C++ Program to Implement Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for Pattern Searching

This C++ program implements the Kunth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for string matching. A text and a pattern is given as input. The pattern is searched for in the text and all instances of the pattern are given as output. This C++ program is successfully compiled and run on Code::Blocks 10.05, a C++ compiler. The program output is … Read more


C++ Program to Perform String Matching using Vectors

This C++ program implements string matching using vectors. A text and a pattern is given as input. The pattern is searched for in the text and all instances of the pattern are given as output. This C++ program is successfully compiled and tested on our system. The program output is given below. /* * C++ Program … Read more


C++ Program to Implement String Search Algorithm for Short Text Sizes

This C++ program performs naive string matching without using any specific library functions. A text and a pattern is given as input. The pattern is searched for in the text and all instances of the pattern are given as output. This C++ program is successfully compiled and tested on our system. The program output is … Read more


C++ Program to Perform String Matching using String Library

This C++ program performs string matching using string library of C++. A text and a pattern is given as input. The pattern is searched for in the text and all instances of the pattern are given as output. This C++ program is successfully compiled and tested on our system. The program output is given below. … Read more


C++ Program to Implement Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem

This C++ Program demonstrates implementation of Max-Flow_Min-Cut_Theorem. Here is source code of the C++ Program to demonstrate Max-Flow_Min-Cut_Theorem. The C++ program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below. /* * C++ Program to Implement Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem */#include <iostream>#include <climits>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>#include <queue>#define V 6using namespace std; /* * Returns … Read more


C++ Program to Implement Network Flow Problem

This C++ Program demonstrates implementation of Network_Flow Problem. Here is source code of the C++ Program to demonstrate Network_Flow Problem. The C++ program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below. /* * C++ Program to Implement Network Flow Problem */#include <iostream>#include <climits>#include <cstring>#include <queue>#define V 6using namespace std; /* * … Read more


C++ Program to Find Minimum Element in an Array using Binary Search

C++ Program to find the minimum element of an array using Binary Search approach. Problem Description 1. Construct a Binary Search Tree for the given data. 2. Search the minimum element with time complexity O(log(n)). Problem Solution 1. Construct binary search tree for the given unsorted data array. 2. For the minimum element move the … Read more


C++ Program to Find Peak Element of an Array using Binary Search

C++ Program to find the peak element of an array using Binary Search approach. Problem Description 1. Using binary search approach one of the peaks in the array can be found. 2. It returns the first peak found as a result. 3. The time complexity of the algorithm is O(log(n)). Problem Solution 1. Implement the … Read more


C++ Program to Implement Heap Sort

This is a C++ program to sort the given data using Heap Sort. Problem Description 1. Heap sort is a comparison based algorithm. 2. It is improved version of selection sort. 3. The time complexity is O(n*log(n)). Problem Solution 1. Build a max heap using the given data element. 2. Delete the root node repeatedly. … Read more


C++ Program to Implement Insertion Sort

Problem Description Write a C++ program to sort the given data using Insertion Sort. What is Insertion Sort? Insertion Sort in C++ is a simple sorting algorithm that works by dividing the list into sorted and unsorted portions. It repeatedly picks a value from the unsorted portion and inserts it into its correct position in … Read more

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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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