CIM Questions and Answers – CIM Evolution

This set of CIM Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “CIM Evolution”.

1. Which among the following played a significant role in the development of Computer Numerical Control?
a) Steel industry
b) Agriculture industry
c) Aerospace industry
d) Textiles industry
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Answer: c
Explanation: There was a need to make sophisticated aircraft and satellite launch vehicles after the second world war. The manufacturing technology available during the late 1940s was not able to meet those challenges. Thus, the US Air Force approached the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop control technology for machine tools.

2. When was the Numerical Control first demonstrated?
a) 1952
b) 1960
c) 1966
d) 1969
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Answer: a
Explanation: In 1952 Numerical Control was demonstrated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA for the first time. A Numerical Control machine used paper tape and tape reader. Paper tape and tape readers were considered unreliable and error-prone.

3. Which type of computer did Direct Numerical Computer use?
a) Minicomputer
b) Mainframe computer
c) Microcomputer
d) Supercomputer
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Answer: b
Explanation: By the mid-1960s mainframe computers were used to control a group of Numerical Control machines which was called Direct Numerical Control. In Direct Numerical Control computer eliminated tape reader to transfer program data to the machine controller.

4. Computer Numerical Control machines use which type of computer?
a) Minicomputer
b) Mainframe computer
c) Microcomputer
d) Supercomputer
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the late 1960s, Numerical Control machines started using minicomputers and thus called Computer Numerical Control machines. In Computer Numerical Control paper tape and tape readers were replaced by the minicomputer.

5. ______ is known as the father of Numerical Control.
a) Blaise Pascal
b) John E. Parker
c) John Robinson Pierce
d) John T. Parsons
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Answer: d
Explanation: John T. Parsons received the Joseph Marie Jacquard Award for his outstanding contribution as the father of Numerical Control. He worked with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He directed the development of the first Numerical Control milling machine.

6. When did George C. Devol get patent for his robotic device “Programmed Article Transfer”?
a) 1952
b) 1954
c) 1961
d) 1962
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Answer: c
Explanation: The US patent for “Programmed Article Transfer” was granted in 1961. George C. Devol made the device for parts handling. Later the first industrial robot based on programmed article transfer was manufactured.

7. What was the name of the first industrial robot?
a) Fanuc
b) Unimate
c) Sophia
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Answer: b
Explanation: Unimate was the first industrial robot employed at General Motors plant in New Jersey for unloading a die-casting machine. George C. Devol and Joseph Engelberger worked together for the production of Unimate.

8. Who has the most significant role in the evolution of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)?
a) John E. Parker
b) George Schwenk
c) Sam Hoff
d) Richard Morley
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Answer: d
Explanation: On 1st January 1968, Richard Morley wrote the specifications of a programmable controller. He started working on that idea with his team at Bedford Associates. Later the team incorporated a new company and developed the first programmable controller model 084. It was named 084 because it was the 84th project of Bedford Associates.

9. What was the abbreviation of the Modular Digital Controller?
b) MDC
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Answer: a
Explanation: Richard Morley and his team decided to start a new company. MODICON was incorporated in October 1968 and worked with Bedford Associates to develop the programmable controller 084. Bedford Associates got dissolved after the success of MODICON. In 1977 MODICON was sold to Gould.

10. Which device did industries use before the introduction of Programmable Logic Controller?
a) Microprocessor
b) Relays
c) Expert system
d) Artificial Intelligence
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Answer: b
Explanation: Before the invention of Programmable Logic Controller, relays were used to control machines. Relays work on the principle of an electromagnet. The electromagnet used to push or pull a bar attached with switch contact. That was called the electromechanical method of control.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – CIM.

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