This is a C Program to implement stack using queue. The idea is pretty simple. We start with an empty queue. For the push operation we simply insert the value to be pushed into the queue. The pop operation needs some manipulation. When we need to pop from the stack (simulated with a queue), first we get the number of elements in the queue, say n, and remove (n-1) elements from the queue and keep on inserting in the queue one by one. That is, we remove the front element from the queue, and immediately insert into the queue in the rear, then we remove the front element from the queue and then immediately insert into the rear, thus we continue upto (n-1) elements. Then we will perform a remove operation, which will actually remove the nth element of the original state of the queue, and return. Note that the nth element in the queue is the one which was inserted last, and we are returning it first, therefore it works like a pop operation (Last in First Out).
Here is source code of the C Program to Implement Stack Using Two Queues. The C program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Queue structure */
#define QUEUE_EMPTY_MAGIC 0xdeadbeef
typedef struct _queue_t {
int *arr;
int rear, front, count, max;
} queue_t;
/* Queue operation function prototypes */
queue_t *queue_allocate(int n);
void queue_insert(queue_t * q, int v);
int queue_remove(queue_t * q);
int queue_count(queue_t * q);
int queue_is_empty(queue_t * q);
/* NOTE: Here is the stuff we are interested in */
/* Simulated stack operations START */
/* NOTE: passing the queue object, on which we will only operate the
* queue operations.
void stack_push(queue_t * q, int v) {
queue_insert(q, v);
int stack_pop(queue_t * q) {
int i, n = queue_count(q);
int removed_element;
for (i = 0; i < (n - 1); i++) {
removed_element = queue_remove(q);
queue_insert(q, removed_element);
/* same as below */
//queue_insert (q, queue_remove (q))
removed_element = queue_remove(q);
return removed_element;
int stack_is_empty(queue_t * q) {
return queue_is_empty(q);
int stack_count(queue_t * q) {
return queue_count(q);
/* Simulated stack operations END */
/* Queue operations START */
int queue_count(queue_t * q) {
return q->count;
queue_t *
queue_allocate(int n) {
queue_t *queue;
queue = malloc(sizeof(queue_t));
if (queue == NULL)
return NULL;
queue->max = n;
queue->arr = malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
queue->rear = n - 1;
queue->front = n - 1;
return queue;
void queue_insert(queue_t * q, int v) {
if (q->count == q->max)
q->rear = (q->rear + 1) % q->max;
q->arr[q->rear] = v;
int queue_remove(queue_t * q) {
int retval;
/* magic number if queue is empty */
if (q->count == 0)
q->front = (q->front + 1) % q->max;
retval = q->arr[q->front];
return retval;
int queue_is_empty(queue_t * q) {
return (q->count == 0);
/* Queue operations END */
/* For demo */
void queue_display(queue_t * q) {
int i = (q->front + 1) % q->max, elements = queue_count(q);
while (elements--) {
printf("[%d], ", q->arr[i]);
i = (i >= q->max) ? 0 : (i + 1);
#define MAX 128
int main(void) {
queue_t *q;
int x, select;
/* Static allocation */
q = queue_allocate(MAX);
do {
printf("\n[1] Push\n[2] Pop\n[0] Exit");
printf("\nChoice: ");
scanf(" %d", &select);
switch (select) {
case 1:
printf("\nEnter value to Push:");
scanf(" %d", &x);
/* Pushing */
stack_push(q, x);
printf("\n\n__________________________\nCurrent Queue:\n");
printf("\n\nPushed Value: %d", x);
case 2:
/* Popping */
x = stack_pop(q);
printf("\n\n\n\n__________________________\nCurrent Queue:\n");
printf("\n\nNo values removed");
printf("\n\nPopped Value: %d", x);
case 0:
return 0;
return 0;
} while (1);
return 0;
$ gcc StackUsingQueue.c $ ./a.out [1] Push [2] Pop [0] Exit Choice: 1 Enter value to Push: 12 __________________________ Current Queue: [12], Pushed Value: 12 __________________________ [1] Push [2] Pop [0] Exit Choice: 1 Enter value to Push: 53 __________________________ Current Queue: [12], [53], Pushed Value: 53 __________________________ [1] Push [2] Pop [0] Exit Choice: 1 Enter value to Push: 75 __________________________ Current Queue: [12], [53], [75], Pushed Value: 75 __________________________ [1] Push [2] Pop [0] Exit Choice: 2 __________________________ Current Queue: [12], [53], Popped Value: 75 __________________________ [1] Push [2] Pop [0] Exit Choice: 0 Qutting.
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