9 Best Books on Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics below.

1."Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics" by Goodman and Goodman
“Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics” Book Review: This book delves into the fundamental principles of therapeutic medicine within pharmacology, covering a range of topics including neuropharmacology, cardiovascular function modulations, and endocrine pharmacology. Additionally, it discusses chemotherapy for infectious and neoplastic diseases, as well as special systems pharmacology. With 440 colorful illustrations, this book provides vivid presentations of the main principles. It also includes a companion DVD containing all the images, tables, and animations. As such, this book is a valuable resource for students studying pharmacology.

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2."Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics" by Laurence Brunton
“Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics” Book Review: This book provides an introduction to therapeutic medicine in pharmacology. It covers important topics such as general principles, neuropharmacology, cardiovascular function, and endocrine pharmacology. It also discusses chemotherapy for infectious and neoplastic diseases, as well as special systems pharmacology. The book is visually engaging with 440 colorful illustrations that explain key principles. Additionally, it includes a companion DVD with images, tables, and animations. This book is helpful for students studying pharmacology.

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3."Goodman and Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics" by Louis Sandford Goodman
“Goodman and Gilman’s Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics” Book Review: This book provides an introduction to therapeutic medicine in pharmacology, covering general principles as well as specific topics such as neuropharmacology, cardiovascular function modulation, and endocrine pharmacology. Additionally, it covers chemotherapy for infectious and neoplastic diseases, and special systems pharmacology. The book contains 440 coloured illustrations that vividly illustrate the key principles, and a companion DVD provides all of the images, tables, and animations. This resource is particularly helpful for students studying pharmacology.

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4."Antianginal Drugs: Pathophysiological, Haemodynamic, Methodological, Pharmacological, Biochemical" by Robert Charlier
“Antianginal Drugs: Pathophysiological, Haemodynamic, Methodological, Pharmacological, Biochemical” Book Review: This book covers the subject of antianginal drugs, which are used to treat angina pectoris. It includes chapters on the causes and effects of angina, how these drugs affect the heart and blood vessels, and the methods used to test their effectiveness. It also discusses the clinical assessment of these drugs and their specific features. The book contains 54 figures that help to explain the concepts clearly. Additionally, there is a table of side effects in men provided at the end of the book for general knowledge. This book is recommended for pharmacy students.

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5."Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulations" by Sara E Rosenbaum
“Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulations” Book Review: This book presents an explanation of the fundamental concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, covering key topics such as the passage of drugs through membranes, drug administration and absorption, and drugs distribution. In addition, it explores drug elimination and clearance, compartmental models in pharmacokinetics, and the pharmacokinetics of extravascular drug administration. Each chapter concludes with a set of problems for readers to practice and suggested readings for further study. This book is an excellent resource for students of pharmacy and general medicine.

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6."Pharmacological Experiments on Intact Preparations" by L J McLeod
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7."Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy" by Golan
“Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy” Book Review: This book provides an introduction to pharmacology, covering fundamental principles of the subject. It includes chapters on neuropharmacology, autonomic and peripheral nervous system pharmacology, central nervous system pharmacology, cardiovascular pharmacology, and endocrine pharmacology. Each chapter features detailed figures and diagrams, accurately labelled for ease of understanding. The content is presented in a visually rich and colourful manner, making it accessible to students of pharmacology.

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8."Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development" by Benjamin Blass Dr
“Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development” Book Review: This book outlines the fundamental principles of drug discovery and development, covering major topics such as the drug discovery process, conversion of classical targets into discoveries, and in vitro screening systems. It also includes discussions on medicinal chemistry, animal models of disease states, and safety and toxicology. Each chapter concludes with questions aimed at engaging students. As such, this book is a valuable resource for medical students seeking to learn about drug discovery and development.

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9."Pharmacological and Chemical Synonyms" by E E J Marler
“Pharmacological and Chemical Synonyms” Book Review: This is an essential reference book that compiles and organizes synonyms in the field of pharmacology and chemistry. The book covers a wide range of topics including drug names, chemical compounds, and their corresponding synonyms. It provides a comprehensive resource for researchers, scientists, and professionals in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. With its easy-to-use format and extensive coverage, this book is a valuable tool for anyone needing to navigate and understand the complex world of pharmacological and chemical synonyms.

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We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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