We have compiled a list of best reference books in Biomedical Engineering for students doing M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering as per the latest syllabus of university and colleges. These books are used by Biomedical Engineering students of top universities in the world and many other institutes and colleges.
Here’s the complete list of M.Tech Biomedical Engineering books, which are arranged year and semester-wise. We have also listed down both core and elective subject books.
1st Year M.Tech Biomedical Engineering Books (1st & 2nd Semester)
1st Semester Books
- Embedded Computing
- Machine Learning Algorithms
- Human Physiology
- Biomedical Digital Signal Processing
- Biosensors and BioInstrumentation
2nd Semester Books
- Medical Imaging Techniques and Processing
- Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering
- Biostatistics
- Advance Medical Image Analysis
- Speech and Audio Processing
- Smart Sensors
2nd Year M.Tech Biomedical Engineering Books (3rd & 4th Semester)
3rd Semester Books
- Computer Vision
- Pattern Recognition
- Bio-Inspired Design
- Sensor and Data Fusion
- Computational Neuroscience
- Telemedicine
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering Books (Additional Core/Elective)
Core Books (Additional)
- Artificial Insemination
- Biomedical Sensors
- Biomedical Equipments
- Biomathematics
- Basic Human Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
- Chemical Thermodynamics and Biothermodynamics
- Experimental Methods in Thermal Power Engineering
- Advance Immunology and Immunotherapeutics
- Bioinformatics Applications and Algorithms
- Animal Transgenic Technologies
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Biomedical Instrumentation
- Biological Techniques
- Biomaterials
- Biomaterials Tissue interactions and Artificial Organs
- Biomechanics
- Biomedical Image Processing and Interpretation
- Biomedical Imaging Informatics
- Biomedical System Engineering and Automation
- Cancer Biology
- Biophysical Engineering
Elective Books (Additional)
- Computational Methods
- Computational Phylogenetics
- Computational Structural Biology
- Digital Healthcare
- Digital Image Processing and Applications
- Digital Signal Processing
- Ethics in Biomedical Research
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Advance Biomaterials
- Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
- Introduction to Biomechanics of Solids
- Medical Imaging Physics
- Micro and Nano Fluidics
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Information System Design
- Physiological System Modelling
- Physiological Modeling
- Genomics and Proteomics
- Statistical Physics
- Stem Cell Biology
- Systems Biology
Kindly note that we have put a lot of effort into researching the best reference books on all the subjects of M.Tech Biomedical Engineering, and came out with a recommended list. If any more subjects need to be added to this list, please let us know.