This set of Basic Electronics Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Passive Circuit Components – Inductors”.
1. What is the function of an inductor?
a) Oppose the change in current
b) Allows the change in current
c) Makes the change in current
d) Allows the constant current
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Explanation: Inductors are the electronic devices that are used for opposing the change in current. Inductors have the simplest design among the all electronic devices. They are simply coil or windings of the wires.
2. All the inductors are same.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: All the inductors are not same. All the inductors have same structure and design that means they all are the windings of the wire but the material around which they are wound and the number of windings differentiate from one another.
3. The change in magnetism or magnetic flux creates an effect called______
a) Capacitance
b) Electro magnetism
c) Inductance
d) Magnetization
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Explanation: When an AC signal is introduced to an inductor. It tries to create some magnetic field or magnetic flux. As, the AC signals are always changing from the positive to negative, the magnetic field around the inductors also changes. This change in magnetic field is called inductance.
4. For the switches, generally _____are energized.
a) AC signal
b) DC signal
c) Ramp signal
d) Unit impulse signal
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Explanation: Most of the installers is the coil inside the relays. The coil in switches are energized by a DC signal, then the magnetic field generated around the inductor changes the state of the switch from open to closed. This is the principle used in switches.
5. The inductor in AC signals can _____ the high frequencies.
a) Allows
b) Increases
c) Decreases
d) Blocks
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Explanation: The inductive property of an inductor in AC signals blocks the high frequencies. As, inductor resists the change in current. The higher the frequency is the higher the more rapid will be the change in current.
6. What is the symbol of an air core inductor?
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Explanation: There are three types of inductor symbols, they are air core inductor, iron core inductor, ferrite core inductor. is the symbol of air core inductor. The symbol of the iron core inductor is . The symbol of ferrite core inductor is . The symbol of the resistor is .
7. What is the unit of inductance?
a) Farad
b) Newton
c) Henry
d) Volts
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Explanation: The unit of the inductance is Henry. Inductors are measured by the amount of inductance they possess. The Henry of inductance is very large. Generally, the inductance is very small and they are measured by milli Henry.
8. If the inductance increases then which of the following don’t increase?
a) No of windings
b) Permeability
c) Cross sectional area
d) Frequency
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Explanation: As, the inductance increases the no of winding increases. Inductance is directly proportional to permeability, cross sectional area and also length. The frequencies may or may not increase with increase in inductance.
9. Air core fixed inductors do not incorporate_______
a) Core material
b) Windings
c) Conductor
d) Terminals
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Explanation: The air core fixed inductors do not in corporate a core material. The air core inductor is simply a winding of the conductor material. These type of inductors are very accurate and have good performances.
10. If two inductors have L1 and L2 as inductances when they are connected in series. The total inductance L is____
a) L = (L1L2)/ (L1+L2)
b) L = (L1+L2)/ (L1L2)
c) L = L1+L2
d) L = L1-L2
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Explanation: If the inductors are connected in parallel then they will have the total inductance of L = (L1L2)/ (L1+L2). If they are connected in series then the total amount of inductance is the sum of individual inductances that is L = L1+L2.
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