GIS Questions and Answers – Map Scale

This set of GIS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Map Scale”.

1. Map scale is the ratio of the distance between two points on the map and:
a) The curvature of the Earth’s surface
b) The corresponding distance on the ground
c) The difference in elevation
d) The height of the features on the ground
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ratio between the reduced depiction on the map and the geographical features in the real world is known as the map scale.

2. One among the following options is not the way in which the map scale may be expressed. Which one is it?
a) Graphic Scale
b) Linear Scale
c) Verbal Scale
d) Fraction Scale
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Answer: b
Explanation: If two points are some distance apart in the field, they may be represented on the map as separated by some fraction of that distance, which is known as the fraction scale. The measured ground distance appears directly on the map in graphical scale representation. Verbal scale is an expression in common speech, such as, “four centimetres to the kilometre”.

3. Which method of expressing a scale has the advantage of being easily understood by most map users?
a) Graphical Scale
b) Fraction Scale
c) Verbal Scale
d) Linear Scale
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Answer: c
Explanation: Verbal scale is easier to understand by the map users, since “word statements” are used in this type of scale.

4. What is the relation between the ratio and the scale of a map?
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Equal
d) No relation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Large ratio map is considered as small scale. The small scale maps depict large tracts of lands usually with a limited level of detail. Large scale maps can depict small areas with a richness of detail.

5. Consider a field on a map of 1 : 10000 scale and on another map of 1 : 1,000,000 scale. In which map does the field appear larger?
a) 1 : 10000
b) 1 : 1,000,000
c) Same size on both the maps
d) Cannot be compared
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Answer: a
Explanation: The field appears larger on the 1 : 10000 scale map. We call this a large-scale map. The field appears smaller on the 1 : 1,000,000 scale map, and we call this a small-scale map.

6. What is the unit of map scale?
a) km
b) m
c) dimensionless
d) cm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Scale values are normally written as dimensionless numbers, indicating that the measurements on the map and the earth are in the same units.

7. Where is the explanation of the symbols used on topographic maps printed?
a) on the top along the margin
b) on the bottom along the margin
c) on the left along the margin
d) on the right along the margin
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Answer: b
Explanation: An explanation of the symbols used on topographic maps is printed on the bottom of each topographic sheet along the margin, and for other maps on a separate legend sheet.

8. Which colour is usually used on a map to represent water features, such as streams, swamps and glaciers?
a) Brown
b) Blue
c) Red
d) Green
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Answer: b
Explanation: All water features, such as streams, swamps and glaciers are shown in blue. Relief is shown by contours in brown. Red may be used to indicate main highways, and green overprints may be used to designate areas of wood and scrub.

9. Scale always refers to linear horizontal distances and not measurements of area or elevation. True or False?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ratio of the map distance between two points and the corresponding ground distance is known as the map scale. It always refers to horizontal distances.

10. If the map scale is 1 : x . Then what is x?
a) Map units
b) Land units
c) Arbitrary number
d) Difference between map distance and ground distance
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Answer: b
Explanation: 1 Map Unit = x Land Units. For example: 1 cm measured on the map is x cm in real life.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – GIS.

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