This set of Genetic Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Removal and Introduction of Restriction Sites and Generation of Insertions and Deletions”.
1. Direct alteration of particular parts of protein as a way of probing the relationship between structure and function is termed as:
a) genetic engineering
b) protein engineering
c) alteration of protein function
d) structure engineering
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Explanation: Protein engineering is the direct alteration of parts of protein as a way of probing the relationship between its structure and function. The function of protein is altered in a controlled way.
2. At times, the gene which is cloned is not well known for the protein encoded by it. To access the function, the endogenous gene for the mutant strain is inactivated. This technique is called as ___________
a) reverse genetics
b) protein engineering
c) mutation
d) location of function
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Explanation: Reverse genetics is the technique by which the exact function of the gene cloned is known. It is done by inactivating the mutant strain in the host.
3. Approaches for creating mutations can be divided into how many types?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Explanation: There are basically two approaches to creating mutations. They are relying on restriction enzymes and oligonucleotide-directed DNA synthesis.
4. In the case of deletion of a restriction site, it should be cleaved with the same restriction enzyme.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: For the deletion of a restriction site, it should be cleaved with the same restriction enzyme. As it is cleaved, the restriction site is destroyed and further the staggered ends created are either filled or degraded. After this religation is carried out but the restriction site is destroyed.
5. If there are multiple restriction sites for an enzyme in a given molecule, digestion is carried out in many steps. The initial digestion should be?
a) complete
b) partial
c) carried out by a different enzyme then that the restriction site
d) carried out by a mixture of restriction enzymes
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Explanation: If there are multiple restriction sites for an enzyme in a given molecule, the initial digestion would be partial. It is so because molecules cut on one site at an average.
6. If a functional gene is disrupted while disrupting a restriction site _______ is created.
a) frameshift mutation
b) point mutation
c) either of the mutations
d) any other kind of mutation
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Explanation: If a functional gene is disrupted while disrupting a restriction site, a frameshift mutation would be created. As it is created, the gene might become dysfunctional.
7. Additional restriction sites can be introduced near the existing restriction site by mutagenesis.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Additional restriction sites can be introduced near the existing restriction site by mutagenesis. It is done by inserting chemically synthesized oilgonucleotide carrying the appropriate sequence.
8. Restriction site can also be introduced by oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis of a region that is _______ and ______ to the original restriction site.
a) not only similar, also exactly same
b) similar, not same
c) not similar, is entirely different
d) different, near
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Explanation: Restriction site can also be introduced by oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis of a region that is similar and is not the same to the original restriction site.
9. Small deletions at a restriction site can be generated by cutting and degrading the ________ with an exonuclease.
a) double stranded ended
b) circular molecules
c) single stranded ends
d) supercoiled molecules
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Explanation: Small deletions at a restriction site can be generated by cutting and degrading the single stranded ends with an exonuclease.
10. When a series of deleted regions are replaced by some other DNA fragment of equal length, then it is known as:
a) linker scanning
b) generation of deletions
c) mutation
d) replacement
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Explanation: Sometimes, a series of deleted regions are replaced by a fragment of DNA of equal length, then it is called as linker scanning. It is done in order to not disrupt the spacing between control regions.
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