Iron Making Questions and Answers – Availability and Types of Coal

This set of Iron Making Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Availability and Types of Coal”.

1. What accounts for almost 60% of the cost of production of hot metal in the blast furnaces?
a) Coal
b) Pig iron
c) Limestone
d) dolomite
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Answer: a
Explanation: Coke accounts for almost 60% of the cost of production hot metal in the blast furnaces. It plays the three major roles i.e. fuel, support the burden material, carburizing agent.

2. Which country is the top coal producer?
a) China
b) India
c) USA
d) UK
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Answer: a
Explanation: China is the top coal producer in the world. China is followed by the USA, while India ranks third in coal production. Coal found in India is of poor quality and cannot be used in blast furnace for reduction purpose.

3. Indian coal reserve is of __________
a) Poor quality
b) High quality
c) Moderate quality
d) Average quality
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Answer: a
Explanation: The quality of the coal used in the blast furnace is governed by the ash content and the rank of the coal. Indian coal reserve has a high ash content (up to 30%) and low rank (MMR 0.8–1.1) which turns out as poor quality of coal.

4. The eastern states of Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, etc. are the principal coal-bearing areas of India.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In India the reserves of coal are widely distributed over 13 states. However, the eastern states of Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, etc. are the principal coal-bearing areas. Other coal bearing states are Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan etc.

5. Forms of coal with the highest order of rank is _____________
a) Graphite
b) Anthracite
c) Bituminous coal
d) Lignite
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Answer: a
Explanation: Forms of coal in increasing order of rank is
Peat ⟶ Lignite ⟶ Bituminous coal ⟶ Anthracite ⟶ Graphite.
Peat is the poorest form while graphite is the purest form of coal.

6. The proximate analysis of coal is done by heating coal under a set of standard conditions.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The proximate analysis of coal is done by heating coal under a set of standard conditions. The analysis is used to determine the moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon contents of the coal. These are the major constituents affecting the coking potential of the coal.

7. The Indian coals have the ___________
a) Low initial ash fusion temperatures
b) High initial ash fusion temperatures
c) Low final ash fusion temperatures
d) High initial ash fusion temperatures
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Indian coals have the low initial ash fusion temperatures i.e.1200–1250°C. It is the temperature at which the ash begins to become plastic. Above this temperature coals can be easily shaped.

8. The low-volatile coals yield the higher amounts of coke from the same amount of coal.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Low-volatile coals yield the higher amounts of coke from the same amount of coal. It means higher amount of coke is available for the blast furnace working which also increase its efficiency. It is noted that coal with less than 14% volatility or extremely high volatile coal are unfit for coking purpose.

9. The ultimate analysis is used to determine the _____________
a) Chemical composition of coal
b) Physical composition of coal
c) Chemical properties of coal
d) Physical properties of coal
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ultimate analysis is used to determine the chemical composition of coal. Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulphur contents are determined. The ultimate analysis is reported on a dry-basis or on a moisture-and-mineral matter-free basis.

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