This set of Food Microbiology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fermented Dairy Products – Acidophilus Milk and Koumiss”.
1. In the original process, milk was sterilized using the __________ process.
a) Tyndallization
b) Pasteurization
c) Colonization
d) Humidification
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Explanation: Milk is required to be sterilized prior to fermentation. This was done using the Tyndallization process. This had two heating stages for up to an hour which were separated by a resting period of 3-4 hours to allow spore germination. Nowadays, this is done using the UHT method.
2. The DDS-1 strain of Lactobacillus _________ is helpful for lactose intolerant people.
a) acidophilus
b) casei
c) sakei
d) fermentum
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Explanation: Lactobacillus acidophilus is a Gram-positive bacteria found in the human gut and mouth. This strain can provide benefits after a month of use. The bacteria also help the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
3. Fermentation of acidophilus milk takes longer than that of yogurt.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In spite of being a thermophilic homofermenter, the bacteria is slow fermenting and is easily outgrown due to it being a poor competitor. Hence, the fermentation takes longer and extra care has to be taken to prevent contamination.
4. ______________ buttermilk is produced in the same way as acidophilus milk.
a) Czech
b) Hungarian
c) German
d) Bulgarian
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Explanation: Bulgarian buttermilk is made using Lactobacillus bulgaricus instead of L. acidophilus. The acidophilus bacteria have the ability to colonize the gut unlike L. bulgaricus.
5. Which of the following is used to make Koumiss?
a) Raw mare’s milk
b) Raw camel’s milk
c) Raw goat’s milk
d) Raw yak’s milk
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Explanation: Koumiss is produced using raw mare’s milk and is popular in Russia and among the people of Central Asian steppes. The amount of sugars found in mare’s milk is higher than that found in cow’s or goat’s milk. Koumiss is a carbonated, slightly alcoholic drink.
6. Koumiss is made using _________
a) Bacteria only
b) Bacteria and Yeast
c) Yeast only
d) Bacteria and Protozoa
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Explanation: Koumiss is made by fermenting raw mare’s milk with the help of lactic acid bacteria as well as yeast. The yeast contributes to the alcoholic fermentation to give Koumiss a carbonated and alcoholic flavor
7. Cow’s milk has to be modified to make Koumiss.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Koumiss is traditionally made using raw mare’s milk. However, procuring mare’s milk is not always feasible and one has to look for alternatives. One of them is cow’s milk. Since mare’s milk has more sugar content than cow’s milk, sugar has to be added to modify it. Also, cow’s milk has a higher fat content and a lower carbohydrate content than mare’s milk.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Food Microbiology.
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