rwho Command in Linux with Examples

This tutorial explains Linux “rwho” command, options and its usage with examples.

rwho – who is logged in on local machines

Description :

The rwho command displays output similar to the output of the who command (it shows who is logged in) for all machines on the local network running the rwho daemon. Install the rwho command if you need to keep track of the users whoare logged in to your local network.

Note: Since this command displays a lot of output, use this command with caution if the local network has a large number of users. Status information is broadcast once every 3 minutes by each network host running the rwhod daemon. Any activity (such as a user logging on or off) that takes place between broadcasts is not reflected until the next broadcast.

Usage :


rwho [ -a ]


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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
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