- Fundamentals of Computer Organization
- Computer Architecture and Organization
- Advance Computer Architecture
- High Performance Computer Architecture
- Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
1. Fundamentals of Computer Organization
1."Computer Fundamentals Architecture and Organization" by Ram B
“Computer Fundamentals Architecture and Organization” Book Review: This comprehensive book is ideal for undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars in the fields of electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It covers the latest information on CPUs, peripherals, supporting chips, and bus standards, including architecture and microprocessors, contemporary chips and devices, and memory developments such as SSD, SATA Express, ESATA, SAS, etc. In addition, it delves into contemporary input devices and printers, as well as software sections expanded to include Visual BASIC, C++, Java, OOP, SQL, Windows, Linux, and MS-Office.
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2."Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)" by Mostafa Abd–El–Barr and Hesham El–Rewini
“Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)” Book Review: This comprehensive book caters to a wide audience of learners, including undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars specializing in electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. Its main focus is on introductory courses in computer organization and architecture, covering a range of topics such as instruction set architecture and design, assembly language programming, computer arithmetic, processing unit design, memory system design, and input-output design and organization. The book delves into pipelining design techniques and reduced instruction set computers (RISCs), and provides numerous real-world applications, examples of machines, case studies, and practical experiences in each chapter.
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3."Fundamental of Computer Organization and Design" by Sivarama P Dandamudi
“Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design” Book Review: This book is designed for undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars in electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It offers numerous assembly language code examples to give students hands-on experience, and covers both CISC and RISC processors in detail, featuring Pentium, PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC, and Itanium. The book includes an overview of computer organization, digital logic basics, combinational circuits, sequential logic circuits, and a chapter on system buses. Later, it focuses on processor organization and performance.
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4."Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture" by Jyotsna Sengupta
“Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture” Book Review: This comprehensive book is aimed at undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars in electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It covers the basic principles and design concepts of different units of a computer, providing numerous assembly language code examples to give students hands-on experience. The book covers both CISC and RISC processors in detail, featuring Pentium, PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC, and Itanium. It explains the entire process of computation in different units of a computer that is involved in transforming a program written in a high-level language within the computer till its output results.
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5."Creating a Data–Driven Organization" by Carl Anderson
“Creating a Data-Driven Organization” Book Review: This book is targeted towards a diverse audience, including undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars specializing in electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. Its primary focus is on teaching readers how to effectively gather relevant data using appropriate methods. This involves hiring skilled analysts and organizing them into teams, as well as exploring various statistical and visualization tools and fact-based storytelling methods. The book emphasizes the importance of collecting and analyzing data while respecting privacy and ethics. Additionally, it delves into the significance of data leadership and C-level positions such as chief data officer and chief analytics officer.
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6."Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems: Fundamentals of Hierarchical Organization, Routing, Scaling, and Security" by Dmitry Korzun and Andrei Gurtov
“Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems: Fundamentals of Hierarchical Organization, Routing, Scaling, and Security” Book Review: This book is ideal for undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars in electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It covers fundamental issues in the organization, optimization, and tradeoffs of large-scale structured P2P systems. The book provides principles, analytical models, and simulation methods applicable to designing future systems, including hierarchical DHT architectures, look-ahead routing, and topology-aware ranking, as well as P2P-based experimental systems and commercial applications in the modern Internet.
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7."Computer Fundamentals, Third Edition: Architecture and Organization" by Ram B
“Computer Fundamentals, Third Edition: Architecture and Organization” Book Review: This book is intended for a wide range of learners, including undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars specializing in electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It provides a comprehensive and current overview of central processing units (CPUs), peripherals, supporting chips, and bus standards. The book covers topics such as number systems, digital devices, logic design, and central processing units, as well as I/O processors and arithmetic processors, system software, and programming.
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8."Computer System Architecture" by M Morris R Mano
“Computer System Architecture 3rd Edition” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide for learners interested in computer organization and architecture. The book covers a range of topics, including digital logic circuits, data representation, instruction set architecture, processor design, memory systems, and input-output devices. Other notable chapters include assembly language programming, RISC architecture, and parallel processing. This book offers a thorough understanding of computer systems and is ideal for students of electrical and computer engineering.
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9."Computer Organization (Mcgraw-Hill Series in Computer Science)" by Carl Hamacher and Zvonko Vranesic | |
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2. Computer Architecture and Organization
1."Computer Organization and Design:The Hardware/Software Interface" by David A Patterson and John L Hennessy
Book Review: The book provides a clear overview of the transition from uniprocessor to multicore microprocessors. The latest technologies and advancements in processor designs and benchmarking standards are used to illustrate parallelism. The MIPS processor is used to explain hardware technologies, assembly language, pipelining, computer arithmetic, memory hierarchies, and I/O. Additionally, the book covers the ARM and x86 architectures. Flash memory and virtual machines are also discussed, and a wide range of exercises is included to test the reader’s understanding.
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2."Computer Organization" by Zvonco Vranesic and Safwat Zaky
Book Review: This comprehensive book covers all essential topics related to computer organization and embedded systems. It not only demonstrates hardware design principles but also illustrates how software requirements impact hardware design. The book explains crucial principles and properties with examples from commercially available processors, making it a valuable resource for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering students. Primarily intended for a first course in computer organization and embedded systems, this book is a useful reference for anyone interested in these fields.
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3."Computer Architecture and Organization" by John P Hayes
Book Review: This comprehensive book on Computer Architecture and Organization updates case studies, worked examples, and problem sets while emphasizing basic principles. The treatment of performance-related topics such as pipelines, caches, and RISC architectures has been expanded to keep up with the dramatic changes in computer technology in the last decade. The book includes numerous examples and problems at the end of each chapter to test the reader’s understanding.
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4."Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance" by William Stallings
Book Review: This book covers the fundamental concepts of computer organization and architecture, as well as the driving factors in computer design performance. Practitioners’ innovations and improvements are also discussed. The book covers bus organization, computer arithmetic, I/O components, RISC, memory, and parallel processors from both architectural and organizational perspectives. The different architectures examined include Pentium, EPIC, and IA-64 architecture of Intel’s Pentium processor.
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5."Computer Systems Design and Architecture" by Vincent P Heuring and Harry F Jordan
Book Review: The book presents three viewpoints: the logic designer’s perspective, the assembly language programmer’s perspective, and the computer architect’s perspective. It also covers developments in microprocessors, ALU, pipelining, memory hierarchy, internet, and networks. The book offers an in-depth analysis of CISC and RISC models, providing a comprehensive understanding of machine structures and functions. General-purpose machines, machine languages, digital logic, processor design, and peripheral devices are also examined, making it a valuable resource for computer engineering professionals.
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6."Computer Architecture & Organization" by Raj Kamal and Nicholas Carter
“Computer Architecture and Organization” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive overview of computer organization and architecture. The book covers topics such as computer evolution, data representation, processor design, memory hierarchy, and input-output systems. Additional chapters discuss assembly language programming, pipelining, RISC, and CISC architectures. The book also includes case studies and real-world applications to help readers understand how these concepts apply in practice. This book is a useful resource for undergraduate computer engineering students and anyone interested in computer architecture and organization.
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7."Computer Organization and Design" by John L Hennessy David
“Computer Organization and Design” Book Review: This book provides an introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture, with a focus on the emergence of mobile computing and cloud infrastructure. Using a MIPS processor core, the book covers hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies, and I/O. Real-world examples such as intel Core i7, ARM Cortex A8, Going Faster, and NVIDIA Fermi GPU are also included, highlighting parallel hardware and software topics. The book includes numerous exercises, making it a useful resource for programmers, system software developers, digital system designers, application developers, and students in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering courses.
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8."Computer Organization and Architecture" by William Stallings
“Computer Organization and Architecture” Book Review: This book presents a comprehensive coverage of computer organization and architecture, starting from the basics and gradually moving towards advanced concepts. The author explains the inner workings of hardware design and organization in a clear and organized manner. With succinct explanations and a range of exercises to test understanding, this book is suitable for both students and professionals.
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9."Computer Architecture and Organization : From 8085 to core2Duo & beyond" by Ghoshal
“Computer Architecture and Organization: From 8085 to Core 2 Duo and beyond” Book Review: This book delves into the various concepts of computer architecture and organization, using microprocessors 8085 and above. It also covers the latest developments, such as Intel Core II Duo. The book has an excellent pedagogical approach, with sections like “Food for Thought” and “Quicksand Corner” making for an engaging read. Moreover, it caters to the syllabi of most Indian universities, making it a valuable reference for students of computer science.
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10."Computer Organization & Architecture" by Stallings
“Computer Organization & Architecture” Book Review: This book offers a clear and comprehensive overview of contemporary computer organization and architecture. The author adopts a top-down approach to explore low-level aspects of traditional computers, from vacuum tube architecture to the contemporary von Neumann architecture. The book challenges students with a variety of information related to computer architecture, similar to how Thomas’ Calculus presents problems beyond the textbook’s instruction. To fully understand the chapter exercises consisting of review questions and problems, readers must explore additional sources of knowledge. Overall, this relevant Stallings text is an excellent resource for gaining conceptual and applied knowledge of computer architecture.
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11."Computer Organization and Architecture" by Rajaraman
“Computer Organization And Architecture” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide that provides an introduction to the principles of computer organization and architecture. It covers topics such as digital logic circuits, data representation, instruction set architecture, processor design, memory systems, and input-output devices. The book also includes chapters on pipelining, parallel processing, and RISC architecture. Real-world examples and case studies help readers apply these concepts. The book is an excellent resource for students of computer science and electrical engineering, and it is written in an accessible style that makes it easy to understand even for beginners in the field.
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12."Computer Architecture and Organization: Design Principles and Applications" by B Govindarajalu | |
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13."Computer Architecture and Organization" by P Chakraborty
“Computer Architecture and Organization” Book Review: This comprehensive book on computer organization and architecture strikes a balance between theoretical concepts, practical knowledge, and design approaches. The author uses detailed diagrams and illustrations to explain all the main topics, making it easy for readers to understand the principles and their inner workings.
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14."Express Learning - Computer Organization and Architecture" by ITL ESL
“Express Learning – Computer Organization and Architecture, 1e” Book Review: This book is a concise and easy-to-read book that provides a comprehensive introduction to computer organization and architecture. The book covers topics such as digital logic circuits, memory systems, instruction set architecture, processor design, and input-output devices. The book is designed for quick learning and includes numerous examples and practice exercises that help readers reinforce their understanding of the concepts. It is a useful resource for students of computer science and electrical engineering, as well as professionals looking to refresh their knowledge in the field.
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15."Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" by Hennessy
“Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach 5th Edition” Book Review: This book is an essential textbook for computer engineering students. The book covers a wide range of topics including instruction set architecture, processor performance, memory hierarchy, parallelism, and input/output systems. The chapters are well-organized, with clear explanations and numerous diagrams and charts. The book also includes exercises and case studies to reinforce concepts. The latest edition (6th) includes updated information on modern processors, memory systems, and parallelism. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in computer architecture and its quantitative analysis.
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16."Computer Organization and Architecture" by Vineeta Pillai and Madhulika Jain | |
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17."Learning Computer Architecture with Raspberry Pi" by Eben Upton and Jeffrey Duntemann
“Learning Computer Architecture with Raspberry Pi 1st Edition” Book Review: Thsi book is an excellent guide for learning computer architecture using the Raspberry Pi platform. The book covers a range of topics, starting with basic digital logic and progressing to more complex concepts such as processor design and operating systems. The authors use the Raspberry Pi as a hands-on tool for demonstrating and implementing these concepts. The book is well-written and easy to follow, with clear explanations and practical examples. The chapters cover topics such as binary arithmetic, logic gates, memory, assembly language, and operating systems. This book is a great resource for beginners interested in learning computer architecture using Raspberry Pi.
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3. Advance Computer Architecture
1."Advance Computer Architect: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability" by Kai Hwang and Naresh Jotwani
“Advance Computer Architect: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability” Book Review: This book provides comprehensive coverage of advancements in computer engineering and parallel programming methodologies. It delves into the theories, engineering techniques, and software used by modern computer systems, while emphasizing the importance of parallelism, flexibility, and programmability. The text also includes a new chapter on Instruction Level Parallelism, which explains the key concepts and discusses critical design and implementation issues that can limit its effectiveness. Additionally, the book’s recent chapter on Recent Advancements in Computer Architecture explores the latest technological breakthroughs that have significantly impacted the field, highlighting some of the most recent processors, systems, and multi-core chips.
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2."Advance Computer Architecture" by Gunjan Goswami
“Advance Computer Architecture” Book Review: The contents of this advanced computer architecture textbook are organized into four main units. The first unit covers the fundamentals of computer architecture and introduces the concept of pipelining. The second unit focuses on processors and memory hierarchy, including memory hierarchy design and modeling using queuing theory, as well as concurrent processors. The third unit is dedicated to cache memory, with topics such as cache memory organization, coherence, and synchronization. The final unit explores parallel architectures, including shared memory multiprocessors and MIMD architecture, and provides important notes, a question bank, model papers, previous year examination papers, and an index.
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3."Advance computer architecture" by Er Gurjeet Singh | |
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4."Advances in Computer Systems Architecture" by Jingling Xue and Pen-Chung Yew
“Advances in Computer Systems Architecture” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide to recent advances in computer systems architecture. The book covers a range of topics, including instruction-level parallelism, thread-level parallelism, multicore architectures, memory hierarchies, and high-performance computing. It also includes discussions on emerging topics such as heterogeneous computing, accelerator-based architectures, and energy-efficient computing. The authors provide a detailed overview of each topic, with practical examples and case studies. The book is well-organized, easy to follow, and is suitable for researchers, professionals, and students interested in computer systems architecture.
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5."Advances in Computer Systems Architecture" by Stanislav Sedukhin and Amos Omondi | |
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6."Pyramidal Architectures for Computer Vision (Advances in Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence)" by Virginio Cantoni and Marco Ferretti
“Pyramidal Architectures for Computer Vision (Advances in Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence)” Book Review: This book focuses on pyramidal architectures for computer vision and machine intelligence. It covers the basic principles of pyramidal systems and their applications in image and signal processing. The book discusses the advantages and limitations of using pyramidal structures for computer vision tasks, and provides detailed case studies of their use in various real-world applications. The authors also address the challenges and future directions of pyramidal architectures, making this book a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and students in the field of computer vision and machine intelligence. The book is divided into 10 chapters covering topics such as pyramid representations, feature extraction, classification, and applications in areas such as face recognition and object tracking.
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7."Computer System Architecture" by Mano
“Computer System Architecture” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide to computer system architecture, covering both hardware and software concepts. The book is organized into 11 chapters that cover topics such as digital logic circuits, computer arithmetic, memory systems, input-output systems, and computer organization. Each chapter provides a clear and concise explanation of the fundamental concepts and includes numerous examples and exercises to reinforce learning. The book is suitable for undergraduate students in computer science and engineering, and it is widely used as a textbook for introductory courses in computer architecture. With its clear and concise writing style and comprehensive coverage, “Computer System Architecture” is an essential resource for anyone interested in computer architecture.
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8."Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" by Hennessy
“Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide to computer architecture. The book covers a wide range of topics, including instruction set architecture, pipelining, memory hierarchy, storage systems, and parallelism. It also explores emerging technologies like multicores, GPUs, and FPGAs. The book is divided into five parts, with each part addressing a specific aspect of computer architecture. The fifth edition of the book includes updated content on artificial intelligence and machine learning, making it a must-read for computer science students and professionals alike.
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9."Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" by John L Hennessy and David A Patterson
Book Review: This book explores the shift from software and hardware innovation to mobile clients and cloud computing. It examines the methods used to access software and technology in the cloud using cell phones, tablets, laptops, and other computing devices. Each chapter in the book is illustrated with two real-world examples, one mobile and the other datacenter-based, to demonstrate these changes. The book focuses on two critical topics: memory hierarchy and parallelism. The concepts of power, performance, cost, dependability, protection, and programming models are illustrated in detail in the book.
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10."Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors" by John Paul Shen and Mikko H Lipasti
Book Review: This book presents fundamental concepts in a clear, understandable framework that is highly useful for graduate and undergraduate students. The basic principles are used in the design of high-performance microprocessors for mobile, desktop, and server markets. The book systematically presents the basic theoretical concepts and principles to implement various issues. It also includes chapters on processor design, pipelined processors, I/O systems, and memory and superscalar organization and implementation. The book also covers advanced topics such as instruction flow techniques, advanced branch predictor development, and each chapter in the book ends with homework
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11."Computer Architecture: Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design" by M J Flynn
Book Review: This book is intended for graduate-level courses on computer architecture and organization. It covers the most advanced material that graduate students typically study before they begin the design process. The text avoids extensive descriptions of current features of processors or technologies, and instead emphasizes the concepts that underlie these designs. It abstracts the essential elements of processor design and emphasizes a design methodology, including design concepts, design target data, and evaluation tools, especially those using basic probability theory and simple queuing theory.
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12."Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability" by Kai Hwang
Book Review: This book covers advanced computer architecture and parallel programming techniques, and is suitable for use as a textbook in a one-semester graduate or senior course offered by Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Industrial Engineering programs. It also serves as a good reference book for the design of multi-core systems. The concepts of parallel processing and multistage Unix kernel are nicely demonstrated in the book.
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13."Computer Organization And Advanced Computer Architecture" by Koduru P
“Computer Organization and Advanced Computer Architecture” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive discussion of all fundamental topics related to computer organization and advanced computer architecture. It offers a rich coverage of both basic and advanced topics in detail. The numerous examples and illustrations provide a better understanding of advanced concepts such as superscalar processor architecture and pipelining. The book is suitable for students of BE, B.Tech, MCA, M.Sc, and B.Sc courses.
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14."A Distributed Real-Time Architecture For Advanced Vehicles" by Khaled Chaaban
“A Distributed Real-Time Architecture for Advanced Vehicles” Book Review: This book serves as a useful guide in the field of embedded real-time computer systems used in vehicles as emergent driving assistance systems. The work is supported by the European project (RoadSense) and aims to evaluate driving assistance systems (ADAS) for the next generation of vehicles. The book discusses three fundamental concepts: the development of a dynamic reconfigurable middleware called SCOOT-R, the development of end-to-end real-time scheduling strategies for scheduling SCOOT-R operations with the main goal of end-to-end QoS guarantee, and the development of feedback-based scheduling schemes to schedule driving assistance systems adapted to the current driving situation and driver behavior. This book is useful for anyone interested in this field.
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15."Advanced Customization in Architectural Design and Construction" by Roberto Naboni Ingrid Paoletti
“Advanced Customization in Architectural Design and Construction” Book Review: This book explores advances in architectural design and construction characterized by computational tools, advanced fabrication means, and custom-made high-performance architecture. The book addresses the rising importance of manufacturing techniques offered through digital methods, as well as a comprehensive discussion on advanced machinery and software integration, CNC machining, robotic fabrication, and additive manufacturing processes. The book highlights their ability to produce personalized architectural forms and unique construction components. It also describes cutting-edge case studies in digitally fabricated architectural realizations and presents a new model of 100% customized architecture for design and construction.
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16."Advanced Computer Architectures" by Sima
“Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design Space Approach” Book Review: This book covers various architecture classes, such as superscalar, shared, multithreaded, distributed memory MIMDs, associative and neural architectures. It examines the design spaces for each architecture class and traces the development of concepts and design issues. The authors have given examples of significant trends and practical ideas by examining which concepts and design choices were used in major processors. The book includes case studies that provide details of the micro-architecture of important processors, like the PentiumPro, PowerPC 604, PowerPC 620 and R10000, while making comparisons between them. It is an ideal resource for professionals and students taking advanced courses in computer architecture.
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17."Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing" by Abd-El-Barr EL-Rewini Mostafa
“Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive coverage of computer organization and architecture, focusing on practical solutions and real-world case studies to illustrate the interaction between hardware and software. It covers fundamental topics such as multiprocessors interconnection networks, performance analysis, shared memory and message passing architectures, abstract models, network computing, parallel programming, and scheduling. The book is an excellent learning guide for undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, as well as engineers and programmers.
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18."Advanced Router Architectures" by Kloth
“Advanced Router Architectures” Book Review: This book offers insight into the integration and operation of advanced router components, providing an overview of their functions and implementation. It explains the importance of traffic management, the role of traffic managers and their connection to the rest of the router, and the implications of their introduction or omission. The book also covers other router topics, such as QoS, policy enforcement, security processing, and the operation of different building blocks in unison to ensure efficient Internet performance.
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19."Computer System Architecture and Organization" by Usha M
“Computer Structure Architecture and Organization” Book Review: This book covers both hardware- and software-related topics, providing a thorough examination of computer architecture and internal organization. It discusses the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) to clarify particular design aspects. It covers arithmetic, logical operations, and algorithms for performing arithmetic, as well as addressing performance issues. This book will be highly beneficial to practicing design engineers and postgraduate students.
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20."Computer Organization and Architectures For Computer Science Engineering For Gate Exam" by I C E INSTITUTION
“Computer Organization and Architectures For Computer Science Engineering For Gate Exam” Book Review: This book is designed to help students preparing for the Gate exam. It explains the basics of computer organization and includes many examples and problems to help readers understand the concepts. The book covers essential topics such as ALU, data path, control unit, and instruction pipelining.
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4. High Performance Computer Architecture
1."Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" by John L Hennessy and David A Patterson
“Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach” Book Review: This book explores the shift from hardware and programming innovation to mobile clients and cloud computing. It delves into the methods of accessing software and technology in the cloud through various devices such as cell phones, laptops, and tablets. Each chapter of the book provides real-world examples of both mobile and datacenter contexts to demonstrate the changes. The book also focuses on the important topics of memory hierarchy and parallelism, while also illustrating concepts such as power, performance, cost, dependability, protection, and programming models.
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2."Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors" by John Paul Shen and Mikko H Lipasti
“Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors” Book Review: This book provides a clear and understandable framework of computer architecture concepts, which is useful for both undergraduate and graduate students. It covers the fundamental principles used in designing high-performance microprocessors for various markets. The book systematically presents theoretical concepts and principles to implement different issues. It covers processor design, pipelined processors, I/O systems, memory, and superscalar organization and implementation. The book also covers advanced topics like instruction flow techniques, advanced branch predictor development, and homework problems at the end of each chapter. This text is suitable for an advanced computer architecture course or a course in superscalar processor design and is also useful for professionals.
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3."Computer Architecture: Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design" by M J Flynn
“Computer Architecture: Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design” Book Review: This book is intended for a graduate-level course in computer architecture and organization. It covers advanced topics that graduate students typically study before diving into the design process. The book doesn’t focus too much on current features of processors or technologies, but instead emphasizes the concepts that underlie these designs. The essential elements of processor design are presented along with a design methodology that includes design concepts, target data, and evaluation tools. The book also covers basic probability theory and simple queuing theory as tools for evaluation.
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4."High Performance Networks: From Supercomputing to Cloud Computing" by Dennis Abts and John Kim
“High Performance Networks: From Supercomputing to Cloud Computing” Book Review: This book explores the design and engineering tradeoffs involved in datacenter networks, including interconnection networks from topology and network architecture to routing algorithms. It highlights emerging technology trends that influence router microarchitecture and provides an overview of conventional topologies and their routing algorithms. The book also discusses how technology, signaling rates, and cost-effective optics have led to the development of new network topologies that scale up to millions of hosts. Detailed case studies of two high-performance parallel computer systems and their networks are included.
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5."High Performance Embedded Architectures And Compilers" by Soft Cover and J Emer
“High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers” Book Review: The proceedings of the 5th International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers, HiPEAC 2010, are presented in this book. The 23 revised full papers and 2 invited keynote addresses cover important topics such as architectural support for concurrency, compilation and runtime systems, reconfigurable and customized architectures, multicore efficiency, reliability and power, memory organization and optimization, and programming and analysis of accelerators. The papers and keynote addresses are presented in a cohesive manner.
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6."High Performance Architecture and Grid Computing: International Conference" by Suman Nandi and Archana Mantri
“High Performance Architecture and Grid Computing” Book Review: This book contains the proceedings of HPAGC 2011, the International Conference on High Performance Architecture and Grid Computing, which was held in Chandigarh, India, in July 2011. Within the book, there are 87 revised full papers that focus on crucial topics such as information management, network security, grid and cloud computing, and high-performance architecture.
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7."A High Performance Architecture for PROLOG" by T P Dobry
“A High Performance Architecture for PROLOG” Book Review: The aim of this book is to demonstrate how a specialized architecture designed for Prolog can achieve a ten-fold performance improvement over general-purpose architecture. It is based on the abstract machine description created by David H.D. Warren, known as the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM). The book elaborates on the execution model of the WAM to provide a complete Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) for Prolog, which is referred to as PLM. This ISA is then implemented in both microarchitecture and hardware design.
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8."High-Performance Embedded Computing: Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Computing" by Marilyn Wolf
“High-Performance Embedded Computing: Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Computing” Book Review: The book provides comprehensive coverage of advanced research and practical guidance in various embedded computing topics such as real-time systems, low-power design, and computer architecture. It discusses CPU design, multiprocessor programs and architectures, operating systems, and elaborates on cyber-physical systems, including scheduling, design methodologies, and wide-area CPS. The addition of examples of newer systems highlights the possibilities of these systems. This book is useful for students as well as professionals who are interested in gaining in-depth knowledge of embedded computing.
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9."Low Latency, High Performance Data Stream Processing: Systems Architecture, Algorithms and Implementation" by Ali Salehi
“Low Latency, High Performance Data Stream Processing: Systems Architecture, Algorithms and Implementation” Book Review: In this book, the author presents the results of their research on an efficient data management system for processing streaming data both online and offline. The book provides a discussion of major existing data stream processing engines, their internal architecture, and how they compare to the Global Sensor Network (GSN) middleware. The author also includes a set of optimization algorithms and techniques to facilitate grouping and processing of various continuous queries. Furthermore, the book covers an efficient query scheduling component along with various techniques and algorithms for delivering streaming data at a high data rate, such as financial ticks, in a scalable manner.
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10."A Parallel Algorithm Synthesis Procedure for High-Performance Computer Architectures" by Dunn Ian N
“A Parallel Algorithm Synthesis Procedure for High-Performance Computer Architectures” Book Review: This book outlines a parallel algorithm synthesis procedure that enables the design of reusable building blocks of adaptable, scalable software modules for high-performance signal processing applications. The process is semi-systematic and introduces parameters to control the partitioning and scheduling of computation and communication. This book is beneficial for algorithm designers who need to develop efficient, portable parallel algorithms for challenging design environments.
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11."Raspberry Pi Computer Architecture Essentials" by Andrew K Dennis
“Raspberry Pi Computer Architecture Essentials” Book Review: This book delves into the diverse aspects of Raspberry Pi 2 hardware, covering multiple programming languages and applications. It provides the necessary information for configuring tools such as Assembler, C/C++, and Python. The book also covers the fundamentals of sound engineering that are helpful in creating a web server. Moreover, it provides guidance on integrating with third-party microcontrollers. It is a useful resource for anyone looking to develop a comprehensive understanding of Raspberry Pi 2 and its applications.
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5. Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
1."Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing" by Kai Hwang | |
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2."Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing" by Bharat Bhushan Agarwal and Sumit Prakash Tayal | |
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3."Parallel Computers - Architecture and Programming" by Rajaraman V
“Parallel Computers: Architecture and Programming” Book Review: This book is intended for final year undergraduate students in computer science and engineering as well as information technology, and it is also useful for professionals in the field. The updated edition includes the latest information on multicore processors and cloud computing, and it explains the use of MapReduce for processing. Starting with the fundamentals of parallelism, the book progresses to describe its role in enhancing computer performance, covering different types of parallelism. The book also features various exercises and examples.
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4."Advanced Computer Architecture for Parallel Processing (Mcgraw Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)" by Kai Hwang
“Advanced Computer Architecture for Parallel Processing (Mcgraw Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide to parallel processing architectures, suitable for advanced students and professionals. The book covers topics such as parallel processing models, parallel algorithm design, memory hierarchies, interconnection networks, and parallel programming. The chapters also explore advanced topics like distributed systems, cloud computing, and parallel database systems. The book provides a detailed overview of parallel processing concepts and techniques, making it an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the latest developments in computer architecture.
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5."The Java Ee Architect's Handbook: How to Be a Successful Application Architect for Java Ee Applications" by Derek C Ashmore
“The Java EE Architect’s Handbook, Second Edition: This book is an ideal handbook for those aspiring to become an application architect for Java EE applications. This comprehensive guide covers all the essential concepts involved in Java EE projects, along with practical tips on effectively communicating with management and project managers. The book is focused on enhancing skills and developing strategies to simplify application development while reducing costs. With its wealth of information, this book is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to excel as an application architect for Java EE applications.
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6."Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)" by David Culler Dr and Jaswinder Pal Singh
“Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design) 1st Edition” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide to parallel computing architecture, suitable for students and professionals in computer science and engineering. The book covers topics such as parallel programming models, performance analysis, memory systems, interconnection networks, and multiprocessors. The chapters also explore advanced topics like distributed systems, cloud computing, and GPU architectures. The book provides a detailed overview of parallel computing concepts and techniques, making it an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the latest developments in computer architecture. With its focus on a hardware/software approach, this book is an ideal choice for those interested in designing and implementing parallel computer systems.
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7."Hadoop Application Architectures: Designing Real-World Big Data Applications" by Mark Grover and Ted Malaska
“Hadoop Application Architectures: Designing Real-World Big Data Applications 1st Edition” Book Review: This book provides a step-by-step guide for architecting end-to-end data management solutions. It covers all architectural concerns required for creating a complete system and offers detailed examples highlighting the architecture used in Hadoop applications. The book is aimed at helping readers develop the skills necessary for designing, planning, or integrating Hadoop into data structures.
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8."Advanced Computer Architecture for Parallel Processing" by Kai Hwang | |
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9."Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things" by Kai Hwang Professor and Jack Dongarra
“Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things 1st Edition” Book Review: This book provides a comprehensive coverage of modern distributed computing technologies, ranging from the basics of creating and maintaining parallel, distributed, and cloud computing systems to their innovative applications. It includes topics such as management of distributed systems, peer-to-peer computing for social networking systems, and cloud operating applications with examples. Each chapter contains exercises and references for further reading. This book is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals in the field of distributed computing.
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10."Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing: Instructor's Manual" by Kai Hwang and Faye A Briggs | |
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