We have compiled a list of best reference books in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering for students doing M.Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering as per the latest syllabus of university and colleges. These books are used by Metallurgical and Materials Engineering students of top universities in the world and many other institutes and colleges.
Here’s the complete list of M.Tech Metallurgical and Materials Engineering books, which are arranged year and semester-wise. We have also listed down both core and elective subject books.
1st Year M.Tech Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Books (1st & 2nd Semester)
1st Semester Books
- Numerical Methods in Materials Processing
- Advance Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
- Thermodynamics
- Advance Electron Microscopy and Analysis
- Fundamentals of Electronic Materials
- Aircraft Materials and Processes
- Advance Mechanical Working of Materials
2nd Semester Books
- Design and Application of Engineering Materials
- Phase Transformations and Phase Equilibria
- Modern Techniques of Material Characterisation
- Computational Materials Engineering
- Ceramics and Powder Metallurgy
- Composite Materials
- Mineral Engineering
2nd Year M.Tech Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Books (3rd & 4th Semester)
3rd Semester Books
- Modelling of Metallurgical Processes
- Metallurgical Failure Analysis
- Advance Welding Technology
- Agglomeration and Direct Reduction of Iron Ores
- Amorphous Materials and Application
- Diffraction Techniques in Materials Engineering
- Design and Diffusion in Metallurgical Processes
M.Tech Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Books (Additional Core/Elective)
Core Books (Additional)
- Advance Design of Steel Structures
- Advance Biomaterials
- Business Analytics
- Ceramic Raw Materials
- Computational Fluid Flow and Heat in Metallurgical Processes
- Development of Human Resources
- Dislocation Theory
- Economic Efficiency and Human Resource Use
- Environmental Setting of Socio-Technical Systems
- Experimental Methods in Stress Analysis
- Grain Boundaries and Interfaces
- High Temperature Corrosion
- Imperfections in Solids
Elective Books (Additional)
- Indian Labour Laws
- Interpersonal Communication
- Lasers and Laser Applications
- Logical Reasoning
- Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- Vacuum and Tube Technology
- Modelling of Metallurgical Processes
- Fundamentals of Surface and Thin Film Analysis
- Service Engineering and Management
- Solidification Processing
- Surface Modification and Coating Technology
- Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces
- Texture in Materials Engineering
Kindly note that we have put a lot of effort into researching the best reference books on all the subjects of M.Tech Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, and came out with a recommended list. If any more subjects need to be added to this list, please let us know.