Iron Making Questions and Answers – Evolution of Iron Making

This set of Iron Making Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Evolution of Iron Making”.

1. Which of the below process is used to convert coal to coke?
a) Reduction of coal
b) Low temperature heating of coal
c) Carbonization of coal
d) Low pressure application on coal
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Answer: c
Explanation: Carbonization is the application of Destructive distillation on coal. At high temperatures in the absence of oxygen the carbonization is done to convert coal into coke. This process makes coke more porous than coal.

2. At what temperature the lowest melting composition (iron-carbon) starts melting?
a) 1153 degree centigrade
b) 850 degree centigrade
c) 721 degree centigrade
d) 336 degree centigrade
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Answer: a
Explanation: At 1153 degree centigrade, 4.26% of carbon is contained in the composition. This facilitates to lower the melting point of iron to the best. As the carbon content is greater than 4 this makes composition starts melting.

3. What type of furnace linings are used in Stukofens?
a) Stone and clay
b) Ceramic
c) Tungsten
d) Cast iron
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Answer: a
Explanation: Stukofens were used in the early time of iron making. Stone and clay linings were being used and water driven bellows supports stukofens. These are of a height of 3.5-4.5 meters and produce 100-150 tons of iron per annum.

4. What is the major perk of using coke over coal as raw material in blast furnace?
a) Porous structure
b) More weight than coal
c) Smoky nature of coal
d) Low ash
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Answer: a
Explanation: The porous nature of coke helps the burden to flow down the blast furnace without any struck. This even favors the gas flow through the burden inside the furnace. This is what favors the processing of ore.

5. Does preheating of air reduce the use of coke?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Preheating of air facilitates the heat required inside the furnace to melt iron. This indirectly reduces the usage of coke as heat required is covered from this portion. This process became a big asset to modern iron making industries.

6. The main use of Blast Furnace gas among the below options is_____
a) Preheating of air
b) Boilers
c) Fuel for steel works
d) Power extracting sources
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Answer: a
Explanation: Though BFG is used in all the above options, the major use of BFG is preheating the air. This would be done by the carbon monoxide content present in Blast furnace gas. BFG is also used in boilers to an extent.

7. What type of ironmakes the Delhi pillar corrosion resistant tilldate?
a) Wrought iron
b) Cast iron
c) Pig iron
d) Steel
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Answer: a
Explanation: Delhi pillar was made of Wrought iron. Wrought iron was never in the molten state. Several pieces of hot lumps of iron sponge were forge welded together like separate pan cakes.

8. Which of the below raw material charging systems is designed for high temperature and pressure operations?
a) Single bell
b) Double bell
c) BLT
d) Gimbal
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gimbal system facilitates controlled distribution of charge material to the blast furnace. This is done through a gimbal type oscillating chute through a holding hopper and variable material gate opening .This makes the pressurized charging system above can operate independently of distribution system.

9. The filtration device used to clean the Blast furnace gas is _____________
a) Dust catchers
b) Wet Scrubbers
c) Electrostatic precipitators
d) Dry scrubbers
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Answer: c
Explanation: Electrostatic precipitator is a filtration device which is used to remove dust and smoke from flowing gas. The force of induced electrostatic charge minimally impedes the flow of gases. Dust catchers and Dry scrubbers are not the Filtration devices.

10. Blast furnace gas cleaning includes _____________
a) Removal of excess raw material
b) Decrease in calorific value
c) Increase in moisture content
d) Remove particulate matter
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Answer: d
Explanation: Cleaning of Blast Furnace gas facilitates the removal of moisture. This also facilitates removal of dust from gas. Thus increases the calorific value of gas.

11. Life of lining of furnaces can be improved by______________
a) Preheating of air
b) Increasing size of burden
c) Use of coal rather than coke
d) Water cooling
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Answer: d
Explanation: Through water cooling the life of Lining of furnaces can be improved as coolers with water circulating inside were installed between shell and lining of the furnace. This protects the components from heat radiation. Water cooling is the best process to increase the life compared to above methods.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Iron Making.

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