We have compiled a list of best reference books in Mathematics for students doing M.Sc. in Mathematics as per the latest syllabus of university and colleges. These books are used by Mathematics students of top universities in the world and many other institutes and colleges.
Here’s the complete list of M.Sc. Mathematics books, which are arranged year and semester-wise. We have also listed down both core and elective subject books.
1st Year M.Sc. Mathematics Books (1st & 2nd Semester)
1st Semester Books
2nd Semester Books
- Modern Theory Of Partial Differential Equation
- Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras
- Functional Analysis
- Complex Analysis
- Modern Algebra
- Number Theory
2nd Year M.Sc. Mathematics Books (3rd & 4th Semester)
3rd Semester Books
- Differential and Riemannian Geometry
- Integral Equations and Variational Methods
- Probability and Statistics
- Boundary Integral Methods
- Commutative Algebra
4th Semester Books
M.Sc. Mathematics Books (Additional Core/Elective)
Core Books (Additional)
- Analytical Mechanics
- Non Linear Programming
- Programming Languages
- Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- Advanced Multivariate Analysis
- Approximation Theory
- Artificial Intelligence
- Banach Algebra
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computational Functional Analysis
- Computational Neuroscience
- Computational Statistics
- Computations on Finite Fields
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining
- Decesion Support Systems
- Decision Theory
- File Organisation and Data Base Systems
- Financial Mathematics
- Formal Languages and Theory Of Computation
- Fractals
- Fuzzy Sets and Applications
Elective Books (Additional)
- Wavelet Analysis
- Generalized Convexity and Variational Inequalities
- Graph Theory and Algorithms
- Applied Graph Theory
- Information and Coding Theory
- Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
- Mathematical Logic
- Multi-Objective Programming
- Multivariate Analysis
- Nonlinear Functional Analysis
- Numerical Optimization
- Optimization by Vector Space Methods
- Optimization Techniques
- Parallel Algorithms
- Pattern Recognition and Scene Analysis
- Probability Theory
- Queuing Theory
- Queuing Theory in Computer Science
- Ring Theory
- Sequence Spaces
- Similarity Transformations and Perturbation Method
- Statistical Inference
- Topological Vector Spaces
- Compiler Design
- Complex Analysis
Kindly note that we have put a lot of effort into researching the best reference books on all the subjects of M.Sc. Mathematics, and came out with a recommended list. If any more subjects need to be added to this list, please let us know.