LISP Questions & Answers – LISP Primitives – 1

This set of LISP Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “LISP Primitives – 1”.

1. Which is used to represent the prompt in lisp?
a) #
b) $
c) &
d) *
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Answer: d
Explanation: Lisp displays a prompt to to tell that it waiting for something to enter.

2. Which notation facilitates uniformity in lisp?
a) Prefix
b) Postfix
c) Infix
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Because the procedure name is always in the same place, no matter how many arguments are involved.

3. Which is a procedures supplied by user in terms of primitives?
a) Custom
b) User-defined
c) Definite
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A procedures supplied by user in terms of lisp primitives is called user-defined procedure.

4. What is the process of reserving a place in computer memory to store a value for a symbol?
a) Storing
b) Ranging
c) Binding
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Binding means that allotting a memory location to a variable and storing a value in it.

5. What is the general pattern that shows how the various parts of an expression fit together?
a) Template
b) Pattern
c) Match
d) Both Template & Pattern
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Answer: a
Explanation: Template describes what should appear in the position occupied.

6. What is the output of the following statement?

span class="sy0"> * (+ 3.14 2.71)

a) 3.14
b) 2.71
c) 5.84
d) 5.85
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Answer: d
Explanation: This statement is used to add the two given values.

7. What is the output of the following statement?

span class="sy0"> * (first '( p h w))

a) P
b) H
c) W
d) phw
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Answer: a
Explanation: This statement will print the first alphabet of the given value.

8. What is the output of the following statement?

span class="sy0"> * ( first (rest (first '((a b) (c d)))))

a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d
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Answer: b
Explanation: This statement is used to print b because of nesting.

9. What is the output of the following statement?

span class="sy0"> * '(first (first (rest (rest ((a b) (c d) (e f))))))

a) a
b) b
c) ab
d) (FIRST (FIRST (REST (REST ((A B) (C D) (E F))))))
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Answer: d
Explanation: Because ‘ character is recognized as a macro character, so it will convert ‘ into (quote ).
(FIRST (FIRST (REST (REST ((A B) (C D) (E F))))))

10. What is the output of the following statement?

span class="sy0"> * (cdr '(a b c))

a) a
b) B
c) (B C)
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: cdr function is used to form composite primitives.
(B C)

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – LISP Programming Language.

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