This set of GIS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “GIS Categories”.
1. For more than two decades, the GIS applications were dominated by the so called:
a) locations
b) addresses
c) maps
d) map geometry
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Explanation: Map geometry is GIS data with only x, y, coordinates. For more than two decades, the GIS applications were dominated by the so called map geometry.
2. What is an entity or a point/line which is represented by two values in GIS?
c) 2-D GIS
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Explanation: If an entity or a point/line is represented by two values, for example, x-coordinate y-coordinate, thus it is said to be 2-D GIS.
3. Which equation represents 2.5-D GIS?
a) z = f (x, y)
b) z = f (x, y, z)
c) z = f (x, 1.5y)
d) z = f (1.5x, y)
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Explanation: Efficient GIS products with the two-dimensional x, y-geometry integrate the “third-dimension” using the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) equation z = f (x, y) for the height, or any other predefined simple equation for an attribute like soil type. This is called 2.5 D GIS.
4. Which among the following is the Digital Terrain Model (DTM)?
a) z = f (x, y)
b) z = f (x, y, z)
c) z = f (x, 1.5y)
d) z = f (1.5x, y)
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Explanation: Digital Terrain Model (OTM) equation z = f (x, y) for the height, or any other predefined simple equation for an attribute like soil type, is called 2.5-D GIS.
5. In the 2.5-D case, for the same pair of x, y co-ordinates only one spatial location or attribute value exists. Is this statement true or false?
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In the 2.5-0 case, for the same pair of x, y co-ordinates only one spatial location (point’s height) or attributes or attribute value (soil type) exist, and this can be calculated using a predefined formula.
6. Users’ perception¬ is _______.
a) two-dimensional
b) three-dimensional
c) one-dimensional
d) four-dimensional
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Explanation: Users’ perception is three-dimensional. Therefore, there is an existing need for 3-D data, but in this case the data handling is more difficult, and requires more complex algorithms.
7. 3-D data are suitable for any kind of terrain modelling. Is this statement true or false?
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In the 3-D case, for the same pair of x, y co-ordinates a number of spatial locations (points) with a different z-co-ordinate could exist because the z co-ordinate is calculated independently from the x, y pair. Hence, these systems are suitable for any kind of terrain modelling.
8. In cases where the third dimension is referred to an attribute, the actual attribute value is calculated using:
a) complex situations
b) complex theorems
c) complex algorithm
d) complex mathematics
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Explanation: In cases where the third dimension is referred to an attribute, the actual attribute value is independent from the x, y spatial location and it is calculated using complex mathematics.
9. Which is the fourth dimension in 4-D GIS?
a) width
b) soil type
c) height
d) time
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Explanation: 4-D GIS or Temporal GIS is the fourth category of GIS. In this case, the fourth dimension namely time is introduced.
10. What is the other name for 4-D GIS?
a) Fourth GIS
b) Modern GIS
c) Temporal GIS
d) 3 plus 1 GIS
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Explanation: 4-D GIS is also known as Temporal GIS. It is the fourth category of GIS. In this case, the fourth dimension namely time is introduced. The kinds of GIS applications depending on time are regarded as temporal GIS systems.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – GIS.
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