This set of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) using C++ Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Inheritance”.
1. How many types of inheritance are possible in C++?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Explanation: There are five types of inheritance that are possible in C++. Single level, Multilevel, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid. Here we count hybrid also because it sometimes can bring up a new form of inheritance, Like inheritance using multiple and hierarchical, which sometimes results in diamond problem.
2. Which among the following is true?
a) Java supports all types of inheritance
b) Java supports multiple inheritance
c) Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance
d) Java doesn’t support inheritance
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Explanation: Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance. This is done to avoid the diamond problem that sometimes arises with inherited functions. Though, multiple inheritance can be implemented in java using interfaces.
3. Which type of inheritance is illustrated by the following code?
class student{ public: int marks; }; class topper: public student { public: char grade; }; class average{ public: int makrs_needed; }; class section: public average{ public: char name[10]; }; class overall: public average{ public: int students; };
a) Single level
b) Multilevel and single level
c) Hierarchical
d) Hierarchical and single level
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Explanation: It is hierarchical inheritance and single level inheritance. Since class topper is inheriting class student, it is single level inheritance. And then average is inherited by section and overall, so it is hierarchical inheritance. But both of them are separate. Hence it is not hybrid inheritance.
4. Which among the following best describes multiple inheritance?
a) Two classes being parent of any other classes
b) Three classes being parent of other classes
c) More than one class being parent of other child classes
d) More than one class being parent of single child
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Explanation: If a class inherits more than one class, it is known as multiple inheritance. This should not be referred with only two or three classes being inherited. But there must be one class which inherits more than one class to be called as multiple inheritance.
5. How many types of inheritance can be used at a time in a single program?
a) Any two types
b) Any three types
c) Any 4 types
d) Any type, any number of times
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Explanation: Any type of inheritance can be used in any program. There is no rule to use only few types of inheritance. Only thing that matters is how the classes are inherited and used.
6. Which type of inheritance results in the diamond problem?
a) Single level
b) Hybrid
c) Hierarchical
d) Multilevel
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Explanation: In diamond problem, hierarchical inheritance is used first, where two different classes inherit the same class and then in turn a 4th class inherits the two classes which had inherited the first class. Using more than one type of inheritance here, it is known as hybrid inheritance.
7. If 6 classes uses single level inheritance with pair classes (3 pairs), which inheritance will this be called?
a) Single
b) Multiple
c) Hierarchical
d) Multilevel
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Explanation: Here all the pairs are using single inheritance. And no different pairs are inheriting same classes. Hence it can’t be called hybrid or multilevel inheritance. You can say the single inheritance is used 3 times in that program.
8. Which among the following is correct for the following code?
class A { public : class B { public : B(int i): data(i) { } int data; } }; class C: public A { class D:public A::B{ }; };
a) Multi-level inheritance is used, with nested classes
b) Multiple inheritance is used, with nested classes
c) Single level inheritance is used, with enclosing classes
d) Single level inheritance is used, with both enclosing and nested classes
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Explanation: Class C is inheriting Class A. Class D is inheriting class B, both are nested. Hence it is single inheritance. For multiple inheritance, class C or D should have inherited both class A and class B.
9. Which among the following is false?
a) If one class inherits the inherited class in single level inheritance, it is multi-level inheritance
b) Hybrid inheritance always contains multiple inheritance
c) Hierarchical inheritance involves inheriting same class into more than one classes
d) Hybrid inheritance can involve any types of inheritance together
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Explanation: It is not necessary to have multiple inheritance in hybrid type. It can have any type together. This doesn’t have to be of specific type always.
10. If class A has two nested classes B and C. Class D has one nested class E, and have inherited class A. If E inherits B and C, then ________________
a) It shows multiple inheritance
b) It shows hierarchical inheritance
c) It shows multiple inheritance
d) Multiple inheritance among nested classes, and single level for enclosing classes
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Explanation: This involves the same concept of inheritance, where the nested classes also follow the inheritance rules. The Enclosing classes are having single inheritance. Nested classes involves multiple.
11. In hierarchical inheritance, all the classes involve some kind of inheritance.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: This is so because few classes might not be involved in any type of inheritance in whole program whereas other classes might be participating in more than one type of inheritance at the same time.
12. Which type of inheritance cannot involve private inheritance?
a) Single level
b) Multiple
c) Hybrid
d) All types can have private inheritance
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Explanation: This is a common type of inheritance where the protected and public members of parent class become private members in child class. There is no type which doesn’t support private inheritance.
13. How many classes can be inherited by a single class in multiple inheritance (C++)?
a) Only 2
b) Only 27
c) Only 1024
d) Any number of classes can be inherited
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Explanation: Any class can inherit any number of classes. There is no limit defined for the number of classes being inherited by a single class.
14. How many classes can be inherited by a single class in java?
a) Only 1
b) Only 27
c) Only 255
d) Only 1024
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Explanation: Since java doesn’t support multiple inheritance, it is not possible for a class to inherit more than 1 class in java. This is the same case in C# also.
15. If multi-level inheritance is used, First class B inherits class A, then C inherits B and so on. Till how many classes can this go on?
a) Only till class C
b) Only till class J
c) Only till class Z
d) There is no limit
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Explanation: In this case, there is no limit. All the classes going on like this will inherit the members of base class, and hence the upper level inheritance won’t affect the number of classes that can go on inheriting in this pattern.
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