/deleting files in Unix?
a) rm
b) mv
c) rmdir
d) del
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Answer: a
Explanation: rm command is used in UNIX to remove one or more files. It operates silently and should be used with caution. The filename of the file to be deleted is provided as an argument to rm command. For example, following command deletes abd.txt file.

$ rm  abd.txt

23. Which command is used for renaming files in Unix?
a) rename
b) move
c) mv
d) cp
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Answer: c
Explanation: mv command is used for renaming files. This command does not create a copy of the file, it simply renames it. To rename file1 to file2 simply type,

$ mv  file1  file2

24. Which command is used for comparing two files?
a) comp
b) cmp
c) comm
d) diff
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Answer: b
Explanation: cmp command is used for comparing two files byte by byte. It displays the first mismatch and its location on the terminal. It does not bother about subsequent mismatches but displays only the first mismatch. As soon as the first difference is found, the command terminates and outputs the line and byte in which there is a difference. For example,

$ cmp  file01  file02
file01  file02 differ: Byte 20, Line 2

diff command is used for converting one file into another in order to make them identical and comm is used for displaying the common elements in both the files.

25. Which Unix command is used for counting words, lines, and characters in a file?
a) wc
b) man
c) count
d) diff
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Answer: a
Explanation: UNIX provides a universal word counting program that allows us to count the number of words, lines and characters in a file. It takes a filename as an argument as produces a 4 column output.

$ wc file01
3   9   45  file01

Above output indicates that file01 contains 3 lines, 9 words and 45 characters.

26. In UNIX, which command is used to change the permissions of a file?
a) chown
b) chgrp
c) chmod
d) ch
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Answer: c
Explanation: The chmod (change mode) command is used to change the permissions of files. This command can only be run by the owner of the file or by the super user.

27. Which symbol is used to change permissions for hidden files in Unix?
a) *
b) $
c) &
d) .
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Answer: d
Explanation: To change permissions for hidden files, use the (.) symbol with chmod command.

$ chmod 755  .    // works on hidden files

28. Which command is used for saving and quitting the vi editor simultaneously?
a) ‘:x’
b) :f
c) :q
d) :w
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Answer: a
Explanation: ‘:x’ command saves our content and quits the editor simultaneously. This command is invoked in ex-mode.

29. How can we escape to the UNIX shell without quitting vi editor?
a) using ‘:sh’ command and using ctrl-Z
b) using ‘:sh’ command
c) using ctrl-Z
d) using ctrl-D
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Answer: a
Explanation: We can escape to the shell without quitting the editor using ‘:sh’ command or ctrl-Z. Sometimes it is necessary to return to shell prompt to execute a UNIX command or compile our program. For this purpose, we use these commands.

30. For creating and removing directories, which of the following system calls are used?
a) mkdir and rmdir
b) rmdir and chown
c) chdir and chown
d) mkdir and chdir
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Answer: d
Explanation: A non privileged user uses mkdir and rmdir calls for creating and removing directories respectively.

31. Which of the following files are known as special files in Unix?
a) /dev/null
b) sample.txt
c) /dev/null and /dev/tty
d) /dev/tty
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are two special files named /dev/null and /dev/tty which is used in UNIX for special purposes. For example, if we want to check whether the program runs successfully without seeing its output on the screen or may not want to save output in a file either. For this purpose, a special file /dev/null is used. It accepts any stream without growing in size. The second file /dev/tty is the one used for indicating one’s terminal.

32. What is the output of the following Unix command?

$ wc  -c  *.c

a) size of each .c file
b) total size of .c files
c) erroneous
d) undefined
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Answer: b
Explanation: We can make the command ignorant of its source using the pipeline. Above command is also an example of the same. It will simply display the total size of those files having a .c extension in the current directory.

33. In Unix, for what purpose bc command is used?
a) for copying files
b) as a process table viewer
c) as an editor
d) as a calculator
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Answer: d
Explanation: bc command is used for invoking calculator on UNIX system. It comes with a wide library for performing calculations. The power of this tool can be derived from the fact, that it can perform calculations up to and above 900 digits!

34. Which process is immediately set up by the kernel when we log on to a Unix system?
a) System
b) bash
c) shell
d) parent
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Answer: c
Explanation: As we log on to a UNIX system, a process is immediately set up by the kernel. This process represents a UNIX command which may sh (Bourne shell), ksh (Korn shell), csh (C shell) or bash (Bash). This process remains alive until we log out when it is killed by the kernel.

35. Which command shows some attributes of a process?
b) ps
c) $$
d) pid
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Answer: b
Explanation: ps command is used to show some attributes of a process. This command reads through the kernel’s data structures and process tables to fetch the characteristics of a process. By default, ps command displays the processes owned by the user running the command.

36. Which of the following system call is used for creating a new process in Unix?
a) new
b) wait
c) read
d) fork
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Answer: d
Explanation: A process in UNIX is created using fork() system call. It creates an exact copy of the process that invokes it. Now there will be two processes, one parent process and one child process. The process which invokes the fork system call is called parent process and the new process created is called child process.

37. Which of the following command is used to create a child shell?
a) sh
b) env
c) wait
d) fork
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Answer: a
Explanation: To create a child shell we can use the sh command. sh is basically the command name of Bourne shell. sh is a command language interpreter that executes commands read from a command line string. To create a child shell, simply invoke sh command without any argument.

38. Which Unix command is used for locating files?
a) type
b) loc
c) find
d) search
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Answer: c
Explanation: find is one of the most powerful tools of the UNIX system. It recursively examines a directory tree to look for file matching based on some criteria and then takes some action on the selected files.

39. Which command is used for preparing a file for printing?
a) pr
b) print
c) cat
d) cd
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pr command is used for preparing a file by adding suitable headers, footers and formatted text. This command is used with a filename as an argument. For example,

$ pr  dept.lst
May  06  10:38  1998  dept.lst  Page 1
.....blank lines.......

40. Which command is used for sorting a file on specified fields?
a) pr
b) cut
c) tail
d) sort
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sorting is the ordering of data in ascending or descending order. The sort command is used for ordering a file. Like cut command, sort also identifies fields and perform sorting on specified fields. To sort any file, just provide the name of the file as an argument with sort command.

$ sort emp.lst

41. Which Unix command is used for locating repeated and non-repeated lines?
a) cut
b) paste
c) uniq
d) sort
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Answer: c
Explanation: When we concatenate or merge files, we can encounter the problem of duplicate entries creeping in. UNIX offers a special command (uniq) which can be used to handle these duplicate entries. We can also use the sort -u command for doing the same piece of work.

42. Which command is used for translating characters?
a) paste
b) tr
c) trans
d) sort
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Answer: b
Explanation: The translate (tr) filter is used for manipulating individual characters in a line. Usually, tr command translates characters using one or two compact expressions. The syntax for using tr command is,

$ tr  options  expression1  expression2  standard input

43. Which of the following command will be used for searching “director” in emp.lst?
a) grep “director” emp.lst
b) grep -director emp.lst
c) grep -v “director” emp.lst
d) grep “director”
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Answer: a
Explanation: Because grep command is also a filter, it can search it’s standard input for the pattern. For example, the command grep “director” emp.lst will search the file emp.lst for the pattern “director” and will display the lines containing this pattern.

44. Which of the following command is used for searching for a pattern in one or more file(s)?
a) paste
b) grep
c) cd
d) cp
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Answer: b
Explanation: UNIX has a special family of commands for handling search requirements, and the principal member of this family is the grep command. This command scans its input for a pattern and displays the lines containing the pattern, the line numbers or filenames containing the pattern.

45. Which of the following commands is known as stream editor?
a) grep
b) tr
c) sed
d) td
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Answer: c
Explanation: sed is a multipurpose tool which performs the function of several filters together. This filter is derived from the ed (original UNIX editor). It performs non-interactive operations on a data stream. It uses instructions to act on a text for selecting lines, with an action to be taken.

46. What is a shell script?
a) group of functions
b) a file containing a series of commands
c) a file containing special symbols
d) group of commands
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Answer: b
Explanation: When we have to execute a series of commands altogether, we store them in a file which is itself executed as a shell script. A shell script is basically a computer program designed to be run by the UNIX shell.

47. To run the script, we should make it executable first by using _____
a) chmod +w
b) chmod +rwx
c) chmod +x
d) chmod +r
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Answer: c
Explanation: Before we run the script, it is essential to make the script executable first. After that invoke the script name to run the script. For making the script executable, we have to use chmod +x script_name.

48. Which command is used for acquiring superuser status?
a) su
b) pu
c) super
d) admn
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Answer: a
Explanation: Any user can acquire the status of superuser by using the su command. The only condition that needs to be fulfilled here is, he/she must be aware of the root password. For example,

$ su
Password: *****        //root’s password
/home/abd             //prompt changes ( super user mode)

49. Which command is used to find out the consumption of a specific directory?
a) mem
b) dv
c) du
d) df
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sometimes, we may need to find out the consumption of a specific directory rather than an entire file system. For this purpose, du command is used. This command reports usage by recursive examination of the directory structure.

50. Which filter apart from perl, is the most powerful?
a) awk
b) grep
c) cut
d) sed
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Answer: a
Explanation: The awk command made a later entry in the UNIX system. Like sed, it combines features of several filters. It is one of the most powerful filter after perl.

51. For running a Unix command within awk, we’ve to use ____ function.
a) split
b) system
c) substr
d) length
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Answer: b
Explanation: For running a UNIX command within awk, we’ve to use system function. For example,

      system(“date”)   // prints the system date 

52. To extract specific columns from a file ____ command is used.
a) cut
b) pr
c) head
d) tail
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Answer: a
Explanation: To extract specific columns from a file, we can use cut command followed by -c option and list of column numbers, delimited by a comma. For example,

$ cut  -c  6-22,24-32  emp.lst

53. Which of the following cannot be performed by cat command?
a) appending files
b) deleting files
c) creating files
d) displaying files
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Answer: b
Explanation: cat command cannot delete files. It can only be used for viewing file contents, creating a file or appending to an existing file.

54. What is the default delimiter used by the cut command for cutting fields?
a) underscore
b) space
c) tab
d) double tab
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Answer: c
Explanation: To extract useful data from a file, we use the cut command to cut fields rather than columns. The cut command uses tab as the default delimiter to cut fields.

55. Which of the following is not an internal command used by mailx?
a) d
b) N
c) a
d) q
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are various internal commands used by mailx each of which performs a specified task.

N , prints the message numbered N
d , deletes the current message( if N is not specified along with it)
q , quits the mailx  program

Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Unix

Unix MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Our 1000+ MCQs focus on all topics of the Unix subject, covering 100+ topics. This will help you to prepare for exams, contests, online tests, quizzes, viva-voce, interviews, and certifications.
  1. Unix Architecture & General Purpose Utilities
  2. File System
  3. Handling Ordinary Files
  4. Basic File Attributes
  5. Vi Editor
  6. Shell
  7. Process
  8. Customizing the Environment & More File Attributes
  9. Simple Filters
  10. Filters using Regular Expressions
  11. Essential Shell Programming
  12. Awk – An Advanced Filter & Perl – Master Manipulator
  13. Advanced Vi
  14. System Programming – Files
  15. Process Control & Unix System Performance

1. Unix MCQ on Architecture & General Purpose Utilities

The section contains Unix multiple choice questions and answers on unix introduction, commands and general purpose commands.

  • Unix Basics
  • Unix Commands
  • Unix General Purpose Commands – 1
  • Unix General Purpose Commands – 2
  • 2. Unix MCQ on File System

    The section contains Unix questions and answers on files categories, pwd and cd commands for file handling, is command for listing directory contents, absolute and relative pathnames.

  • File Categories
  • File Handling Commands: pwd, cd
  • Absolute and Relative Pathnames
  • ls Command
  • 3. Unix MCQ on Handling Ordinary Files

    The section contains Unix MCQs on cat command, cp command, rm and mv command for deleting and renaming files, comparing files, wc command for counting file data, compressing and archiving files.

  • Displaying and Creating Files – cat Command
  • Copying a File – cp Command
  • rm and mv Command
  • comm, cmp and diff Command
  • Counting File Data – wc Command
  • Compressing & Archiving Files – 1
  • Compressing & Archiving Files – 2
  • 4. Multiple Choice Questions on Unix Basic File Attributes

    The section contains Unix multiple choice questions and answers on listing file and directory attributes, file ownership and permissions.

  • Listing File & Directory Attributes
  • File Ownership and Permissions
  • Changing File Ownership and Permissions – 1
  • Changing File Ownership and Permissions – 2
  • 5. Unix MCQ on Vi Editor

    The section contains Unix questions and answers on vi basics and modes, vi input mode, vi ex mode, vi editor navigation, vi editor editing text, commands for searching, replacing and substituting in vi editor.

  • Vi Basics and Modes – 1
  • Vi Basics and Modes – 2
  • Vi-Input Mode
  • Vi-Ex Mode – 1
  • Vi-Ex Mode – 2
  • Navigation in Vi Editor – 1
  • Navigation in Vi Editor – 2
  • Editing Text in Vi Editor – 1
  • Editing Text in Vi Editor – 2
  • Commands for Searching, Replacing and Substituting in Vi Editor
  • 6. Unix Multiple Choice Questions on Shell

    The section contains Unix MCQs on shell basics, pattern matching, escaping and quoting, redirection and pipes, command substitution and shell variables.

  • Shell Basics
  • Pattern Matching, Escaping and Quoting – 1
  • Pattern Matching, Escaping and Quoting – 2
  • Redirection and Pipes – 1
  • Redirection and Pipes – 2
  • Command Substitution and Shell Variables
  • 7. Unix MCQ on Process

    The section contains Unix multiple choice questions and answers on process basics, process status, process handling commands and process management.

  • Unix Process Basics
  • Process Status:ps Command and Phases of a Process
  • Process Handling Commands – 1
  • Process Handling Commands – 2
  • Process Management – 1
  • Process Management – 2
  • 8. Unix MCQ on Customizing the Environment & More File Attributes

    The section contains Unix questions and answers on shell variables, shell offerings, advanced file handling commands and find command.

  • Shell Variables – 1
  • Shell Variables – 2
  • Shell Offerings
  • Advanced File Handling Commands
  • find Command
  • 9. Multiple Choice Questions on Unix Simple Filters

    The section contains Unix MCQs on filtering commands, sort command, unique and tr commands.

  • Filtering Commands – 1
  • Filtering Commands – 2
  • Sort Command
  • Unique and tr Command
  • 10. Unix MCQ on Filters using Regular Expressions

    The section contains Unix multiple choice questions and answers on grep and sed commands.

  • grep Command – 1
  • grep Command – 2
  • sed Command – 1
  • sed Command – 2
  • 11. Unix MCQ on Essential Shell Programming

    The section contains Unix questions and answers on shell programming using read command and command line arguments, logical operators and conditional execution, using test and [ ] to evaluate expressions, case and expr commands, administrator specific commands and privileges.

  • read Command and Command Line Arguments
  • Logical Operators and Conditional Execution
  • Using test and [ ] to Evaluate Expressions – 1
  • Using test and [ ] to Evaluate Expressions – 2
  • Case and Expr command
  • Shell Programming using Various Commands – 1
  • Shell Programming using Various Commands – 2
  • Administrator Specific Commands and Privileges – 1
  • Administrator Specific Commands and Privileges – 2
  • Administrator Specific Commands and Privileges – 3
  • 12. Unix MCQ on Awk – An Advanced Filter & Perl – Master Manipulator

    The section contains Unix MCQs on awk command operations and perl a general purpose tool.

  • Various Operations using Awk Command – 1
  • Various Operations using Awk Command – 2
  • Various Operations using Awk Command – 3
  • perl – A General Purpose Tool – 1
  • perl – A General Purpose Tool – 2
  • 13. Unix MCQ on Advanced Vi

    The section contains Unix multiple choice questions and answers on operator command combinations, customizing vi editor, handling multiple files and buffers.

  • Operator-Command Combination
  • Handling Multiple Files & Buffers
  • Customizing Vi Editor
  • 14. Unix MCQ on System Programming I – Files

    The section contains Unix questions and answers on system calls basics and file handling system calls.

  • System Calls Basics – 1
  • System Calls Basics – 2
  • File Handling System Calls – 1
  • File Handling System Calls – 2
  • 15. Unix MCQ on Process Control & Unix System Performance

    The section contains Unix MCQs on process control basics, process control system calls, performance components and tools.

  • Process Control Basics
  • Process Control System Calls – 1
  • Process Control System Calls – 2
  • Performance Components and Tools
  • If you would like to learn "Unix" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of 1000+ MCQs - multiple choice questions and answers mentioned above. It will immensely help anyone trying to crack an exam or an interview.

    Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Unix!

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    Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
    Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

    Subscribe to his free Masterclasses at Youtube & discussions at Telegram SanfoundryClasses.