- Introduction to Offshore Engineering
- Offshore Structures
- Design of Offshore Structure
- Offshore Geotechnical Engineering
- Ocean Structures
1. Introduction to Offshore Engineering
1."Dynamic Analysis of Offshore Structures" by C A Brebbla and S Walker | |
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2."Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures" by T Sarapkaya and M Isaacson
“Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures” Book Review: This book provides an exceptional overview of offshore structures and wave forces. Its chapters comprise fundamental equations and principles, as well as topics such as separation and time-dependent flows, interactions between waves and structures, wave forces, vortex-induced vibrations, and hydrodynamic damping. To convey the material, the book includes numerous annotated diagrams, formulas, and graphs. It is appropriate for graduate students, researchers, and scientists working in the design and construction of offshore structures.
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3."Offshore Engineering: Development of Small Oilfields" by Goodfellow Associates
“Offshore Engineering: Development of Small Oilfields” Book Review: The book covers current advancements in technology and subsea systems, presenting multiple approaches for oil recovery and evaluating their economic feasibility in the operating field. The chapters are clear, detailed, and organized, making them easy to follow for readers. The book focuses on concepts, methods, and techniques that are useful for discovering oil and gas in hydrocarbon-rich regions. Additionally, it evaluates the cost-effectiveness of different alternative systems used in this intricate field. This book is an excellent resource for anyone involved in petroleum exploration.
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4."Offshore Engineering Electrical" by Michael J Dennis | |
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5."Software Engineering Approaches For Offshore And Outsourced Development" by Mathai Joseph and Bertrand Meyer | |
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6."Offshore Structure Modeling" by Subrata K Chakrabarti
“Offshore Structure Modeling” Book Review: The book comprehensively covers the theory and practical aspects of physical model design, construction, instrumentation, testing, and analysis. It provides in-depth insights into modeling laws, model construction techniques, model testing facilities, and seakeeping tests. Each chapter concludes with references to various fields related to the discussed topics. The book is richly illustrated with numerous pictures and diagrams. It is a valuable resource for engineers and architects engaged in research, design, construction, and offshore operations.
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7."Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy: An Introduction" by Paul A Lynn
“Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy: An Introduction” Book Review: This book offers a comprehensive exploration of wind energy, starting with a brief historical overview and its applications. It delves into the nature of wind, turbine aerodynamics, mechanics, electrics, wind farms, and the integration of wind energy into the grid. Special attention is given to offshore opportunities and the challenges associated with wind energy in various fields. The economic and environmental aspects of wind energy are thoroughly discussed. The book also highlights recent advancements in wind energy and related fields. It is a valuable resource for students and professionals interested in both onshore and offshore wind farms.
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2. Offshore Structures
1."Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance" by Mohamed A El-Reedy
“Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance” Book Review: This comprehensive book encompasses all offshore structures and platforms that are utilized globally. It not only provides guidance on the design of structures but also delves into the selection of the appropriate offshore structure. The book equips readers with a pathway to designing structures that can withstand even the most challenging environments. The selection of the proper offshore structure is extensively discussed from both technical and economic standpoints. The book covers theoretical and practical aspects of Pile design and tubular joint, and the latest methods for performing structural life cycle analysis, maintenance plans for topsides and jackets, and non-destructive testing. Detailed discussions on underwater inspection, including advanced repair methodologies for scour, marine growth, and damaged or deteriorating members, are provided. Practical risk-based underwater inspection techniques are also covered. Engineers and designers who face issues such as water depth, weather conditions, ocean currents, equipment reliability, and accessibility will find the book extremely valuable. Furthermore, the book enables engineers to perform structural life cycle analysis, implement maintenance plans for topsides and jackets using non-destructive testing, and presents several easy-to-understand methods for structural life cycle analysis. Finally, the book introduces nonlinear analysis as a new technique for designing and assessing existing structures.
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2."Essentials of Offshore Structures: Framed and Gravity Platforms" by D V Reddy and A S J Swamidas
“Essentials of Offshore Structures: Framed and Gravity Platforms” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive explanation of the theory and practical application of structural fluid and geotechnical mechanics in relation to offshore structures. It includes numerous solved and sample problems, highlighting a variety of engineering concepts and offshore drilling platforms for exploration and production. The book covers the fundamental principles of structural, fluid, and geotechnical mechanics, as well as offshore structures, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It emphasizes the practical engineering applications of offshore structural design, research, and development, including seabed pile/gravity foundation analysis and design, and worked out problems. The book explores principles, structures, API code procedures, costing factors, foundation analyses, environmental forces, and concrete gravity foundation characteristics. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive overview of environmental forces, such as wave, wind, current, tides, earthquakes, ice floe/sheet action, and limit ice-load on Arctic structures. The final two chapters provide detailed insights into the analysis and design of framed and concrete gravity platform offshore structures using API code procedures. This book is well-supported by diagrams, pictures, graphs, and flow charts and will be a valuable resource for students, graduates, and professionals involved in the field of Offshore Structure Design.
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3."Offshore Structures: Volume II Strength and Safety for Structural Design: 2" by Günther Clauss and Eike Lehmann
“Offshore Structures” Book Review: This book covers both theoretical and practical knowledge of offshore structures in a general context. It is designed to introduce students and practicing engineers to the field of marine technology, while also serving as a reference book for experts. The content is based on lectures and design practice in offshore structures and their components. With a large number of examples, the book helps readers develop practical solutions to various offshore problems. It includes numerous live case studies and is therefore regarded as a practical approach to marine technology development. The book is suitable for students, researchers, professionals, and engineers in the field of marine technology, as well as experts in the field.
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4."Advances in Berthing and Mooring of Ships and Offshore Structures: Volume 146 (Nato Science Series E:)" by E Bratteland
“Advances in Berthing and Mooring of Ships and Offshore Structures: Volume 146” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive volume authored by E. Bratteland. It delves into various aspects of berthing and mooring in the context of ships and offshore structures. The book consists of multiple chapters that cover a range of topics such as ship maneuvering and dynamic positioning, mooring line dynamics, ship-ship and ship-terminal interactions, fender systems, and risk assessment. It also explores emerging technologies and innovations in the field. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and professionals involved in ship and offshore structure design, operations, and safety.
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5."Risk Analysis for Offshore Structures and Equipment" by ASTEO | |
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6."Structural Reliability Analysis of Offshore Structures" by Athanasios Kolios
“Structural Reliability Analysis of Offshore Structures” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive exploration of design uncertainties by systematically evaluating the safety and serviceability levels of structures throughout their operational lifespan. It offers an efficient methodology for conducting structural reliability analysis for complex offshore structures. The book extensively discusses stochastic variables involved in the design process. Analytical limit states are derived, taking into account both fundamental failure criteria and design requirements specified by relevant design standards. By addressing these aspects, the book offers valuable insights into enhancing the reliability and performance of offshore structures.
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7."Structural Health Monitoring of Offshore Structures" by Ayman Batisha
“Structural Health Monitoring of Offshore Structures” Book Review: The focus of this book is on analyzing structures that face extreme environmental conditions through the implementation of artificial intelligence techniques such as neural networks and fuzzy logic. The text delves into the evaluation of oceanic environments, including the study of waves, wind, and currents. Additionally, it showcases the use of finite element modeling in the design of offshore steel structures. The book also covers the practical application of the widely-used NASTRAN software package in modeling offshore structures.
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8."Nonlinear Waves And Offshore Structures: 0 (Advanced Series On Ocean Engineering)" by Cheung Hun Kim
“Nonlinear Waves And Offshore Structures” Book Review: The book provides an overview of the fundamental terms, concepts, and principles of nonlinear waves and offshore structures. Its chapters predominantly focus on the Volterra linear model, linear wave-body interaction, Volterra quadratic model, and universal nonlinear input-output model. The topics are thoroughly expounded, and the book also delves into analyzing the nonlinear issues that arise in designing offshore structures. Recent research findings regarding nonlinear waves and their impact on offshore structure responses are presented, along with theories, observations, and analyses of laboratory and field experiments to help readers understand nonlinear effects better. The book includes numerous pictures, diagrams, and graphs, as well as experimental details to impart practical knowledge to readers. Additionally, the book highlights the applications of nonlinear waves in various fields. It will be a valuable reference for ocean engineering courses.
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9."Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies)" by Tor Svensen and Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen
“Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies)” Book Review: The book is designed for students, researchers, and industry-based engineers as it delves into marine safety and the assessment of wind and wave climate projection. Its contents draw from extensive research and scientific contributions from various projects. The book comprehensively examines the potential implications of projected climate change on met-ocean conditions and its impact on ships and offshore structures. Additionally, it presents a practical example of anticipated wave climate change with regards to tanker design.
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10."Offshore Structures: Volume I: Conceptual Design and Hydromechanics: 1" by M J Shields and Eike Lehmann
“Offshore Structures: Volume I: Conceptual Design and Hydromechanics: 1” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive overview of oceanology and ocean engineering, including drilling techniques, offshore structures, and hydrocarbon production at sea. It delves into hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of marine structures, followed by an assessment of their reliability. Additionally, the book explores the impact of environmental conditions on marine structures, wave statistics, and the use of reliability theory in code development. Its target audience includes students and practicing engineers seeking to expand their knowledge in this field.
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11."Offshore Structures: Volume II Strength and Safety for Structural Design: 2" by Eike Lehmann and M J Shields
“Offshore Structures: Volume II Strength and Safety for Structural Design: 2” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive reference written by Eike Lehmann and M J Shields. This book delves into the essential aspects of strength and safety in structural design for offshore structures. It covers a wide range of topics including structural response analysis, fatigue and fracture mechanics, reliability-based design, risk assessment, and safety regulations. Each chapter provides in-depth insights into the theoretical principles and practical applications of designing robust and safe offshore structures. This book is a valuable resource for engineers, researchers, and professionals involved in offshore structural design and analysis.
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3. Design of Offshore Structure
1."Numerical Methods in Offshore Engineering" by O C Zienkiewicz and K G Stagg
Book Review: This book is structured into three parts, each tackling distinct challenges related to fluid loading, computation of dynamic responses, and foundation and sea-bed problems. Furthermore, the book incorporates the latest advancements in numerical methods applied in software engineering, enabling readers to solve a wide array of problems. Notably, the text emphasizes the significance of understanding the stochastic behavior of environmental forces when designing and analyzing fixed offshore structures. Additionally, the book outlines various numerical methods for dynamic analysis, such as frequency response, numerical integration, and normal mode analysis.
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2."Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective" by Elzbieta Maria
“Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective” Book Review: The aim of this book is to cater to the needs of students, researchers, and industry-based engineers who are interested in ship and offshore structure design. It provides a comprehensive coverage of both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, taking into account the impact of climate and weather conditions. The book is the outcome of extensive research and contributions from various projects and working groups. It delves into the aspects of wind and climate projections, considering marine safety and design. Furthermore, it provides numerous case studies of offshore design, along with discussions on the potential impact of projected climate change on ships and offshore structures. An example of the expected wave climate change on tanker design is also presented. This book is a valuable resource for both naval and aeronautical engineers.
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3."Dynamic Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures" by Srinivasan Chandrasekaran
“Dynamic Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures” Book Review: This book is a complete guide to offshore principles, model analysis, and design of offshore structures. It presents a straightforward understanding of marine technology design, offshore structures, structural dynamics, damping, and mapping. It comprehensively covers the design of offshore structures and offshore platform geometrics, as well as environmental issues and their solutions related to marine learning technology. Furthermore, the book examines real-time applications of offshore design. It is an excellent resource for students working on their projects, providing them with valuable guidance.
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4."Dynamics of Offshore Structures" by James F Wilson
“Dynamics of Offshore Structures” Book Review: The book presents a comprehensive overview of the structural dynamics of offshore structures, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of dynamics, fluid mechanics, structural modeling, and mathematical methods. It encompasses all the fundamental concepts of the dynamic behavior of offshore structures and provides valuable guidance on managing natural forces in the offshore environment. With its diverse range of chapters on offshore technology theories, this book is an essential resource for students of civil and mechanical engineering, as well as for researchers and practicing engineers in these fields.
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5."Introduction to Offshore Structures: Design, Fabrication, Installation" by W J Graff | |
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6."Design of Offshore Concrete Structures" by rik Jersin
“Design of Offshore Concrete Structures” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive approach to the construction of offshore concrete structures by presenting both theoretical and practical perspectives. It aims to deliver up-to-date information on this topic, including a detailed analysis of offshore concrete structures. The chapters of the book describe the design and quality of these structures in depth, making the information easily accessible to readers. Additionally, the book highlights various projects and their definitions, providing a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter.
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7."Design in Offshore Structures" by CBS Publisher | |
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8."Rigid Finite Element Method in Analysis of Dynamics of Offshore Structures" by Edmund Wittbrodt and Marek Szczotka
“Rigid Finite Element Method in Analysis of Dynamics of Offshore Structures” Book Review: This book is intended for B.Tech/M.Tech students in ocean engineering, mechanical engineering, and naval architecture, as well as professionals involved in construction, operation, or planning. It may also be used as a reference by departments of ocean systems. The book presents various methods developed for modeling the dynamics of machines commonly used in the offshore industry, as well as information on link deformations, homogeneous transformations, joint coordinates, and modeling of multibody system dynamics. Additionally, the book provides an explanation of gantry cranes used for transporting blowout-preventer (BOP) valve blocks and offers insight into numerical simulations of pipe-laying operations, which are discussed towards the end of the book.
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4. Offshore Geotechnical Engineering
1."Offshore Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practice" by E T Richard Dean and Milutin Srbulov
“Offshore Geotechnical Engineering” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental design and evaluation skills necessary for professionals in the field. It covers all the significant areas of the subject in detail, such as offshore site investigation, surveys, soil mechanics, jackups, jacket platforms, and gravity. Additionally, it discusses the construction of platforms, pipelines, artificial islands, wind turbine support structures, and deepwater solutions.
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2."Offshore Geotechnical Engineering" by Mark Randolph and Susan Gourvenec
“Offshore Geotechnical Engineering” Book Review: This book is intended for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses and is also valuable for professional engineers who specialize in the offshore industry. The content provides a concise overview of the marine environment, offshore site investigation techniques, and interpretation of soil behavior. The book commences with a detailed description of topics such as the offshore environment, offshore site investigation, soil response, and piled foundations. The later section of the book comprehensively explains topics such as shallow foundations, anchoring systems, mobile jack-up platforms, pipeline, riser geotechnics, and geohazards, including the design of mobile drilling rigs, pipelines, and geohazards. Numerous figures, flowcharts, graphs, and tables are utilized to explain the featured topics, and the latest methods and modeling approaches are emphasized. This book will be highly beneficial for geotechnical engineering students and professionals alike.
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3."Geotechnical Practice in Offshore Engineering" by Conference on Geotechnical Practice in Offshore Engineering | |
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4."Subsea International’ 93: Low Cost Subsea Production Systems (Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering)" by Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)
“Subsea International’ 93” Book Review: This book is a significant contribution to the field of underwater technology, ocean science, and offshore engineering. Compiled by the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT), this book focuses on the development of cost-effective subsea production systems. It covers a wide range of chapters and topics, including subsea equipment and components, system integration, materials and corrosion, reliability and maintenance, control systems, and environmental considerations. With contributions from leading experts in the field, this book provides valuable insights and practical solutions for the design and operation of low-cost subsea production systems. It is a must-read for professionals, researchers, and students in the offshore industry.
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5."Handbook of Port and Harbor Engineering: Geotechnical and Structural Aspects" by Gregory Tsinker
“Handbook of Port and Harbor Engineering” Book Review: This book offers both up-to-date information and practical advice. Its scope includes the design, construction, and renovation of marine structures related to ports and harbors. The guidelines and procedures for design tackle intricate issues, and the book demonstrates the essential factors that must be taken into account and integrated into suitable design scenarios.
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6."Environmental Forces on Offshore Structures and their Prediction (Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering)" by Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)
“Environmental Forces on Offshore Structures and their Prediction” Book Review: This is a comprehensive book published by the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) that explores the impact of environmental forces on offshore structures. With a focus on underwater technology, ocean science, and offshore engineering, this book delves into various chapters and topics. It covers the fundamentals of environmental forces, including waves, currents, wind, and ice, and discusses their prediction methodologies. Additionally, it examines the effects of these forces on different types of offshore structures, such as fixed platforms, floating structures, and subsea systems. This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and students involved in the design and assessment of offshore structures.
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7."Second Generation Subsea Production Systems (Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering)" by Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) | |
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8."Manual of Offshore Surveying for Geoscientists and Engineers" by R P Loweth
“Manual of Offshore Surveying for Geoscientists and Engineers” Book Review: This book presents a comprehensive guide for software development by providing all necessary algorithms and a multitude of quality control criteria. Additionally, it elucidates various concepts including spheroids, datums, projections, and binning, along with a complete listing of UKOOA P1/90 and P2/91 formats for data transfer. It covers diverse topics such as calibration of radio navigation systems and compasses, acoustic and laser measuring devices, and GPS, including calibration, use, and differential techniques. Furthermore, it encompasses a field manual for quality control of all aspects of offshore surveying, lists typical specifications for inclusion in survey contracts, and offers a comprehensive glossary of relevant terms for offshore surveying.
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9."Offshore and Coastal Modelling (Coastal and Estuarine Studies)" by Phil Dyke and A O Moscardini
“Offshore and Coastal Modelling” Book Review: This book is divided into four parts, featuring a brief introduction. The first part covers Chapters 2 to 5, which delve into the hydrodynamics of coastal seas, specifically Tides, Storm Surges, and Coastal Circulations. The second part includes Chapters 6 to 11, which address Coastal Engineering Modeling and explore various coastal phenomena, such as beach erosion, sediment transport, and nonlinear waves. Chapters 12 to 16 comprise the third part, Offshore Structures, which provide a comprehensive overview of sea structures, with particular attention given to their interconnections. Finally, the last two chapters of the book focus on Offshore Corrosion problems.
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5. Ocean Structures
1."Environmental Load Factors and System Strength Evaluation of Offshore Jacket Platforms" by Zafarullah Nizamani
“Environmental Load Factors and System Strength Evaluation of Offshore Jacket Platforms” Book Review: This book presents a comprehensive study on how to resolve environmental load factors for Jacket Platforms in Malaysia. It offers a methodology that can be used to determine the lifespan extension of aging platforms, while ensuring structural reliability. Additionally, the book outlines the determination of safety factors and provides valuable information for both offshore and onshore design and maintenance engineers.
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3."Pipelines and Risers: v.3 (Elsevier Ocean Engineering)" by Bai Yong
“Pipelines and Risers: v.3 (Elsevier Ocean Engineering)” Book Review: This book serves as a comprehensive guide for graduate students, engineers, and researchers alike. It offers design principles and reference materials to aid in the creation of offshore structures. The book delves into the intricacies of applied mechanics, design, and engineering. Its development was prompted by the latest advancements in research and engineering, as well as updated design codes. The book emphasizes the education of pipeline engineers and provides practical training on the application of new design codes and guidelines. Moreover, it provides an in-depth discussion of materials essential for on-the-job training.
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4."Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures: An Analytical Appraisal (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)" by Halil Karadeniz
“Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures: An Analytical Appraisal (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)” Book Review: This book offers an in-depth and comprehensive examination of advanced analysis techniques for fixed offshore steel structures. The book employs 3D beam finite elements to analyze structures under random wave and earthquake loads. It presents current research findings along with modern analysis methods and important theoretical knowledge. The book emphasizes optimal solutions to structural problems, and covers the essential principles of standard 3D beam finite elements and specialized connections. Furthermore, it explores hydrodynamics and the calculation of wave loading on structural members, providing a thorough discussion of wave loading.
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5."Motion Control in Offshore and Dredging" by P Albers | |
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6."Offshore Risk Assessment (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)" by Jan-Erik Vinnem
“Offshore Risk Assessment (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)” Book Review: The focus of this book is on Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA), which is exclusively applied to offshore installations and operations. It offers risk assessment methods that have been employed for over thirty years in the offshore oil and gas sector, and anticipates their growing utilization as the industry expands into new territories and confronts novel challenges in older regions. The book scrutinizes the principal hazards of offshore structures, including fire, explosion, collision, falling objects, as well as structural and marine hazards.
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7."Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures: 33 (Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering)" by Yoshimi Goda
“Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures: 33 (Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering)” Book Review: This book serves multiple purposes, acting as a valuable resource for both researchers and undergraduate students alike. Its primary focus is on the concept of random waves and their application in the design of breakwaters. Additionally, the book delves into the intricate details of seawalls and harbor structures, making it accessible for practicing engineers. Theoretical aspects are also explored in depth, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
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8."Marine Structures Engineering: Specialized Applications" by Gregory Tsinker
“Marine Structures Engineering: Specialized Applications” Book Review: The purpose of this book is to assist engineers in meeting the increasing demand for the construction of new ports and the modernization of existing ones. It provides a dependable reference for designing, constructing, rehabilitating, repairing, and maintaining port and harbor structures. The book offers a comprehensive guide to evaluating, rehabilitating, repairing, and maintaining marine structures already in service. Additionally, the book covers the design of marine structures in cold regions in detail. It also includes information about shiplifts, marine railways, shipways, and dry docks.
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9."Geotechnical Practice in Offshore Engineering" by Conference on Geotechnical Practice in Offshore Engineering | |
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10."Arctic Offshore Engineering" by Palmer | |
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