CIM Questions and Answers – Introduction and Automation Principles

This set of CIM Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Introduction and Automation Principles”.

1. USA principle consists of which of the following steps?
a) Online inspection
b) Simplify process
c) Integration of operations
d) Operations control
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Answer: b
Explanation: The USA principle involves three steps. These are understanding an existing process, simplify the process, and automate the process.

2. Which of the following charts are used to understand the existing process?
a) Flow process chart
b) Area chart
c) Pie chart
d) Bar chart
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Operation chart, flow process chart, etc. can be used to obtain a model of an existing process. By analysing this model, the number of steps in the process, delay time, time spent in storage, etc. can be known.

3. Which step is taken to simplify the process according to the USA principle?
a) Studying economic viability of the product
b) Calculating risk priority number
c) Eliminating unnecessary steps
d) Finding break even point
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Answer: c
Explanation: Simplify the process is the second step in the USA principle. It involves finding the essential steps in the process, combining the steps, and eliminating the unnecessary steps in the process.

4. Which is not among the ten strategies for automation and process improvement?
a) Simultaneous operations
b) Specialization of operations
c) Manual operations
d) Online inspection
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are ten strategies for automation and process improvement. These are – specialization of operations, combined operations, simultaneous operations, integration of operations, increased flexibility, improved material handling & storage, online inspection, process control & optimization, plant operations control, computer integrated manufacturing.

5. Which is not a phase of the automation migration strategy?
a) Manual production
b) Customised production
c) Automated production
d) Automated integrated production
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are three phases in the automation migration strategy. These are manual production, automated production, and automated-integrated production.

6. Which among the following is an advantage of the automation migration strategy?
a) Easy handling
b) Low labour cost
c) Low energy consumption
d) Reduced risk of capital loss
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Answer: d
Explanation: Automation migration strategy avoids the high level of automation from the start because there is a risk that demand for a product will not justify it. If the product fails, then the loss incurred will be less.

7. Automation technology does not involve any mechanical system.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Automation technology comprises the application of mechanical, electronic, and computer-based systems to operate and control production. Automation involves either no human assistance or lesser human assistance.

8. Which of the following is a limitation of an automated system?
a) Large capital involved
b) Reduced worker safety
c) More manufacturing lead time
d) High labour cost
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Answer: a
Explanation: Automated system involves the use of mechanical, electronic, and computer-based systems. The cost of automation is high, and thus, low capital industries prefer manual production.

9. Automation is not suitable in case of _________
a) Labour shortages
b) Improving product quality
c) Short product life cycle
d) Reducing manufacturing lead time
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Answer: c
Explanation: If an industry needs to introduce a new product in a short period in the market, then automation is not suitable. Tooling time and cost for manual production are less than automated production.

10. Which of the following is the benefit of automation?
a) Large manufacturing lead time
b) Low capital investment
c) No worker requirement
d) Improved worker safety
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Answer: d
Explanation: Automation improves worker safety by eliminating the active participation of workers in hazardous operations and transferring their role to monitoring or inspection. The enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970 strengthened the need for automation.

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