This C Program illustrate the operations of singly linked list. The program does insertion and removal of elements from any position in the sequence.
Here is source code of the C program to illustrate the operations of singly linked list. The C program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C program to illustrate the operations of singly linked list */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX 30 struct emp_data { int empno; char empName[MAX]; char designation[MAX]; struct emp_data *next; }; /* ********************************************************************/ /* Function to insert a node at the front of the linked list. */ /* front: front pointer, id: employee ID, name: employee name */ /* desg: Employee designation */ /* Returns the new front pointer. */ /* ********************************************************************/ struct emp_data *insert(struct emp_data *front, int id, char name[], char desg[]) { struct emp_data *newnode; newnode = (struct emp_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct emp_data)); if (newnode == NULL) { printf("\n Allocation failed \n"); exit(2); } newnode->empno = id; strcpy(newnode->empName, name); strcpy(newnode->designation, desg); newnode->next = front; front = newnode; return(front); } /* End of insert() */ /* Function to display a node in a linked list */ void printNode(struct emp_data *p) { printf("\n Employee Details...\n"); printf("\n Emp No : %d", p->empno); printf("\n Name : %s", p->empName); printf("\n Designation : %s\n", p->designation); printf("-------------------------------------\n"); } /* End of printNode() */ /* ********************************************************/ /* Function to deleteNode a node based on employee number */ /* front: front pointer, id: Key value */ /* Returns: the modified list. */ /* ********************************************************/ struct emp_data* deleteNode(struct emp_data *front, int id) { struct emp_data *ptr; struct emp_data *bptr; if (front->empno == id) { ptr = front; printf("\n Node deleted:"); printNode(front); front = front->next; free(ptr); return(front); } for (ptr = front->next, bptr = front; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next, bptr = bptr->next) { if (ptr->empno == id) { printf("\n Node deleted:"); printNode(ptr); bptr->next = ptr->next; free(ptr); return(front); } } printf("\n Employee Number %d not found ", id); return(front); } /* End of deleteNode() */ /* ****************************************************************/ /* Function to search the nodes in a linear fashion based emp ID */ /* front: front pointer, key: key ID. */ /* ****************************************************************/ void search(struct emp_data *front, int key) { struct emp_data *ptr; for (ptr = front; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr -> next) { if (ptr->empno == key) { printf("\n Key found:"); printNode(ptr); return; } } printf("\n Employee Number %d not found ", key); } /* End of search() */ /* Function to display the linked list */ void display(struct emp_data *front) { struct emp_data *ptr; for (ptr = front; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { printNode(ptr); } } /* End of display() */ /* Function to display the menu of operations on a linked list */ void menu() { printf("---------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Press 1 to INSERT a node into the list \n"); printf("Press 2 to DELETE a node from the list \n"); printf("Press 3 to DISPLAY the list \n"); printf("Press 4 to SEARCH the list \n"); printf("Press 5 to EXIT \n"); printf("---------------------------------------------\n"); } /* End of menu() */ /* Function to select the option */ char option() { char choice; printf("\n\n>> Enter your choice: "); switch(choice=getche()) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': return(choice); default : printf("\n Invalid choice."); } return choice; } /* End of option() */ /* The main() program begins */ void main() { struct emp_data *linkList; char name[21], desig[51]; char choice; int eno; linkList = NULL; printf("\n Welcome to demonstration of singly linked list \n"); menu(); do { /* choose oeration to be performed */ choice = option(); switch(choice) { case '1': printf("\n Enter the Employee Number : "); scanf("%d", &eno); printf("Enter the Employee name : "); fflush(stdin); gets(name); printf("Enter the Employee Designation : "); gets(desig); linkList = insert(linkList, eno, name, desig); break; case '2': printf("\n\n Enter the employee number to be deleted: "); scanf("%d", &eno); linkList = deleteNode(linkList, eno); break; case '3': if (linkList == NULL) { printf("\n List empty."); break; } display(linkList); break; case '4': printf("\n\n Enter the employee number to be searched: "); scanf("%d", &eno); search(linkList, eno); break; case '5': break; } } while (choice != '5'); }
$ cc pgm99.c $ a.out Welcome to demonstration of singly linked list --------------------------------------------- Press 1 to INSERT a node into the list Press 2 to DELETE a node from the list Press 3 to DISPLAY the list Press 4 to SEARCH the list Press 5 to EXIT --------------------------------------------- >> Enter your choice: 1 Enter the Employee Number : 12 Enter the Employee name : ram Enter the Employee Designation : HR >> Enter your choice: 3 Employee Details... Emp No : 12 Name : ram Designation : HR ------------------------------------- >> Enter your choice: Invalid choice. >> Enter your choice: 4 Enter the employee number to be searched: 12 Key found: Employee Details... Emp No : 12 Name : ram Designation : HR ------------------------------------- >> Enter your choice: Invalid choice. >> Enter your choice: 2 Enter the employee number to be deleted: 12 Node deleted: Employee Details... Emp No : 12 Name : ram Designation : HR ------------------------------------- >> Enter your choice: Invalid choice. >> Enter your choice: 4 Enter the employee number to be searched: 1 Employee Number 1 not found >> Enter your choice: Invalid choice. >> Enter your choice: 5
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