Bakery Products Questions and Answers – Cake Processing

This set of Bakery Products Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cake Processing”.

1. Which of the following is NOT a process included in cake processing?
a) Mixing
b) Baking
c) Cooling
d) Fermentation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fermentation is not a process included in cake processing. The cake processing includes ingredient mixing, depositing, baking, cooling etc. All of the cakes should be baked at a suitable temperature, consistent with the nature of the ingredients and the shape and size of the cakes. All the ingredients are mixed thoroughly and in correct proportion. Cooling is crucial in cake production in terms of the final texture and appearance of the products.

2. Creaming is a type of mixing in cake mixing process.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Creaming is a type of mixing in cake mixing process. It is also called sugar batter method. This method combines shortening with the granulated sugar along with some dry ingredients at slow or medium mixing speed until the components are thoroughly mixed and aerated followed by the incorporation of eggs as the creaming action is continued. Finally milk and flour is added.

3. An oven that is too hot causes poor crust color, large volume and weak crumb.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: All of the cakes should be baked at a suitable temperature, consistent with the nature of the ingredients and the shape and size of the cakes. An oven that is too hot causes high crust color, small volume, peaked tops, close or irregular crumb. An oven that is too cold causes poor crust color, large volume and weak crumb.

4. Which of the following mixing method involves addition of all ingredients and blending thoroughly to obtain homogeneous mixture with high speed mixing, medium speed and finally low speed?
a) Sugar batter method
b) Flour batter method
c) Single-stage method
d) Emulsion method
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Answer: d
Explanation: Single-stage method involves addition of all ingredients and blending thoroughly to obtain homogeneous mixture with high speed mixing, medium speed and finally low speed. Sugar batter method combines shortening with the granulated sugar along with some dry ingredients at slow or medium mixing speed until the components are thoroughly mixed and aerated followed by the incorporation of eggs as the creaming action is continued. Finally milk and flour is added. In the flour batter method, the shortening and flour are made fluffy one bowl and the eggs and sugar in another bowl. This is then combined followed by addition of milk.

5. Which of the following is NOT a function of mixing in cake processing?
a) To incorporate air into the mix
b) To form a homogenous mixture
c) To reduce the size of air bubbles
d) To remove air entrapped in the flour particles
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Answer: d
Explanation: Removal of air entrapped in the flour particles is done by sieving. Sieving is the process of flour through a mesh sieve of pre-determined size. Sieving also helps in removal of coarse particles from the flour. Other functions are performed by mixing process.

6. Which of the following classification of cakes involves cakes which contains shortenings?
a) Batter type
b) Meringue type
c) Sponge type
d) Chiffon type
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Answer: a
Explanation: Batter type cakes are the cakes which contains shortenings. Meringue type and sponge type comes under the category of foam type cakes. Foam type cakes are ones without shortenings. Chiffon type is a combination of batter type and foam type. In the process, Batter and foam part are mixed separately and then batter is folded into the foam.

7. Angel food cake is a type of foam style cake.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Angel food cake is a type of foam style cake. Angel cake makes use of egg white to entrap air. No chemical leavening agents are used for the processing of angel food cake. The leavening agents used are air and steam.

8. Which of the following is a function of sugar or sweeteners in cake processing?
a) Enhances the flavor of baked goods
b) Influences the texture of the product
c) Act as leavening agent
d) Provides sweetness to baked products
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Answer: d
Explanation: The sweeteners are the substances added to improve or enhance the sweetness and palatability of baked goods. Sucrose, aspartame and saccharin are some of the sweeteners commonly used in baked food products. Lipoid enhances flavor, influence texture and act as leavening agent.

9. Which of the following defect is caused due to insufficient tenderizing in cake processing?
a) Tough cake
b) Dark crust
c) Light crust
d) Sticky crust
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tough cake is the defect caused due to insufficient tenderizing in cake processing. Dark crust is formed when the oven is too hot and light crust is formed when the oven is too cool. Sticky crust is formed due to high sugar content and insufficient mixing during the cake processing.

10. Which of the following process is defined as beating two ingredients together?
a) Baking
b) Creaming
c) Sieving
d) Cooling
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Answer: b
Explanation: Creaming is defined as beating two ingredients together. The process of converting dough into baked form through input of energy is called baking. Sieving is done to remove entrapped air in the flour particles and coarse particles from the flour. Sieving is the process of flour through a mesh sieve of pre-determined size. Cooling is crucial in cake production in terms of the final texture and appearance of the products.

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